博碩士論文 100352024 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJia-Cheng Tanen_US
dc.identifier.urihttp://ir.lib.ncu.edu.tw:88/thesis/view_etd.asp?URN= 100352024
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract「莫拉克風災」後,國防部遵三軍統帥馬總統指示,將災害防救列為國軍的中心任務之一,惟921地震後,面對如「莫拉克風災」複合性災害的嚴峻挑戰,國軍危機管理作為更應須從過去經驗中檢討、精進,俾達成「預防危機、緊急應變」的要求,以滿足國人期待。 軍隊編裝以因應作戰任務需求為主,如遇災害發生時,則依「超前部署、預置兵力、隨時防救」之原則,協助地方政府執行災害防救任務。但在重大災害發生第一時間,雖已派遣兵力支援,但常無法滿足國人訴求。因此,試以「危機管理」探究國軍災害防救作為,期以發掘精進作法,提供決策制定參考。 國防部遵從「救災視同作戰」指示,規劃於每年汛期前,以作戰區作責任劃分,策擬複合式災害想定實施政、軍、警、消、民聯合演練,結合地方人、物力等各項資源,發揮聯合災害防救效能。 但國軍缺乏專責團隊推動災害防救任務,致危機管理觀念未能深化至基層,從而中央災害應變中心律定國防部主管支援調度,並協助搜索救援、疏散撤離、收容安置、水電維生、醫衛環保、核能救援及前進協調所等被動支援定位,致政、軍、警、消、民團救災資源整合不一、府會協調作為有限(如移緩濟急之經費)等潛存風險,故提出相關災害防救從屬關係考量因素與原則、組建災救專業團隊、緊密縱、橫向協調機制及拓展國際交流,厚植國家巧實力等近、中、遠程策略建議,俾供國軍災害防救任務參考,以增進危機管理效能。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAfter the disaster caused by typhoon Moraque, the DoD followed instructions of president Ma, the chief commander of arm force, getting disaster rescue and prevention into the list of military’s cord mission. Through earthquake 921, encountering critical challenge of multi-disaster as typhoon Moraque, in order to reach the purpose of preventing crisis and rapid response to crisis, military shall develop and improve their ability on crisis management issue. The organization of military is created based on operational mission. If encountering disaster, military shall follow the procedure in accordance with the doctrine of Deploy In Advance and Disaster Relief on Call to assist local government on executing disaster relief mission. Although soldiers have already deployed into the area while suffering disaster, it’s still not satisfied by resident. By using the crisis management to research military disaster relief procedure, hoping can excavate better procedure results, then, providing recommendation of decision making. DoD followed instructions of disaster relief is same as military operation. Planning take exercise, combined with government, military, fire department, police and civilian before yearly flood season. Expecting can integrate variety of resources to develop the efficiency of disaster relief. Because of military doesn’t has a professional team on dealing with disaster relief, so that the conception can’t be found in basic level. Due to the Central Disaster Emergency Operation Center is passively to designate for DoD to supply, recon, rescue, evacuate, shelter, survive, medical care, nuclear rescue and create advance coordination post, resulting in the resources from government, military, fire department, police and civilian can’t be integrated. In the limitation of potential crisis on government coordination, by researching the considering factors and principle of dependability on disaster relief, creating professional teams, concerning on coordination mechanism and extend internationally diplomatic affairs to concrete national smart power, providing professional recommendation for military disaster relief and developing capability of crisis management.en_US
DC.subjectCrisis theoryen_US
DC.subjectCrisis managementen_US
DC.subjectDisaster rescue & preventionen_US
DC.subjectTyphoon Morakoten_US
DC.subjectCrisis Management Matrixen_US
DC.title 以危機管理探討國軍執行災害防救之作為zh_TW
DC.title Military Disaster Prevent and Relief Research by Crisis Managementen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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