dc.description.abstract | Agr icul ture is the foundat ion of providing food and the basic essent ials of
maintaining our l ives . Wi th the evolut ion of the t ime , agr icul tural development s
have changed the or iginal appearance s of the lands by using product ive labor and
wisdom, but at the same t ime these developments have depr ived the space and the
r ights of other species to survive. Moreover, as we apply chemical substances such
as pest icides, insect icide, herbicides and fer t i l izers to the agr icul tural f ields and
wi th the evolut ion of agr icul tural development s, we not only dest roy the
ecological envi ronment , but also endanger t h e h uma n b e i n g s ’ h e a l t h , s a f e t y, and
cont inuat ion of l i fe. Therefore, we as human beings should take the
responsibi l i t ies of the just ice for the envi ronment . We should uphold the meaning
of "ecological cent ral ism", care and respect the natural ecology and enable human
beings and the envi ronment to cooperate peaceful ly and develop sustainably.
In the face of global warming, ai r pol lut ion, energ y deplet ion and food
shor tages and also the awareness of the "l i fe communi ty", we should pay more
at tent ion to the issues on how to promote envi ronmental protect ion. This research
is mainly focused on the problems of agr icul ture developments that we face in
Taiwan and the way we solve these problems by “ecological (organic) agr icul ture ” ,
which is based on the relat ionship between envi ronmental ethics and ecological
Based on the envi ronmental impact s of agr icul tural development s in Taiwan,
this research ref lects on the relat ionship between human and nature and studies the
interact ion between the ecological envi ronment and the economy. We t ry to
interpret human at t i tudes toward the ear th wi th the idea of "Xunzi" and seek the
balance of human beings and the nature. Also, we compare the di fferent
phi losophical thoughts be tween Eastern and Western and t ry to f ind the
oppor tuni ty for "sustainable development s."
Keywords: Agr icul tural development s, Xunzi , Envi ronmental ethics, Ecological
cent ral ism, Sustainable development s | en_US |