博碩士論文 100155023 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
dc.identifier.urihttp://ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw:88/thesis/view_etd.asp?URN= 100155023
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract國共內戰國軍軍事失利之研究 摘要 抗戰勝利後,國共在爭奪日本佔領區之時,雙方的軍事衝突隨即展開,而美蘇兩國也因此涉入中國的內戰。二戰後美國希望中國能穩定和平、國共組成聯合政府,派遣馬歇爾來華調處。馬歇爾對於中國政治不夠了解,其在華一年仍無法停止國共間的軍事衝突。而戰後的蘇聯扶植中共,其目的在希望能藉此向國民政在府施壓,取得東北的政治與經濟利益。但由於國民政府外交政策過度傾向美國,而使得蘇聯援助中共。 馬歇爾於一九四七年一月返美後,國共大規模的戰爭立即爆發。在山東戰場國軍損失慘重,尤其是國軍精銳的部隊在山東孟良崮被殲滅,更是國共士氣消長的關鍵。國軍在東北精銳部隊因政治的考量,據守在三個城市沒有及時撤出,在遼西戰役中全軍覆沒。徐蚌戰役國軍重兵部署在長江以北,共軍使用「圍點打援」戰術,把國軍各兵團各個擊破,八十多萬國軍部隊在徐蚌戰場上被共軍全面擊潰。徐蚌戰役結束後,共軍乘勝追擊,渡過長江解放全中國。 國軍為何在這麼短的時間內兵敗如山倒?主要係因國軍在戰略上「先圖關外,再安關內」之故。國軍精銳部隊開入東北,遼西戰役使國軍部隊在東北被共軍擊潰,也造成關內的國軍空虛,無法有效對付關內共軍。國軍在戰術上過於保守與被動,只拘泥守在大城市,使國軍在與共軍作戰中常處於劣勢。由於國軍戰略與戰術的失敗,使國軍在內戰中完全失利,因而撤退至臺灣。 關鍵字:國共內戰、國軍、軍事、國民政府、中共 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractA Research on the Armed Forces of the Nationalist Government military defeated in the Chinese Civil War Abstract Soon after the Second Sino-Japanese War, the military conflict between the Republic of China led by Kuomintang and the communist People’s Liberation Army broke out because of struggling for Japanese occupied areas; and, both the U.S. and the Soviet Union were also involved in the Chinese Civil War. After World War II, the United States, in order to keep China stabilized and to urge the birth of a unified government, sent George C. Marshall to China for the negotiation. Because of being unfamiliar with Chinese politics, Marshall failed to achieve his mission of curb on the military conflict between the two parties during his one-year stay in China. Furthermore, with the purpose of absorbing the interest of politic and economy from the Northeast regions of China, the Soviet Union started to foster the Communist Party of China so as to put pressure on the Nationalist Government. However, due to the foreign policy of the Nationalist Government had a tendency toward the United States, the tendency which made the Soviet Union turn to support the Communist Party of China. When Marshall returning to the United States in January 1947, the full-scale civil war between the Republic of China and the communist People’s Liberation Army bursted out. In Shandong battlefield, the KMT troops were in full rout especially in the critical Menglianggu Campaign, where its elite troops were completely annihilated and resulted in the communist victory. Due to political consideration, KMT’s elite armed forces deployed in three cities of the Northeast region were failed to withdraw and were wholly destroyed in the Liaoshen Campaign. In Battle of Xu-Beng, the Nationalist Government deployed more armies in the north of the Yangtze River; yet, the People’s Liberation Army executed a tactic of “surround a point and attact other reinforcements”, which effectively routed KMT’s armies; more than eight hundred thousands of troops of Nationalist Government were smashed in the Battle of Xu-Beng. With its overwhelming victory in the Battle of Xu-Beng, the communist People’s Liberation Army trooped over the Yangtze River to liberate the whole nation. Why the Armed Forces of the Nationalist Government were totally defeated in such a short time? The key factor was its strategy which was so called “the-Northeast-comes-first”. The deployment of KMT elite troops in the Northeast region of China not only made themselves defeated by People’s Liberation Army but also made their armed forces weaker in Central China and fails to counter back the Liberation Army. Conservative and passive tactics on military that only focused on cities put the Armed Forces of the Nationalist Government in disadvantaged situations; the failure of its tactics and strategies put the Nationalist’s armed forces a fatal situation in the Civil War and resulted in a withdrawal to Taiwan. Keywords: the Chinese Civil War ,the Armed Forces of the Nationalist Government, military , the Nationalist Government , the Communist Party of China en_US
DC.subjectthe Chinese Civil Waren_US
DC.subjectthe Armed Forces of the Nationalist Governmenten_US
DC.subjectthe Nationalist Governmenten_US
DC.subjectthe Communist Party of Chinaen_US
DC.title 國共內戰國軍軍事失利之研究zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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