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姓名 陳永哲(Yung-Che Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 「論點─理由─證據」模式之議論文閱讀素養學習系統
(A Tutoring System with “Claim-Reason-Evidence” Teaching Model to Foster Argumentation Reading Competence)
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摘要(中) 議論文是一種能夠訓練學生邏輯思考的文體,然而在台灣國中的國文課程中,議論文所佔的比例少之又少。學生缺乏議論文的學習機會,更是缺乏論證與高層次思考的能力,又因課程緊湊,讓教師沒有額外的時間進行議論文教學。隨著教學環境的改變,課程的準備也成為教學的困難點之一。本研究期望能夠解決這些問題,因此參考眾多議論文教學之研究,以「論點─理由─證據」之模式進行議論文教學,幫助學生在閱讀議論文時先掌握架構,並且以資訊技術建構一套議論文閱讀素養學習系統來支援此教學模式,透過系統不僅讓學生能夠在課餘時間進行學習活動,更增加學生學習議論文與培養論證與思考等素養之機會,此外,教師亦能在系統當中進行教材編輯的動作,讓製作教材與課程準備的負擔降低。
摘要(英) Argumentation is seem to foster the logical thinking. However, junior high school students in Taiwan get few chances to learn argumentation due to the lack of argumentation learning in Chinese courses, so do they lack the competency of argument and logical thinking. Also, teachers have no extra time to teach argumentation because they pay more attention on following the progress of the curriculum. On the other hand, the change of teaching environments makes the lesson preparation harder. In this study, we are trying to deal with these problems. Based on the previous researches, we proposed a “Claim-Reason-Evidence” teaching model to help students first seize the structure once they read an argumentation essay. We also constructed a tutoring system with ICT to tie in this model to make chances for students to learn argumentation and learn in extracurricular time. Furthermore, teachers could easily do the preparation of the lesson through this system.
From the view of the system development process, this is only a pilot study and thus we hope to obtain more and more suggestions to make this study better in the future. We based on the “Claim-Reason-Evidence” teaching model and the framework of the tutoring system to do the interviews and obtain the user experience. We interviewed six Chinese teachers teaching in junior high schools in Taiwan. At the same time, we investigated eighty-two 7th grade students about their opinions via questionnaires. Based on the teachers and the students’ comments, the “Claim-Reason-Evidence” teaching model is adequate to argumentation teaching and the tutoring system is also beneficial and useful to the students. Also, the tool we made for the lesson preparation is helpful. From the result of the interviews and questionnaires, all the opinions and comments were positive. However, the practical result should be verified through large-scale experiments.
關鍵字(中) ★ 議論文
★ 閱讀素養
★ 學習系統
★ 議論文教學
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 ix
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究問題 2
1-2-1 學生在議論文方面的訓練不足 2
1-2-2 教師沒有額外時間做議論文教學 2
1-2-3 教師準備課程不容易 3
1-3 研究目標 3
1-4 論文架構 4
二、文獻探討 5
2-1 議論文 5
2-2 議論文的共同要素 5
2-3 議論文閱讀訓練 7
2-4 議論文寫作訓練 9
2-5 圖形組織與議論圖 11
2-6 案例式推理 12
三、系統設計與實作 15
3-1 學生端系統描述 17
3-1-1 登入及選單 17
3-1-2 教學示範 18
3-1-3 閱讀引導 19
3-1-4 應用 24
3-1-5 我的歷程 25
3-2 教師端系統描述 26
3-2-1 文章上傳 26
3-2-2 文章編輯 28
3-2-3 學生歷程 33
3-3 系統架構 34
四、研究方法與結果 36
4-1 研究方法與問題 36
4-2 研究流程 37
4-3 結果 40
4-3-1 議論文教學背景 41
4-3-2 「論點─理由─證據」教學模式 43
4-3-3 「論點─理由─證據」閱讀支援系統 45
4-3-4 系統教材編製介面與功能 49
五、討論 52
5-1 議論文教學背景 52
5-2 「論點─理由─證據」教學模式 53
5-3 「論點─理由─證據」模式閱讀支援系統 54
5-4 系統教材編製介面與功能 56
六、結論與未來發展 58
參考文獻 61
附錄一:教師訪談問卷與內容 64
附錄二:學生問卷 66
附錄三:學生閱讀文章〈一〉 69
附錄四:學生閱讀文章〈二〉 70
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指導教授 陳國棟(Gwo-Dong Chen) 審核日期 2013-8-20
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