博碩士論文 100155006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShu-ching Liaoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 毛澤東說過:「軍隊是國家政權的主要成份。誰想奪取國家政權,並想保持它,誰就應有强大的軍隊。」故軍隊亂與不亂之間,才是林彪、周恩來與江青政治鬥爭中微妙關係所在。中共高層黨軍領導權力關係,來自他們長期建立的個人關係,武漢「七二O事件」就在這種派系傾軋及權力鬥爭中發生。 一切還是軍權角力的問題,路線鬥爭只不過是合理化奪取軍權的行為。所以在軍方介入「文革」後,才是武漢「七二O事件」發生的主因,軍隊因「支左」而無所適從的問題,也突顯軍方與中央文革小組間的矛盾。毛澤東帶著解決方針來到武漢,武漢軍區領導人被認為犯了「路線錯誤」,意味著「百萬雄師」不是左派,成為被打擊的對象。加上謝富治、王力煽動式發言,激怒軍區指戰員及「百萬雄師」,局勢一發不可收拾,導致毛澤東被迫離開武漢。周恩來、林彪與江青為了毛澤東的顏面,除將武漢「七二O事件」的定調是一場由陳再道、鍾漢華領導的「反革命暴亂」外,並決定開始「揪軍內一小撮」,清除像陳再道一類可能反抗中共中央的人。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract "The army is the main component of national regime. If someone wants to seize and keep the national regime, then he must have a strong army." Once said by Mao Zedong (毛澤東). Therefore, let the army be in order or in chaos was the key point of the delicate relationship between Lin Biao (林彪), Zhou Enlai (周恩來) and Jiang Qing (江青) during their political struggle. The power relations between the senior military leaders of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) were established from their long-term personal relationship. The Wuhan Incident was resulted from factional strife and power struggles. Everything was still the problem of military power struggles. Line struggles were just used to rationalize the behavior of taking military power. Therefore the main cause of the Wuhan Incident was after the army’s intervention of "Cultural Revolution", the army became confused by the problem of "Help the left"(支左). This also highlighted the conflict between the army and the “Central Cultural Revolution Group". Mao Zedong brought instruction of solution to Wuhan and the divisional commander of the Wuhan Military Region was considered having "wrong route". This meant "Million Heroes " (百萬雄師) were not left wing and they became the target of attack. Plus the inciting statement of Xie Fuzhi (謝富治)and Wang Li (王力) and they stimulated the divisional commander of the Wuhan military region and the "Million Heroes". The situation got out of control and finally Mao Zedong was forced leaving Wuhan. For Mao’s reputation, Zhou Enlai, Lin Biao and Jiang Qing set the Wuhan incident as a "Counterrevolution Riot "(反革命暴亂) leaded by Chen Zaidao(陳再道) and Zhong Hanhua(鍾漢華)and also decided to start the policy of "Pulling a handful of Army" (揪軍內一小撮) by eliminating some people who might resist the CCP Central Committee like Chen Zaidao.en_US
DC.subjectMao Zedongen_US
DC.subjectChen Zaidaoen_US
DC.subjectWuhan incidenten_US
DC.subjectMillion Heroes, Pulling a handful of Armyen_US
DC.titleA (The) Study on Wuhan Incident in 1967 and its Influenceen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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