博碩士論文 100323037 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳毅灃(Yi-feng Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 錳、鋅與均質化處理對Al-4.6Mg鑄造合金機械及腐蝕性質之影響
(Effect of Mn, Zn additions and homogenization treatment on the mechanical and corrosion properties of Al-4.6Mg casting alloys)
★ 非破壞性探討安定化熱處理對Al-7Mg鍛造合金微結構、機械與腐蝕性質之影響★ 非破壞性探討安定化熱處理對Al-10Mg鍛造合金微結構、機械與腐蝕性質之影響
★ 冷加工與熱處理對AA7055鍛造型鋁合金微結構與機械性質的影響★ 冷抽量對AA7055(Al-Zn-Mg-Cu)-T6態合金腐蝕性質和微結構之影響
★ 熱力微照射製作絕緣層矽晶材料之研究★ 分流擠型和微量Sc對Al-5.6Mg-0.7Mn合金微結構及熱加工性之影響
★ 銀對於鎂鎳儲氫合金吸放氫及電化學性質之研究★ 氧化物催化劑對亞共晶Mg-Ni合金之儲放氫特性研究
★ 熱處理對7050鋁合金應力腐蝕與含鈧鋁薄膜特性之影響研究★ Ti-V-Cr與Mg-Co基BCC儲氫合金性質研究
★ 鋰-鋁基及鋰-氮基複合儲氫材料之製程開發及研究★ 銅、鎂含量與熱處理對Al-14.5Si-Cu-Mg合金拉伸、熱穩定與磨耗性質之影響
★ 恆溫蒸發熔煉鑄造製程合成鎂基介金屬化合物及其氫化特性之研究★ 無電鍍鎳多壁奈米碳管對Mg-23.5wt.%Ni共晶合金儲放氫特性之影響
★ 微量Sc對A356鑄造鋁合金機械性質之影響★ 熱處理對車用鋁合金材料熱穩定性與表面性質之影響
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摘要(中) 本研究藉由微結構分析,探討錳、鋅與均質化處理對Al-4.6Mg鑄造合金機械及腐蝕性質之影響。
摘要(英) The study analyzes microstructure of Mn, Zn and homogenization treatment on Al-4.6Mg casting alloy mechanical and corrosive properties.
The results show that both Mn and Zn elements come with solid solution strengthening effects. On the other hand, alloy added with Mn offers refinement and can fully precipitates fine MnAl4 phase under homogenization temperature (480℃), which there by exhibiting refinement and dispersion strengthening effect under room temperature. In particular, the alloy having undergone homogenization quenching will have more magnesium atoms of solid solution in the aluminum base than alloy undergone furnace cooling, resulting in higher solid solution strength for quenching alloy than furnace-cooling alloy. Nonetheless, the alloy, regardless of quenching or furnace-cooling after homogenous treatment, will have similar content of Mn atoms for solid solution in the alloy base without causing difference between the solid solution strength. Although alloy containing Zn will precipitates η phase (MgZn2) during the furnace-cooling process, the main impact comes from the precipitation of β phase (Mg2Al3) using different cooling method after homogenous treatment, which hence leads primarily to the consumption of magnesium atoms in the solid solution.
Having undergone the sensitization treatment (200℃X3days), the quenching state for alloy after homogenization treatment will have higher magnesium saturation than furnace cooling state, while consecutive, delicate and fine β phase (Mg2Al3) will be precipitated on the grain boundary at early sensitization period (Day 1). However β phase (Mg2Al3) will become coarse and discontinued on the 3rd day of sensitization. When alloy contains Zn at the same time, although β phase (Mg2Al3) will become coarse and discontinued after 3 days of sensitization, it will combine with η phase (MgZn2) and forms consecutive state on the grain boundary. In particular, when the alloy contains Mn and Zn elements concurrently, the Mn elements will lead to grain effect, providing more nuclear position for β phase (Mg2Al3) and η phase (MgZn2), causing alloy to suffer from the most serious damage of intergranular corrosion.
Although the homogenization furnace-cooling process could lower alloy strengthen, the β phase (Mg2Al3) and η phase (MgZn2) precipitated by some Mg and Zn atoms during the furnace cooling process, the follow-up sensitization treatment will cause β phase and η phase to become coarse. Nonetheless, the further gap between the two causes discontinued precipitation phase to improve the relative damage of η to alloy corrosion while its anti-corrosion capacity is still worse than alloy without containing Zn.
關鍵字(中) ★ 鋁鎂合金
★ 沿晶腐蝕
★ β相(Mg2Al3)
★ η相(MgZn2)
關鍵字(英) ★ Al-Mg alloy
★ Intergranular corrosion
★ β-Phase(Mg2Al3)
★ η-Phase (MgZn2)
論文目次 總目錄
一、研究背景與文獻回顧..................................... 1
1.1合金簡介與研究背景......................................................................... 1
1.2 添加金屬元素對鋁合金之影響......................................................... 3
1.2.1 鎂對鋁合金的影響........................................................................ 3
1.2.2 錳對鋁合金的影響........................................................................ 5
1.2.3 鋅對鋁合金的影響........................................................................ 7
1.2.4 鋯對鋁合金的影響........................................................................ 9
1.2.5 其他元素對鋁合金的影響............................................................ 9
1.3 均質化處理對鋁鎂合金的影響....................................................... 10
1.4 鋁鎂合金及鋁鋅鎂合金之腐蝕簡介............................................... 12
1.4.1 鋁鎂合金之腐蝕機制.................................................................. 12
1.4.2 鋁鋅鎂合金之腐蝕機制.............................................................. 12
1.5 影響鋁鎂合金腐蝕性質之因素......................................................... 13
1.5.1 敏化溫度與時間對腐蝕性質之影響.......................................... 13
1.5.2 鎂含量對腐蝕性質之影響…...................................................... 15
1.5.3 介金屬化合物對腐蝕性質之影響.............................................. 16
1.6 熱處理對鋁鋅鎂合金腐蝕性質的影響............................................. 18
1.6.1 固溶處理後不同冷卻影響…...................................................... 18
1.6.2 不同時效處理的影響………...................................................... 19
.1.7 實驗設計與目的…….…………………………………………...... 20
2.1 合金融配及成份分析....................................................................... 21
2.2均質化處理................................................................... 23
2.3 敏化處理...................................................................... 23
2.4 微結構分析……………………………………………….……... 23
2.4.1光學顯微鏡(Optical Microscopy)….……...……………… 23
2.4.2 掃描式電子顯微鏡(Scanning Electron Microscopy)………. 24
2.4.3 穿透式電子顯微鏡(Transmission Electron Microscopy)…….... 26
2.4.4 導電度量測(Electrical Conductivity, %IACS)…………..…… 26
2.5 機械性質分析…………………………………..……………… 26
2.5.1 硬度檢測(Hardness, HRF)…………………...…………… 26
2.5.2 拉伸試驗(Tensile Test)…………………………………… 27
2.6沿晶腐蝕性質分析…………..…………………………………….. 27
3.1 微結構分析………………………………………………...…… 29
3.1.1 鑄態微結構……………………..………………...…..…… 29
3.1.2 均質化微結構………………….…….……………...……… 34
3.1.3敏化處理微結構………………………….…...…...……… 41
3.1.4導電度量測………………………..…...……..………….… 50
3.2 機械性質分析…………………………………………….………... 53
3.2.1 硬度檢測………………………..…….…………………… 53
3.2.2 拉伸試驗……..……..………...……………………………… 57
3.3 腐蝕性質分析……………………….…..………………………… 60
四、結論............................................ 67
五、參考文獻............................................. 68

圖1.1 鋁鎂合金之二元相圖…………………………...………. 4
圖1.2 添加鎂對退火純鋁板機械性質的影響..……..……….… 4
圖1.3 不同錳含量對鋁鎂合金(退火態)機械性質之影響……..響…………. 6
圖1.4 TEM微結構觀察MnAl6散佈於晶粒及晶界上...……… 6
圖1.5 不同鋅含量添加在純鋁經135℃時效之拉伸性質(a)固溶處理不同冷卻方式(b)添加其它元素(鎂、銅)溶處理不同冷卻方式(b)添加其它元素(鎂、銅)卻………………………………………………..
溶處理不同冷卻方式(b)添加其它元素(鎂、銅)…….…. 8
圖1.6 鋁鎂合金添加不同鋅含量經腐蝕試驗後之表面形貌….
    變圖.....構…………………….. 8
圖1.7 含鋅之鋁鎂合金藉由TEM觀察微結構........................... 9
圖1.8 鋁鎂合金鑄態及不同均質化處理後之電阻值…………. 11
圖1.9 鋁鎂合金經不同均質化處理之TEM微結構觀察………
效硬化曲線 11
圖1.10 AA5083-H116經不同溫度、時間之敏化處理腐蝕性質….質.……………… 14
圖1.11 AA5083-H131經100℃不同敏化時間之極化曲線........ 14
圖1.12 不同鎂含量之鋁鎂合金經182 ℃加熱100小時敏化處理….
理………………………………………………………….. 16
圖1.13 鋁鎂合金以及其它元素、介金屬化合物之還原電位…… 17
圖1.14 7075鋁鋅鎂合金經固溶處理(不同冷卻方式)後續時效之TEM微結構觀察工............................................
之TEM微結構觀察………………………………….…. 18
圖1.15 7178鋁鋅鎂合金之TEM微結構觀察…………………… 19
圖2.1 實驗流程………………………………………………….
工............................................ 22
圖2.2 試片取樣位置……………………………………………. 25
圖2.3 G67試片腐蝕形貌觀察取樣位置………………………. 25
圖2.4 ASTM cB557M 標準拉伸試棒規格…………………….
工............................................ 27
圖2.5 G67試片尺寸圖…………………………………………
…………………………………. 28
圖3.1 Al-4.6Mg鑄造合金鑄態之顯微結構..…..…..…….……. 30
圖3.2 Al-4.6Mg鑄造合金鑄態之β相析出型態……………….
工............................................ 32
圖3.3 D (0.8Mn+0.7Zn)合金鑄態之TEM觀察………………. 33
圖3.4 Al-4.6Mg鑄造合金經均質化後(水淬)之顯微結構……. 34
圖3.5 Al-4.6Mg鑄造合金經均質化後(爐冷)之顯微結構…….
工............................................ 35
圖3.6 Al-4.6Mg鑄造合金經均質化後(水淬)之β相析出型態... 37
圖3.7 Al-4.6Mg鑄造合金經均質化後(爐冷)之β相析出型態... 38
圖3.8 D (0.8Mn+0.7Zn)合金經均質化後(水淬)TEM觀察…….
工............................................ 39
圖3.9 D (0.8Mn+0.7Zn)合金經均質化後(爐冷)TEM觀察……. 40
圖3.10 Al-4.6Mg鑄造合金經均質化後(水淬)進行敏化處理之β相析出型態.
β相析出型態…………………………………………… 42
圖3.11 Al-4.6Mg鑄造合金經均質化後(水淬)進行敏化處理以SEM觀察β相析出型態工............................................
SEM觀察β相析出型態………………………………… 43
圖3.12 Al-4.6Mg鑄造合金經均質化後(爐冷)進行敏化處理之β相析出型態
β相析出型態……………………………………………. 44
圖3.13 Al-4.6Mg鑄造合金經均質化後(爐冷)進行敏化處理以SEM觀察β相析出型態.
SEM觀察β相析出型態………………………………… 45
圖3.14 D (0.8Mn+0.7Zn)合金經均質化後(水淬)進行不同時間的敏化處理以TEM觀察工............................................
的敏化處理以TEM觀察……………………………….. 47
圖3.15 D (0.8Mn+0.7Zn)合金經均質化後(爐冷)進行3天的敏化處理以TEM觀察
化處理以TEM觀察……………………………………... 47
圖3.16 Al-4.6Mg鑄造合金經不同均質化後敏化處理之G67重量損失測試
量損失測試……………………………………………… 62
圖3.17 Al-4.6Mg鑄造合金經均質化後(水淬)透過敏化處理之G67腐蝕試驗以SEM觀察腐蝕表面工............................................
G67腐蝕試驗以SEM觀察腐蝕表面………………….. 63
圖3.18 Al-4.6Mg鑄造合金經均質化後(爐冷)透過敏化處理之G67腐蝕試驗以SEM觀察腐蝕表面工............................................
G67腐蝕試驗以SEM觀察腐蝕表面………………….. 64

圖3.19 Al-4.6Mg鑄造合金經均質化(水淬)後透過敏化處理之G67腐蝕試驗以OM觀察橫截面
圖3.20 Al-4.6Mg鑄造合金經均質化(爐冷)後透過敏化處理之G67腐蝕試驗以OM觀察橫截面

表1.1 不同成份之鋁鎂合金經層剝腐蝕試驗結果…………...... 8
表2.1 Al-4.6Mg鑄造合金成份分析表…………......................... 21
表3.1 Al-4.6Mg鑄造合金在鑄態及不同均質化處理後之晶粒大小….質…………........................................
大小..................................................................................... 29
表3.2 Al-4.6Mg鑄造合金於不同狀態之導電度量測(%IACS).. (%IACS)
表3.3 Al-4.6Mg鑄造合金於不同狀態所含微結構之權重定性分析質…………........................................
分析..……..………….. ..……..……..……..…………….. 55
表3.4 Al-4.6Mg鑄造合金於不同狀態之硬度檢測…………… (HRF)…..….質…………........................................ 56
表3.5 Al-4.6Mg鑄造合金於不同狀態之拉伸性質……………
…...…..….質…………........................................ 58
表3.6 Al-4.6Mg鑄造合金敏化處理前後ASTM G67 重量損失測試(mg/cm2)
測試(mg/cm2) …..……………………....…………....……
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指導教授 李勝隆(Sheng-Long Lee) 審核日期 2013-8-14
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