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姓名 林庭瑄(Ting-Syuan Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 生命科學系
論文名稱 綠茶表沒食子酸酯型唲茶素酸酯抑制第一型内皮素作用於脂肪細胞上攝入葡萄糖的訊息機制
(Signaling mechanism of green tea (-)-epigallocatechin gallate inhibits the effects of endothelin-1 on 3T3-L1 adipocyte glucose uptake.)
★ 中華鱉腦垂體甘丙氨激素之研究:cDNA選殖、表現及調控★ 辛基苯酚對3T3-L1脂肪細胞中resistin的調節作用
★ 綠茶表沒食子酸酯型唲茶素酸酯對胰島素刺激前脂肪細胞增生的抑制★ FoxO1 調節抗胰島素激素基因的表現
★ 綠茶表沒食子唲茶素沒食子酸酯受器對於人類乳癌細胞株MCF7生長的影響★ 綠茶表兒茶素藉由microRNA-494路徑改善橫向主動脈繃紮術誘導型小鼠的心臟疾病
★ 內皮素誘導前脂肪細胞生長的訊息路徑★ 綠茶對前脂肪細胞生長的影響
★ 綠茶唲茶素對由第一型類胰島素所調節前脂肪細胞生長的影響★ 綠茶唲茶素對於前脂肪細胞分化的影響
★ Cdk2在綠茶唲茶素調節3T3-L1前脂肪細胞的生長和細胞凋亡扮演著必要性的角色★ 綠茶唲茶素透過MAPK相關途徑抑制3T3-L1前脂肪細胞的生長
★ 第一型類胰島素生長因子、綠茶唲茶素及雌性素對3T3-L1脂肪細胞中resistin的基因表達有不同的調節效果★ 綠茶唲茶素對前脂肪細胞內活性氧及榖胱甘肽的影響
★ 胰島素接受器受質在綠茶唲茶素對胰島素刺激前脂肪細胞生長作用中扮演的角色★ 賜諾殺穩定性及東方果實蠅費洛蒙之研究
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摘要(中) 本研究探討綠茶唲茶素中表沒食子酸酯型唲茶素酸酯(簡寫為EGCG)調控第一型內皮素(簡寫為ET-1 )在短時間(0.5小時)、中長時間(2小時)、長時間(6小時)刺激脂肪細胞攝入葡萄糖的訊息機制。利用3T3-L1脂肪細胞,實驗中發現,在ET-1處理0.5小時和2小時的環境下,預先處理PI3K的抑制劑LY294002及wortmannin時,EGCG無法抑制由ET-1所誘導的葡萄糖攝取作用,然而在前處理ERK/MAPK的抑制劑PD98059及U0126的組別中則無此效應,因此推測EGCG會使ET-1在短時間處理時所減弱葡萄糖攝取的作用與PI3K/AKT此訊息路徑相關。另一方面也發現,當脂肪細胞在已有JAK2的抑制劑AG490(50 µM )的環境下,ET-1處理0.5小時、2小時的組別中會發現葡萄糖攝取有增加的趨勢,因此可推論EGCG的作用會與JAK2/STAT-3訊息相關。在脂肪細胞裡鑑定到一個EGCG接受子[已知為67-kDa laminin接受子 (67LR)]。在本研究中,預先處理67 LR 抗體時無論是在處理0.5、2、6小時ET-1的環境下,皆呈現EGCG無法抑制ET-1促進葡萄糖攝取的現象,因此推論EGCG會透過67LR來抑制由ET-1所誘導的葡萄糖攝取。另外本實驗中發現在ET-1處理0.5小時的環境下,預先處理抗氧化劑NAC時脂肪細胞本身及由ET-1所誘導的葡萄糖攝取的能力皆有增加的趨勢,因而推測NAC在短時間影響脂肪細胞本身及ET-1所促進的葡萄糖攝取作用與ROS的生成相關。而在預先處理AMPK抑制劑compound C的組別中,無論是在處理0.5、2、6小時ET-1的環境下,皆呈現EGCG無法抑制ET-1促進葡萄糖攝取的現象,因此推論EGCG會透過AMPK來抑制由ET-1所誘導的葡萄糖攝取現象。而當ET-1處理2小時和6小時,EGCG會藉由AMPK的路徑去減弱ET-1所促使的GLUT-1蛋白表現,進而減少葡萄糖攝取的作用。
摘要(英) This study investigated the possible mechanism involved in EGCG modulation of ET-1-stimulated glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. We found that pretreatment with the PI3K inhibitors, such as LY294002 and wortmannin, inhibited EGCG-induced decreases on the acutely ET-1 stimulated glucose uptake in adipocytes. However, none of the ERK/MAPK inhibitors, such as PD98059 and U0126, significantly blocked the anti-ET-1 effects of EGCG on adipocyte glucose uptake. These data suggest that PI3K activation is necessary for the effects of EGCG on the acutely ET-1-stimulated glucose uptake in adipocytes. Interestingly, we observed that pretreatment with the JAK2/STAT3 inhibitors, such as AG490(50 µM ), increased the basal glucose uptake and the ET-1-dependent glucose uptake, suggesting the JAK2/STAT3-dependent effect of EGCG. The EGCG receptor [also known as the 67-kDa laminin receptor (67LR)] was identified in fat cells. Pretreatment of adipocytes with 67LR antibody, but not normal rabbit immunoglobulin, prevented the effects of EGCG on ET-1-induced glucose uptake in adipocytes. These data suggest that EGCG exerts its anti-ET-1 actions on adipocyte glucose uptake via the 67LR. However, NAC(an antioxidant) acutely increased the basal glucose uptake and ET-1 stimulated glucose uptake, indicating that NAC possibly affected glucose uptake by suppressing not only the ET-1-dependent ROS production but also the ET-1-independent ROS production. Pretreatment with the AMPK inhibitor, such as compound C, blocked the anti-ET-1 effects of EGCG on adipocyte glucose uptake, and prevented the effects of EGCG on the chronically ET-1-stimulated GLUT-1 protein expression. This suggests that EGCG inhibits the chronically ET-1 action on adipocyte glucose uptake through the activation of AMPK pathway that results in alterations of GLUT-1 protein expression. Results of this study may help understand the mechanism of how green tea EGCG modulates hormone-mediated obesity.
關鍵字(中) ★ 綠茶表沒食子酸酯型唲茶素酸酯
★ 第一型内皮素
★ 葡萄糖攝取
★ 葡萄糖運送蛋白
★ 訊息機制
關鍵字(英) ★ EGCG
★ ET-1
★ glucose uptake
★ glucose transporter
★ signaling mechanism
論文目次 英文摘要....................................................i
3.1 唲茶素中EGCG抑制第一型內皮素所誘導的葡萄糖攝取此效不受MAPK的抑制物所影響.....................................................16
3.2 唲茶素中EGCG抑制第一型內皮素所誘導的葡萄糖攝取此效應會被PI3K的抑制物所抑制...................................................16
3.3 唲茶素中EGCG抑制第一型內皮素所誘導的葡萄糖攝取此效應會受高濃度的JAK2抑制物所調控............................................17
3.4 唲茶素中EGCG會藉由67LR抑制第一型內皮素所誘導的葡萄糖攝取.......17
3.5 NAC會影響唲茶素中EGCG和第一型內皮素對於3T3-L1脂肪細胞葡萄糖攝取的調節.....................................................18
3.6 唲茶素中EGCG會藉由AMPK抑制第一型內皮素所誘導的葡萄糖攝取.......18
3.7 唲茶素抑制第一型內皮素所誘導的GLUT-1蛋白增加此效應會被compound C所調控,而GLUT-4蛋白則不受影響................................19
4.1 唲茶素中EGCG抑制第一型內皮素所誘導的葡萄糖攝取此效應不受MAPK的抑制物所影響...................................................21
4.2 唲茶素中EGCG抑制第一型內皮素所誘導的葡萄糖攝取此效應會被PI3K的抑制物所抑制...................................................22
4.3 唲茶素中EGCG抑制第一型內皮素所誘導的葡萄糖攝取此效應會受高濃度的JAK2抑制物所調.............................................23
4.4 唲茶素中EGCG會藉由67LR抑制由第一型內皮素所誘導的葡萄糖攝取.....23
4.5 NAC會影響唲茶素中EGCG 和第一型內皮素對於3T3-L1脂肪細胞葡萄糖攝取的調節.....................................................24
4.6 唲茶素中EGCG會藉由AMPK抑制第一型內皮素所誘導的葡萄糖攝取.......24
4.7 唲茶素抑制第一型內皮素所誘導的GLUT-1蛋白增加此效應會被compound C所調控,而GLUT-4蛋白則不受影響................................25
4.8 唲茶素抑制第一型內皮素、第一型類胰島素分子及第二型類胰島素分子所誘導的葡萄糖攝取皆呈現唲茶素專一效應................................25
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指導教授 高永旭(Yung-Hsi Kao) 審核日期 2013-10-29
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