博碩士論文 100125009 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChen-Yeh Tengen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究想要處理兩個問題:即清代臺灣移墾社會中,汀州移民如何在社會中尋找到自身的生存空間;以及汀州移民作為移墾社會中的弱勢族群,為了生存改易其族群認同與方言,並逐漸淡忘汀州身分。本研究透過史料以及口述訪問建構了汀州移民陳留堂謝姓族人從清代來臺到戰後的活動,其中包含了三個子題:空間上的遷徙─從臺中到苗栗;地方社會的參與─從自身唐山祖嘗到其他族群的組織;族群的分合─臺中與苗栗族人的分割,以及各自融入新的群體。經由處理對象家族的遷徙、定居並發展的過程,嘗試解答移民如何為自身尋找生存空間,並融入地方社會「安身立命」。 而透過研究對象家族的發展過程,本研究的第二個問題:汀州移民作為弱勢族群,是否如同前人的研究,「隱沒」其方言與祖籍認同,轉向與當地優占族群的認同一致?就本研究對象陳留堂謝姓族人的例子來看並非如此。他們來臺初期透過唐山祖來凝聚族人,並共同投資土地,發展家族。其後,在經歷遷徙和械鬥,族人分為臺中與苗栗地區兩支,臺中地區的族人投入於道光年間擴展為汀州會館的彰化定光佛廟組織,並成為定光佛廟管理委員會的董事成員,延續汀州移民的身分;而苗栗族人則參與咸豐年間由苗栗四縣客謝氏宗族成立的謝申伯公嘗,透過公嘗對苗栗社會的參與進入地方社會,並在日治期間建立汀州唐山祖的祖祠,回復汀州認同。筆者希望通過此家族在臺灣發展的經過,重新檢討汀州族群在臺的發展,與其認同變遷的選擇。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe research focuses on two major issues. First, how the immigrants from TingZhou find living space of their own in the Qing Dynasty Taiwan reclamation society. Second, as a disadvantage group in reclamation society, the immigrants of TingZhou transform their ethnic identity and language for survival, and forget their identity of TingZhou. This research constructs the reclaim process of Hsieh family whom came from TingZhou from Qing Dynasty Taiwan to the rule of R.O.C. through the historical materials of first hand and oral access. There are three secondary issues: the migrate from Taichung to Miaoli, the social participation of local society by clan organization in contract form, and the separation of the clan between the people at Taichung and Miaoli. The researcher tried to answer the question of how the immigrants“ find their place in the society” through the construction the reclaim process of Hsieh family.   By the construction the reclaim process of Hsieh family, we observe and figure the second issue of this research: is it correct that the immigrants from TingZhou transform their ethnic identity and language for survival, and forget their identity of TingZhou? As the case of Hsieh family, researcher come up with different views. The Hsieh family gathered people with the same surname “ Hsieh” by founded the clan organization in contract form, and they put in their money in land investment. As time goes by, they spilt into two clan which in Taichung and Miaoli. The clan in Taichung participated into the religion activities of DingGuang Buddha as the member of management committee to last their identity of TingZhou. The clan in Miaoli take part in the clan organization in contract form for ancient ancestor named Shen Bo Hsieh which founded by the Hakka of four counties. They participated into the local society of Miaoli by the clan organization, and reclaim their identity of TingZhou by rebuilt the temple of their own ancestor.en_US
DC.title汀州客家再移民與認同變遷研究 ─以陳留堂謝姓族人為中心 (1797~1952)zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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