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姓名 查妲瑞(Daria Zakharova)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 英語商業管理碩士學位學程
(Donation Intention in Social Media Environment: An Application of Just World Theory)
★ The Relationship between Team Identification, Perceived Congruence, and Sponsor Credibility on Sports Team Sponsor’s Brand Equity in a Cross-Country Context★ 行銷通路策略全球在地化的實例探討
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★ 虛擬社群與虛擬經驗、網路練達性、產品知識與產品資訊搜尋成本對消費者認知風險影響之研究—以電腦遊戲軟體為例★ 上游供應商網站經營模式對通路權力來源及通路氣候影響之研究
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摘要(中) Previous research indicates that fund-raising typically is friend-raising. People who are more likely to participate in social and community networks create great opportunities to be asked by others to donate money and/or time for the less fortunate. This present study examines donation intention of Social Media users. Online socially involved individuals are predicted to have higher tendencies to help others. In addition, Lerner’s Just World theory was used to explain donor’s behavior to innocent victim’s suffering. The application of theoretical framework sheds a light on motivations and predictors of donor’s intention to help. Restorative Justice and Just World Coping, the components of just world theory, play a crucial role in explanation of those motives. The conceptual model was developed and survey of 400 respondents was conducted in Taipei city, Taiwan, to confirm these hypotheses. Theoretical and managerial implications are then presented.
摘要(英) 先前的研究指出募集資金通常是朋友間的募集,人們比較願意參與社會與社群網路活動付出金錢與時間為不幸者創造機會。本研究主要為調查社群網路使用者的捐獻意願,結果顯示 有參與社群網路的個體被預測有較高的意圖來幫助他人。此外,本研究使用Lerner的公平事件理論被用來解釋人們對無辜受害者的捐贈行為,此理論的架構說明捐贈意圖的動機和預測、公平世界理論組成之恢復正義與公平世界的對應及扮演影響這些動機的重要角色。此研究利用台灣台北市的400個受訪者來驗證假說,也對於理論與管理的意涵介紹說明。
關鍵字(中) ★ 捐贈意向
★ 世界正義理論
★ 社會參與
★ 社群網站
★ 恢復正義
★ 非營利組織
關鍵字(英) ★ Donation Intention
★ Just World Theory
★ Social Involvement
★ Social Media
★ Restorative Justice
★ Nonprofit organizations
論文目次 Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬------------------------------------------------------------------------1
Chapter 2: Literature Review and Hypotheses Development----------------------------6
2.1. The Just-Word Theory------------------------------------------------------------6
2.2. In-group identification and restorative justice---------------------------------7
2.3. Victim Deservingness of help and restorative justice------------------------9
2.4. Restorative justice and donation intention------------------------------------10
2.5. In-group Identification and Just World Coping------------------------------11
2.6. Victim deservingness of help and Just World Coping----------------------12
2.7. Just World Coping and Donation Intention-----------------------------------14
2.8. Moderating effect of “Social Involvement via Social Media”-------------15
Chapter 3: Research Methodology----------------------------------------------------------18
3.1. Study setting, sampling and data collection----------------------------------18
3.2. Measurements collection and questionnaire design-------------------------19
3.3. Common Method Bias----------------------------------------------------------20
Chapter 4: Data Analysis--------------------------------------------------------------------21
4.1. Sample characteristics-----------------------------------------------------------21
4.2. Data accuracy analysis----------------------------------------------------------22
4.3. Hypothesis testing: Direct hypothesized effects-----------------------------25
4.4. Hypothesis testing: Moderating effects of Social Involvement via Social Media-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------27
Chapter 5: Conclusion------------------------------------------------------------------------29
5.1. Research Implications-----------------------------------------------------------30
5.2. Future Research Directions-----------------------------------------------------31
Appendix: Measures of Variables----------------------------------------------------------40
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指導教授 鄭明松(Dr. Julian Ming-Sung Cheng) 審核日期 2013-8-27
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