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姓名 貢以航(YI-HANG GONG)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 虛擬實境之肩關節活動度與肌力訓練及自我檢測系統的成效分析與研究
(The Research and Performance Analysis of a VR-based Mobility of Shoulder Joint and Muscle Strength Rehabilitation System and Assessment Instrument for Self-Measurement)
★ 虛擬實境搭配腦電、心電以及呼吸器設備在心肺同步呼吸訓練對心跳變異與腦波之訓練應用系統與資料分析★ 利用分層共現網絡評估發展遲緩兒童的精細運動
★ 太極大師:基於太極拳的注意力訓練遊戲, 使用動作辨識及平衡分析進行表現評估★ 比較XRSPACE MANOVA中手勢和控制器互動模式的用戶體驗
★ 基於舌頭力量和表面肌電圖的吞嚥智能評估系統★ 基於數據融合模型的機器學習 對甲基苯丙胺使用障礙的多生理訊號號分析
★ 在有干擾的虛擬教室環境下 大人小孩的行為表現與腦神經反應的異同★ 使用映射模型和跨資料集遷移式學習的輕量化居家衰弱症訓練系統
★ 心率生理回饋放鬆訓練對於海洛因使用疾患(HUD)生理資訊之影響分析★ 基於深度學習模型的3D心理旋轉對認知障礙的診斷與評估
★ 評估注意力偵測之穿戴式腦電電極放置有效性★ 基於骨架步態藉由機器學習進行臨床老化衰落分類
★ 用於注意力不足過動症診斷的可解釋多模態融合模型★ 基於VR的自閉症兒童多模態訓練系統的改進
★ 基於深度學習的虛擬現實腦震盪檢測與融合方法★ 設計透過立體互動的虛擬實境教學遊戲系統
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摘要(中) 冰凍肩是臨床上十分常見的一種肩部疾病,其症狀主要是病患的肩關節活動度受限與肩部疼痛。其復健的療程為時甚久,由於病患缺乏動機或是物理治療師人力不足等問題,患者經常無法持續完成整個療程,而對於復健的成效而言,除了病患主觀上疼痛的減少、功能的進步外,客觀上則需仰賴治療師的主動及被動關節活動度的施測,然而,治療師的施測是相當耗時的,且需有適當的空間才可進行施測。受惠於科技的進步,眾多新興科技讓許多已存在的問題延伸出新的解決方法,例如:虛擬實境技術、互動技術、遊戲引擎、無線感測器..等,現今已有許多研究將這些興新科技應用於醫療復健領域,進行新型復健系統的開發。
故本研究的目的為結合虛擬實境和無線感測器IMU等技術來研發“自我測量肩關節活動度評估儀”及“目標引導式冰凍肩復健系統”,“自我測量肩關節活動度評估儀”主要用來幫助病患測量肩關節活動度,患者按照螢幕上的指示和教學完成各種標準的肩關節動作,即可隨時評估肩關節的進步情況,以達到即時且自我評估復健成效之目的。“目標引導式冰凍肩復健系統” 主要用來訓練病患的肩關節活動度及肩膀肌力,並且透過設定目標的方式來維持病患持續復建的動機,也藉此激勵病患超越物理治療師所設定的目標,增加復健的效率。
摘要(英) Frozen shoulder is one type of shoulder disease that is commonly seen clinically, and its main symptom is the limit in the mobility of the shoulder joint of the patient and the shoulder pain. Since its therapeutic process of rehabilitation takes a long period of time, and due to some problem like patients lacked for motivation or don’t have enough physiotherapists, patients are often unable to continue to complete the entire course of treatment, For the rehabilitation effectiveness of frozen shoulder, in addition to patient’s subjective reduction in pain and progress in function, objectively, it has to rely on the test on active and passive mobility of joint implemented by the therapist, however, the implementation from the therapist is very time-consuming, and it takes an appropriate space too. Due to the progress in technology, many emerging technology have extend new solutions to solve many existing problems, like virtual reality technology、interactive technology、game engine、wireless sensor technology and so on. Today, there are lots of researches using these emerging technologies in association with medical rehabilitation and to develop new rehabilitation system.
Therefore, the objective of this research is to combine virtual reality technology and wireless sensor technology to develop “Assessment instrument for self-measurement of the mobility of shoulder joint” and “Target-lead frozen shoulder rehabilitation system”. “Assessment instrument for self-measurement of the mobility of shoulder joint” is mainly used to help patient to measure the mobility of the shoulder joint. Patient only has to follow the instruction and teaching on the screen to finish all kinds of standard shoulder joint actions, the progress in shoulder joint can then be evaluated at any time, eventually, the goal of real-time and self-assessment of the effectiveness of rehabilitation can be achieved. “Target-lead frozen shoulder rehabilitation system” is mainly used to train patient’s mobility of the shoulder joint and muscle strength of the shoulder, and maintaining the patient’s motivation for continuing rehabilitation by setting the targets. Also to motivate patients to beyond the target set by physical therapists and increase the efficiency of rehabilitation.
The final experiment result shows that this system can effectively and reliably measure the mobility of the shoulder joint and effectively enhance the effectiveness of the rehabilitation of frozen shoulder, and also successfully developed a new type of campaign indicators with evaluation capability. For this system, the users also have a high degree of technology acceptance and willing to continue to use the system for rehabilitation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 無線感測器IMU
★ 虛擬實境
★ 冰凍肩
關鍵字(英) ★ Wireless sensor IMU
★ Virtual reality
★ Frozen shoulder
論文目次 目錄 i
圖目錄 iii
表目錄 v
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 背景介紹 1
1-2 冰凍肩的治療 3
1-3 數位科技的進步 4
1-4 研究目標 5
1-5 研究大綱 6
1-6 論文架構 8
第二章 文獻探討 9
2-1 IMU感測器於醫療復健之應用 9
2-2 虛擬實境於醫療復健之應用 11
第三章 研究方法:系統設計 13
3-1 系統架構 13
3-2 無線感測器IMU 15
3-2-1 Xbee無線傳輸模組 16
3-2-2 9 Degrees of Freedom - Razor IMU 18
3-3 自我測量肩關節活動度評估儀 21
3-4 目標引導式冰凍肩復健系統 27
3-4-1 肩部運動 30
3-4-2 核心肌群 34
第四章 研究方法:實驗設計 38
4-1 收案對象及收案標準 38
4-2 實驗流程及方法 39
4-3 評估及分析方法 45
4-3-1 肩關節活動度評估儀之準確度分析 45
4-3-2目標引導式冰凍肩復健系統之復健成效分析 45
4-4 科技接受度問卷 52
第五章 結果與討論 53
5-1 肩關節活動度測量結果之準確度分析 53
5-2 肩關節活動度及肩膀肌力復健成效分析 55
5-2-1 復健表現 56
5-2-2 運動分析 60
5-2-3 臨床評估分析 68
5-3 關聯度分析 74
5-4 復健表現對臨床評估結果之預測分析 79
5-5 問卷分析 80
第六章 結論 82
第七章 參考文獻 84
第八章 附錄 87
附錄一 Constant-Murley score(CMS)量表 87
附錄二 科技感受度問卷 88
附錄三 目標引導式冰凍肩復健系統的實驗組回條 90
附錄四 目標引導式冰凍肩復健系統的居家組回條 91
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指導教授 葉士青(Shih-Ching Yeh) 審核日期 2013-8-27
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