博碩士論文 100350601 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorGabriela Lucia Letona Molinaen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract水資源的重要性對於農業生產力以至於糧食安全舉足輕重。在乾燥、半乾燥地區因氣候條件嚴苛,容易面臨水資源短缺,進而造成作物產量減少,導致嚴重糧食缺乏危機。針對此問題,目前許多補救措施如雨水-逕流回收系統(harvesting rainwater-runoff, HRW)等方法,被利用在改善此嚴苛水資源條件。此系統之概念在於藉由儲蓄溼季多餘水資源並應用於乾季之灌溉水源,以增加可利用之水資源。在乾燥、半乾燥等水資源缺乏地區,可用水回收系統此概念已經有數千年歷史。然而,為了達到更高的回收系統使用效率,系統選址與事前評估相當重要且評估項目涉及廣泛,自然條件與社會經濟特性都包括在此,以期更高的水資源運用效率。 水資源的重要性對於農業生產力以至於糧食安全舉足輕重。在乾燥、半乾燥地區因氣候條件嚴苛,容易面臨水資源短缺,進而造成作物產量減少,導致嚴重糧食缺乏危機。針對此問題,目前許多補救措施如雨水-逕流回收系統(harvesting rainwater-runoff, HRW)等方法,被利用在改善此嚴苛水資源條件。此系統之概念在於藉由儲蓄溼季多餘水資源並應用於乾季之灌溉水源,以增加可利用之水資源。在乾燥、半乾燥等水資源缺乏地區,可用水回收系統此概念已經有數千年歷史。然而,為了達到更高的回收系統使用效率,系統選址與事前評估相當重要且評估項目涉及廣泛,自然條件與社會經濟特性都包括在此,以期更高的水資源運用效率。 本研究選用層級分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process, AHP)以獲得系統設立之最佳位置,並使用地理資訊系統(Geographic information Systems, GIS)呈現資料之空間分布情形。層級分析法(AHP)應用範圍相當廣泛,特別是需要建立不同性質因子之間的權重關係,以達到比較之目的。本研究中選定因子包括逕流產生潛勢(potential runoff)、坡度(slope)、土地利用(land use)、土壤質地(soil texture)、距離農地之距離(distance from agricultural lands) 與距離道路之距離(distance from roads)。 其中逕流產生潛勢(potential runoff)是由美國農業部(United States Department of Agriculture, USDA)所發展之公式CN值法 (Soil Conservation Service Runoff Curve Number Method, SCS CN Method)求得。此法對於逕流產生機制著重於土地利用型態,且所需參數相對較少,特別適合應用於無歷史資料之地區。 研究區域為瓜地馬拉(Guatemala)東北部地區,氣候型態乾燥缺水。而本研究也嘗試改變各參數在AHP中之權重;以及改變AHP之模式架構以試探本模式參數與結構之敏感度。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWater availability in agriculture sector is an important element in the productivity of a nation, also to maintain food security. Arid and semiarid regions are the common areas that are constantly affecting by water scarcity and soil moisture deficit problems. Those problems affect the crop production and increasing food risk. There are initiatives to address that kind of problems through supplementary systems, called harvesting rainwater-runoff (HRW). Water harvesting has been used for thousands of years in order to increase water availability in semiarid and arid areas. Collected water can be stored or can be used as irrigation water during dry periods or during the wet periods, which contain short dry periods. However, implementation of these systems, should need a location planning for select optimal places for harvesting rainwater, in this manner, it is a strategy for obtain a better performance. Which is why it is important to consider some criteria, which affect the effectiveness of these systems. Factors such as physical and socio-economic characteristics of the target area should be included in the analysis of HRW. An Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used to determinate optimal places using Geographic information Systems (GIS) in order to integrate spatial information. This method proved to be very useful when there is a need to relate different factors. Criteria such as potential runoff, slope, land use, soil texture, distance from agricultural lands, and distance from roads are taking in consideration in this research. For potential runoff a theoretical method was applied in order to determinate the potential of runoff. This method is called SCS-Curve number, and is a very straightforward method. Also, this method proved to be a good estimator of runoff where is not historical data and where is needed to estimate the cubic meters of runoff that the system can collect. This method was applied to Guatemala’s north eastern region, a place characterized by its semiarid condition and soil moisture deficit. In this research, different values of importance were also changed with respect to some criteria using in AHP method, and was tested with different of AHP structure, in order to show the flexibility of this model.en_US
DC.subjectSCS CN 值法zh_TW
DC.subjectAnalytical hierarchy processen_US
DC.subjectSCS Curve numberen_US
DC.subjectHarvesting Rainwateren_US
DC.titleIdentifying optimal places for harvesting rain water using an Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP): a case study in north eastern Guatemalazh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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