博碩士論文 100155011 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本文希望藉由對楊博之研究,以一位兵部尚書的角度出發,來探討嘉靖、隆慶朝的政治與國防局勢。楊博的成長深受父母的影響,楊博父親楊瞻勤政愛民,受到父親的啟發,塑造出楊博勤敏任事的個性。楊瞻不畏權勢的性格,也型塑楊博不屈服嚴嵩、義無反顧的個性。母親田氏嚴格的教育楊瞻,她時時叮嚀楊博為官務必要忠誠廉潔。 楊博嘉靖八年(1529)進士及第踏上仕途,擔任長安知縣時,便展現其施政能力。嘉靖十七年(1538)楊博隨大學士翟鑾巡視邊關,深獲翟鑾賞識。楊博嘉靖十七年(1538)陞兵部職方司郎中,掌理軍事業務;嘉靖二十二年(1543)陞山東提學副使,掌管地方教育;嘉靖二十四年(1545)陞山東糧儲參政,經營地方財政;嘉靖二十五年(1546)陞都察院右僉都御史,督導監察地方。楊博經歷軍事、教育、教育及監察全方位的歷練,可見朝廷器重楊博,積極培養他成為國家的棟樑。 嘉靖三十四年(1555)楊博陞任兵部尚書,成為嘉靖朝晚期國防安全的負責人。楊博擔任兵部尚書長達約十年,是嘉靖朝晚期制禦「北虜南倭」的關鍵人物。楊博的領導統御與軍事謀略,不僅關係嘉靖朝的國防安全,其影響力也延續到隆慶和萬曆兩朝。楊博的軍事理念,可由邊防與「抗虜」、海防與「禦倭」、及馬政與弭盜等方面探討。 綜合論之,楊博對於嘉靖與隆慶朝政局的影響,是非常深遠的。楊博一生最大的成就,便是北抗「胡虜」南禦「倭寇」,成為朝廷國防安全上,最強而有力的支柱。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe research focuses on inquiring into a minister of war, Yang Bo, discussing the politics and national defenses in the period of Jiajing and Longqin. Yang Bo’s parents have a profound influence on his growth. Yang Bo’s father is diligent in politics and loves people. Inspired by his father, Yang Bo forms a hardworking character. Yang Bo’s mother educates Yang Bo strictly, and often reminds him to be a loyal and honest official. Yang Bo was a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations in 1529. As a magistrate of Chang’an county, he showed an excellent governance capability. In 1538, he accompanied Zhai Luan to go on a border inspection, and then he was admired by Zhai Luan. In 1538, Yang Bo was promoted to Minister of the Board of War which managed milatary affairs. In 1543, he was promoted to Superintendent of Education in Shandong which was in charge of the local education. In 1545, he was promoted to Shandong Grain Storage Official which was in charge of money management. In 1546, he was promoted to Official (Youduyush) which was in charge of local supervision. Yang Bo had a wide experience of military, education, and supervision affairs. It represents that Yang Bo’s abilities were highly regarded by the court. Yang Bo was promoted to Minister of War in 1555, and he was in charge of national defense and security in late Jiajin period. Yang Bo had been Minister of War for almost ten years, and was the pivot in defending against the north enemies and south pirates in late Jiajin period. Yang Bo ‘s leading style and his military strategies not only relate to the national denfence and security of Jiajing, but also extend over the periods of Longqin and Wanli. We discuss Yang Bo’s military ideas in the aspects of border defense against enemies, sea defense against pirates, horse administration and eliminating robberies. In summary, Yang Bo has a profound effect on the political situation of Jiajing and Longqin. Yang Bo’s ultimate achievement in his life is against the north enemies and south pirates. It becomes the most powerful support to the national denfence and security of the court .en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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