摘要(英) |
Over the past 10 years , the IC Design industry in Taiwan was quickly blooming because of the growth of consumer products .According to the MIC’s research , the total production value has became USD14.5 Billion in 2012 which is 7% YOY(Year-On-Year growth rate) than the year of 2011(USD 13.5 Billion).In order to keep their own market position, the market strategy are to develop the new market and to protetct their own market to avoid the attack from the new market player. The best way to protect their own profit is to use the advanced technology to build the high entry barriers, and to increase the market to enjoy the monopoly profit and increase the company’s market value. The objective of this study is to use the different variables ,like RD expense, Stock of RD expense , weight average patents(WAP) ,market share , and other variables to study the determinants can increase the company’s market value and how is the impact of this variable..
The empirical results show the RD expenses and RD stock have the positive influence on the market value and the RD expense which measured by stock point of view also have positive influence on the market value.But the variable WAP(weight average patents) has negative influence on the market value. Other variables , growth and profit rate, also have positive influence with the 1% of significant level,but market share have different results under the different model . |
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取自:www.nspark.org.tw/webfiles/files/Analysis_20120316_1(1).pdf |