博碩士論文 100125013 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWei-Lun Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本文試圖探討從政生涯歷時長久的蔡孟堅,他在加入國民黨後經歷豐富,特別是在與共產黨鬥爭上表現優異,因而得到蔣中正信任重用的過程。藉由蔡孟堅作中心視角,探討國民黨中央組織部調查科的運作情形,以及國共兩黨特工組織在創立早期的對抗和消長。蔡孟堅最早是藉由參與奉張軍系學習軍事知識,並期望有機會能以此技術協助國民黨的北伐事業。他積極從事策反工作,在中原大戰結束後被派令為調查科最早的外派特派員之一。在因緣際會下破獲了顧順章案,使得當時國共地下鬥爭的情形,有了劇烈的翻轉和改變。而後他兼任平漢鐵路黨務特派員,參與協助鄂豫皖和湘鄂西蘇區的圍剿,並且為湖北省的軍政運作情形提供情報,因此從蔡孟堅早期的發展過程中能夠觀察到蔣中正運用特工人員之情形。 總體而言,蔡孟堅年幼時正是新文化思潮開始風行之時,他所受教育新舊包容,但是都未能深入;中學畢業後,正值地方軍系割據,戰禍頻仍之時,他先是入東北講武堂,受訓未完成就被迫上戰場。後來加入了一心嚮往的國民黨,以年紀尚輕又學歷不高的情況下,竟能在國共地下鬥爭中破獲以顧案為首的大大小小的共黨組織和案件,以特工人員的身分「大放異彩」,實數難得。從蔡孟堅這段時期的研究能夠觀察到各方軍系競合、國共鬥爭以及蔣中正面臨種種困境時的處理等等,呈現出1930年代,民國混亂軍政的一面;而顧案幾乎改變了國共發展的歷史軌跡,因此也是本文重點關注的要點,蔡孟堅作為最直接的關係人,更有深入研究的價值。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe paper is tryed to explore Tsai Meng Jian, He has been in politics for a long time, after he joined KMT, especially his excellent performance in the struggle with the CCP, as the result, he earned the trust of Chiang Kai Shek, with Tsai Meng Jian as the central perspective, explored the operation of the Investigation Section of KMT, and the growth and decline of the agents of KMT and CCP. At the very first, Tsai Meng Jian learned military knowledge by joined fengtian clique, expected has a chance to help KMT Northern Expedition by his knowledge, after Central Plains War, he became one of the earliest specialist of the Investigation Section. After he arrested Gu Shun Zhang, changed the situation of struggle between KMT and CCP. after that, he participated in the checkmated assisting Hubei, Henan, and Hubei and Western Hubei Provinces, provided the information of military operation of Hubei. We can observed employment concept of Chiang Kai Shek by early development of Tsai Meng Jian. Overall, the New Culture Movement just bloomed when Tsai Meng Jian was little, he learned both new and old educations, but didn′t learn much, after graduated from middle school, it was the war time of separatist warlord regimes, he went to the northeast military academy, but he forced to go to battle before he finish his training, than he joined KMT which he aspired to, in the case of young and underachievers, it′s rare for the agent to solved the cases and organizations around Gu Shun Zhang. Researched this time of Tsai, could find out the divide of the warlord regimes, struggle of KMT and CCT and how Chiang Kai Shek solved the problems he faced, showed the military and political side of the chaos in the Republic of China in 1930. The case of Gu almost changed the historical track of the development of KMT and CCP, as the most direct relationship person, it′s worth to depth study of Tsai.en_US
DC.subjectTsai Meng Jianen_US
DC.subjectChiang Kai Sheken_US
DC.subjectThe Investigation Sectionen_US
DC.subjectHo Cheng Junen_US
DC.subjectGu Shunzhangen_US
DC.titleThe Reaserch of Tsai Meng Jian and the Struggle between KMT and CCP(1926-1932)en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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