博碩士論文 100356016 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract安全文化十數年來廣為學術單位及事業單位所研究與運用,該領域主要在探討人類在工業安全上的觀念與行為,其相關的研究論文更是不勝枚舉。安全文化比較不屬於強制性法規層面的規定,而是屬於組織內在性質的發展,其較注重培育及永續保存;反之,多數煉油及石化業者則利用製程安全管理作強制性的約束以防止意外洩漏等重大危害的發生。因此,自從1992年美國職業安全和衛生署的頒布後,製程安全管理成為化學工業的安全指標。然而於2005年,所屬英國石油公司的德州煉油廠發生重大意外事故後,迫使許多國家主管機關及民營企業重新審視製程安全管理的不足及潛在缺陷。 根據勞動部訂定職業安全衛生法第15條,所有遵循勞動檢查法第26條的公司都必須落實製程安全管理所規範的所有細項。為了說明安全文化對製程安全管理設計及落實的影響,本研究先回顧安全文化的發展歷程,並以一家安全管理績效相當優良的跨國公司為例。本研究將剖析該公司對安全文化的原則和培育,以瞭解如何實踐安全文化,並瞭解安全文化與製程安全制度的相關性。研究結果證實安全文化確實是製程安全管理設計及落實成功的關鍵因素,希望本研究能幫助國內煉油和化學工業的製程安全達到有效管理。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSafety culture, which focuses on the perception and behavior of the individuals of an organization, has been actively studied by academics and research institutions and adopted by many organizations in the pass decades. A significant number of research results have been published. Safety culture cannot be stimulated by regulations or strict rules of an organization. It is an intrinsic nature of an organization, which takes a lot of efforts to nurture and maintain. On the other hand, Process Safety Management, PSM, designed to prevent the disastrous consequences of accidental releases of hazardous chemicals, is mandatory to most of the refining and petrochemical industries worldwide. PSM has become the chemical industry’s safety management focus since its promulgation by US OSHA in 1992. However, the terrible accident occurred at British Petroleum’s Texas City refinery in 2005 forced government authorities and private companies to reexamine the weaknesses and pitfalls of PSM. Because of the promulgation of Article 15 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act by the Ministry of Labor in 2014, companies covered by Article 26 of the Labor Inspection Act are now required to implement all elements of the US OSHA PSM regulations. To illustrate the importance of safety culture in the design and implementation of PSM, this study first reviews the development history of safety culture. A multinational chemical company with world renowned safety records is taken as a role model in this study. The company’s principles and practices in nurturing safety culture are thoroughly studied in order to obtain an understanding of the practical aspects of safety culture. The relationship between safety culture and the design and implementation of a selected number of process safety management elements is then illustrated to identify the key success factors of PSM. It is hoped that this study will help the domestic refining and chemical industries to achieve effective management of process safety. en_US
DC.subjectSafety cultureen_US
DC.subjectProcess safety managementen_US
DC.subjectEffective process safety managementen_US
DC.titleA Study on the Relationship between Safety Culture and Process Safety Managementen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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