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姓名 連娟綾(Chuan-Ling Lien)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 朝向利他性的學習評量系統
(Moving Toward Altruistic:Learning Evaluation System)
★ 學習馬賽克-以教科書內容置入平板之合作式情境學習遊樂場★ 為使用知識而設計的電子書- 以參考手冊為模式的電子書設計
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★ 依學生偏好及學習狀態建構之學習輔助者與知識協尋系統★ 網路資訊與學習系統之中文全文探勘工具
★ 支援使用者觀點之線上分析系統★ 由網站行為歷程以貝式學習建立學習者模式之引導系統
★ 網路合作學習系統與小組互動觀察工具★ 依作品集評量方式並支援學習狀況分析與監控之網路學習系統
★ 網路學習歷程之知識探索:學習效能評鑑之工具★ 網路學習系統之手機端學習輔助系統
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摘要(中) 學習沒有唯一的途徑,透過觀摩他人作品可以達到檢討自己所學、學習別人的優點。同儕觀摩於教室中實施已行之有年,但在數位化教學的時代,不管是觀摩的成果或是執行的方式,都需改善得更方便、更貼近實際教材內容與所用工具。而現行教室內的評量仍使用傳統紙筆方式進行,內容制式無法評測學生是否真能在情境中靈活應用知識、死板制式化缺乏參考的價值,且其成果整理不便、只能單次施行無法再利用。且學生純粹以滿足師長期待而非提供讓他人學習的心態在製作學習成果、進行考試,未考慮到其實自身也是可以成為他人效仿的對象。
摘要(英) There is not only one way to learn, we can imitate other’s merit and review our work by inspecting and learning from each other’s work. Peer review is widely used for many years, however, not only the presentation but also the way to implement is needed to be improved to a more convenient and useful manner. Paper test is still used as the assessment in our education. Nevertheless, it cannot really examine whether the students apply what they have learned in the situation or not. Also, it is not easy to collect all the diverse learning achievements and is always not reusable.
This study proposed a peer review and assessment portfolio system, which is named as iGrow, to collect multidimensional learning achievements and make students learn from the others by observing other’s works. iGrow gives students chances to do self-reflection by keeping practicing and observing, and to make greater achievements through the peer review schema. The peer assessment schema in iGrow also makes students to foster their judgment by evaluating other’s work and the ability to give positive or negative suggestions.
Through our experiment, we found that students were willing to make greater works and did better because of the peer review and assessment schema. The learning motivation and attitude was significantly improved, and the learning outcomes were also improved. We also found that the students were changed from individualism to altruism on their behavior and attitude, because they did better jobs for other’s review and they learned more from the better jobs from the others. The teacher’s comment on the learning activity and the schema of iGrow system were positive, and thought that the iGrow system is helpful and profitable to every student.
關鍵字(中) ★ 利他性
★ 學習歷程
★ 同儕互評
★ 推薦
論文目次 中文摘要 i
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機 1
1-3 研究目標 2
1-4 論文架構 2
第二章 文獻探討 4
2-1 相關理論 4
2-1-1 利他主義(altruism) 4
2-2 相關研究 5
2-2-1 電子教科書 5
2-2-2 學習歷程(portfolio) 6
2-2-3 同儕互評 6
第三章 系統與教學設計 8
3-1 數位學習遊樂場 8
3-2 『考試fun輕鬆』多元化評測平台 9
3-3 『iGrow』學習歷程平台 9
3-4 教學設計 11
3-5 系統架構 14
3-6 系統實作 16
第四章 實驗與結果 22
4-1 實驗假設 22
4-2 實驗對象 22
4-3 實驗流程 23
4-4 實驗工具 30
4-4-1系統紀錄檔 30
4-4-2 問卷 31
4-4-2-1 同儕互評態度量表 31
4-4-2-2 學習態度量表 32
4-4-2-3 利他性態度問題 32
4-4-3半結構式訪談 32
4-5 實驗結果與討論 33
4-5-1同儕推薦實驗現場之觀察描述 33
4-5-2同儕推薦活動對同儕互評態度之影響 34
4-5-3同儕推薦活動對於學習態度的影響與探討 41
4-5-4同儕推薦活動對於學習成效的影響 47
4-5-5同儕推薦活動對於產生利他性態度的影響與探討 48
4-6 實驗意見與檢討 50
第五章 結論與未來研究 52
5-1 結論 52
5-2 未來研究與建議 53
參考文獻 54
附錄一、同儕互評態度量表 57
附錄二、同儕互評態度量表之單題分析結果 59
附錄三、學習態度量表 62
附錄四、學習態度量表之單題分析結果 64
附錄五、利他性問題 67
附錄六、訪談問題-學生版 68
附錄七、教師訪談之其餘內容 69
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指導教授 黃興燦、陳國棟
(Shing-Tsaan Huang、Gwo-Dong Chen)
審核日期 2013-8-15
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