博碩士論文 100423051 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShao-chang Fangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來數位學習的興起,以及平板電腦與行動裝置的成熟發展下,漸漸的將數位學習從傳統的電腦帶入到手機與平板上,讓學生可以不用侷限在教室就能夠學習或是互動式教學;也由於行動裝置的盛行,越來越多的人喜歡透過手機或是平板當作是閱讀報章雜誌或是文章等等資訊的途徑,因此電子書的規格與設計也漸漸受到重視並在近年趨向於完整與標準。 其中以國際數位出版論壇(International Digital Publishing Forum)所制定的EPUB 3.0為目前各家大廠所採用的一致化電子書格式。然而目前將數位學習與電子書做結合的應用軟體上未成熟,由其是對於英文文章閱讀教學的軟體發展上更是少見,因此本研究針對英文文章閱讀教學與電子書的發展上做諸多的需求考量。首先在一個英文閱讀教學的電子書環境下,需要提供給學習者最基本的註記與字彙查詢功能之外,也必須加入師生之間的互動,包括:發問、回饋等機制。另外也需要提供老師一個電子書教材製作的功能才能將整個英文閱讀教學的環境建構完善,因此本論文目標在於探討一個最佳的英文閱讀教學的電子書軟體架構並建構之。 本論文透過實作英文文章閱讀教學的系統-MyERT,並將系統劃分為上下游的架構,其中上游提供老師一個電子書的導入與發佈功能,讓老師能夠將EPUB的電子書放入下游進行教學。而下游環境則支援了平板與電腦的閱讀環境,透過瀏覽器即可進行英文文章閱讀的教學與學習,本研究於下游教學系統提供了豐富的功能,以滿足互動式的教學需求,包括:字彙查詢、註記與問題的發佈、師生間的資訊分享、老師教法功能等。最後,經過本研究之實做得知這樣的一個電子書軟體架構環境相當穩定且合宜。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, the rise of digital learning, as well as tablet PCs and mobile devices has come of age. People gradually bring the digital learning into the mobile or tablet from PC, so that students will be able to learn or take a interactive teaching without the classroom; More and more people using mobile phone or tablet to read newspapers and magazines or information channels, etc, therefore, the specification and design of e-books is gradually being taken seriously in recent years. The EPUB 3.0 is currently used by various manufacturers harmonization of e-book format enacted by International Digital Publishing Forum. However, it’s immature on the combination of digital learning and e-books software application, but the English reading instruction for software development is even more rare. So we take a lot of consideration on the English Reading and the e-book design. First, It’s necessary to provide the annotation and vocabulary search, but also be added the interaction between teachers and students, including: asking questions, feedback mechanisms, etc. There is also need to provide teachers an e-book textbook production function to the entire English reading comprehension environment, so this paper aims to explore a best English reading comprehension software architecture and implement it. In this paper, the system of MyERT our implementation is divided into upstream and downstream, upstream provides teachers import and publishing e-books. The downstream environment will support the tablet and the computer reading environment can be carried out through a browser to read articles in English teaching and learning, the study of the downstream teaching system provides a wealth of features to meet the needs of interactive teaching, including: Glossary query, annotation and problems and information sharing between teachers and students, teachers. Finally, our software architecture environment is quite stable and suitableen_US
DC.subjectEPUB 3.0zh_TW
DC.subjectEPUB 3.0en_US
DC.subjectSoftware Architectureen_US
DC.titleAn E-Book Software Architecture and Implementation for Supporting Instruction on English Reading Comprehensionen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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