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姓名 薩福安(Mohamed Safuan Bin Md Salikon)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 英語商業管理碩士學位學程
(The relationship between social media addiction and purchasing intention of ubiquitous system devices-its predicting roles and mediating roles)
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★ 虛擬社群與虛擬經驗、網路練達性、產品知識與產品資訊搜尋成本對消費者認知風險影響之研究—以電腦遊戲軟體為例★ 上游供應商網站經營模式對通路權力來源及通路氣候影響之研究
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摘要(中) 隨處可見的智慧型裝置儼然成為通訊行業的最新趨勢,然而,為了瞭解消費者購買意願,以及所謂社群媒體的普及,在這競爭尤為激烈的通訊行業市場內,研究社群媒體與消費者購買意願間的關係,顯得越發重要。本研究旨於探討內在與外在因素,對於個人對於社群媒體的沉迷。本研究的概念模型是以281名消費者的調查樣本為基礎所產生的結果,調查對象以大台北地區為主要目標群,首先,以內在因素對於社群媒體的成癮性出發,透過自我調解理論來檢視消費者對於智慧型裝置的購買意願。具體地指出肯定性的使用經驗、正面的情緒、抑鬱症、焦慮以及其他控制變相的影響等。其次,再以外在的角度探討,如感知能力和整體安裝基礎,並以提出的模型為理論支持,透過最小平方路徑分析法(PLS)來分析問卷數據。結果顯示,社群媒體的成癮程度對於消費者的購買意願有顯著性的影響。
摘要(英) The ubiquitous system devices industry has created a new trend in communication. However, in current highly competitive markets, in order to learn more about the current consumer purchasing intention environment in Taiwan’s ubiquitous system devices markets, also as more and more social Medias become available to the public. It is very important to research the relationship of social Medias and the consumer’s purchasing intention. This research aims to investigate the internal and external predictor which would cause an individual to get addicted to social Medias. A conceptual model has been developed based on a survey sample of 281 consumers. The survey results were obtained in the capital of Taiwan city of Taipei, Taiwan. First, we discuss about the internal effect of social Media’s addiction through the implication of self-regulation theory in the purchasing intention of ubiquitous system devices. More specifically, the influence of positive experience, positive emotionality, depression, anxiety and other control variables are examined. Then, we explores from the external perspective such as perceived capability and overall installed base. Partial least squares (PLS) are employed to analyze the survey data and it provides reasonable support for the validity of the proposed model.The results show that social media’s addiction significantly affects the purchasing intention of ubiquitous system devices.
關鍵字(中) ★ 智慧型裝置
★ 自我調節理論
★ 抑鬱
★ 焦慮
★ 社群媒體
★ 台灣
關鍵字(英) ★ ubiquitous system devices
★ self-regulation theory
★ depression
★ anxiety
★ social Medias
★ Taiwan
論文目次 Table of Contents
1.Introduction.............................................12. Literature review, Proposed Model, HypothesisDevelopment5
2.1 self-regulation theory.................................5
2.2 Hypothesis Development.................................6
2.2.1 Positive experience and social media addiction………....6
2.2.2 Perceived compatibility and Social Medias Addiction..7
2.2.3 Overall installed base, and Social Medias Addiction.…9
2.2.4 Social Medias Addiction and Anxiety………………...........10
2.2.5 Social Medias Addiction and Depression..............11
2.2.6 Anxiety and depression…………………………………………………………........12
2.2.7 Depression and Intention to Purchase ubiquitous system device……………….13
2.2.8 Control variables: Perceived ease of use, Judgment of product quality, and Trust………………………………………………………………………….…..15
3. Research Methodology...................................17
3.1 Scale operationalization….............................17
3.2 Data collection………………………………………………………………...............20
4: Data Analysis……………………………………………………………………...……...........22
4.1 Sample characteristics……………………………………………………………………......23
4.2 Data accuracy analysis……………………………………………………………………......24
4.3 Common method bias……………………………………………………………………….........27
4.4 Hypothesis testing: Direct hypothesis effects…………………..28
4.5 Hypothesis testing: Moderating effects of complementary goods availability………..29
5: Conclusion and implication …..………………………………………….........31
6: Limitation and Future Research.…………………………………………….......32
List of Tables
Figure 1: Research model………………………………………………..….............16
Figure 2: structural model results....…………………………………………....30
Table 1: Sample Demographic Characteristics…….…………….………….…23
Table 2: Measurement accuracy….…………………….…………………….........…24
Table 3: Proposed direct effect results……………………………………...……29
Table 4: Proposed moderating effect results………...………………………30
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指導教授 鄭明松(Julian Ming-Sung Cheng) 審核日期 2013-8-27
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