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姓名 阮範陶(Pham Thao Nguyen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 英語商業管理碩士學位學程
論文名稱 Confucian principles, guanxi and joint action in a Confucian rooted seller and buyer dyad context
★ The Relationship between Team Identification, Perceived Congruence, and Sponsor Credibility on Sports Team Sponsor’s Brand Equity in a Cross-Country Context★ 行銷通路策略全球在地化的實例探討
★ 跨國間買家與賣家交換關係之「合夥行為」前置因素的研究★ The Use of Influence Strategies in Marketing Channel Relationships: A Meta-Analytic Review and Assessment of the Antecedents and Outcomes
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★ 虛擬社群與虛擬經驗、網路練達性、產品知識與產品資訊搜尋成本對消費者認知風險影響之研究—以電腦遊戲軟體為例★ 上游供應商網站經營模式對通路權力來源及通路氣候影響之研究
★ 影響不同產業間企業導入電子商務後經營績效之因素探討★ 外銷通路衝突管理之探討~以快速開發國家台灣為例~
★ 資訊品質、關係行銷、與安全性對電子商務績效之影響-以企業與顧客雙觀點比較之實證研究★ 通路流透過網際網路執行的探討--從消費者的角度觀之
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摘要(中) Abstract
This research investigates the effect of Confucian principles on joint action, through a mediating role of guanxi dynamics in a seller and buyer dyad. More specifically, the influence of core Confucian principles including ren (benevolence), yi (righteousness), li (propriety), zhi (wisdom), and xin (trustworthiness) on guanxi dynamics of mianzi (face), renqing (favor), ganqing (emotion), and xinren (trust) are examined. This research also explores the relationships among guanxi components, as well as the important effects of xinren and zhi on joint action. Partial least squares (PLS) is employed to analyze the survey data collected from Taiwanese firms. The results show that core Confucian principles significantly affect guanxi dynamics and joint action. Specifically, sellers’ yi and li influence buyers’ renqing and mianzi, respectively. Both sellers’ ren and xin affect buyers’ xinren. Sellers’ ren also influences buyers’ ganqing. Moreover, sellers’ zhi positively affects buyers’ joint action. In the domain of guanxi, the findings reveal that sellers’ mianzi affects their renqing which in turn influence their ganqing. Similarly, buyers’ ganqing toward sellers positively influences their xinren. Importantly, when the xinren of buyers with sellers is established, it will lead to a desirable joint action outcome. Based on the findings presented, theoretical and managerial implications are drawn
Key words: Marketing channels, Confucian principles, Guanxi, Joint action, China
摘要(英) 摘要
關鍵字: 行銷通路,五常,關係,合作關係,中國
關鍵字(中) ★ 行銷通路
★ 五常
★ 關係
★ 合作關係
★ 中國
關鍵字(英) ★ Marketing channels
★ Confucian principles
★ Guanxi
★ Joint action
★ China
論文目次 Table of Contents
1. Introduction ..................................................................................................1
2. Literature review and hypothesis development ........................................3
2.1 Ren and Xinren ........................................................................................4
2.2 Ren and Ganqing ......................................................................................5
2.3 Yi and Renqing ..........................................………………………………….6
2.4 Li and Mianzi ...........................................................................................7
2.5 Mianzi and Renqing .................................................................................8
2.6 Renqing and Ganqing ..............................................................................8
2.7 Ganqing and Xinren .................................................................................9
2.8 Xin and Xinren .......................................................................................10
2.9 Zhi and Ganqing….. ...............................................................................11
2.10 Xinren and Joint action ........................................................................12
3. Scale development…………………………................................................13
3.1 Item development and refinement …….................................................13
3.2 EFA results… ........................................................................................14
4. Research Methodology…..….. ....................................................................15
4.1 Data collection.................................................... ....................................15
4.2 Measurement................................................... ......................................16
5. Data analysis and results..............................................................................17
5.1 Scale accuracy analysis...........................................................................18
5.2 Hypothesis testing……………………...................................................20
6. Conclusion and Implication ........................................................................21
7. Limitation and future research ..................................................................22
8. References ....................................................................................................24
9. Index..............................................................................................................34
List of Tables
Table 1...........................................................................................................18
Table 2...........................................................................................................19
Table 3...........................................................................................................20
List of Figures
Figure 1..........................................................................................................3
Figure 2..........................................................................................................21
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指導教授 鄭明松(Julian Ming-Sung Cheng) 審核日期 2013-8-20
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