博碩士論文 100424018 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorNing-hsin Yuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract公司治理的議題近幾年來方興未艾,特別是在國內外大型公司弊案接連爆發之際,比如著名的恩隆案、世界通訊案等,甚或是國內的博達案、遠東航空案等,無不引起各界關注,隨著企業與大眾的生活越趨息息相關,企業治理即更該被注重,我國於2006年將獨立董事制度明文化於證券交易法典中,期待該新制度能破解監察人制度所無法突破之盲點,並跟上國際單軌制公司治理架構之潮流,但法治之移植仍有所限制,獨立董事制度雖能使國外投資者了解公司治理方式,利於評估及吸引外資,但仍有實行成本過高、相關人才不足、訴訟實務上定位不明確等疑慮;而原有之監察人制度,雖相較之下成本較低,且施行已久,但卻有缺乏獨立性、人數及效率不足、資訊取得未能完善等問題。除了以修法的方式,消極解決此現行法制的所產生的缺陷外,另亦應參酌國外相關法制,進一步針對我國現有之情形作積極之修法,引導公司治理發展向上提升。 參酌美國法的部分,其因單軌制的緣故而未能成立與董事會制度並駕齊驅的監理機關,於是其改向於董事會內設置具有獨立性之董事,期其能提出公正客觀的期許,另美國大型公司常常有經理人制的情形,獨立董事能有效降低經理人制所帶來之垂直代理成本。而功能性委員會的架構也將紊亂的公司治理重點議題如薪酬、提名、審計等做一完整規範及規劃,完善大型公司的治理體系。 日本公司法的監察人制度為我國所仿效之對象,其在美軍佔領時期將美國單軌制的架構引入(日本稱之為外部董事),雖能吸引外資投注,但卻仍有大型公司弊案爆發,且適用單軌制的公司僅佔少數,由是使得日本國內開始反思其原因,並強化大部分公司仍採用之監察人制度的監理效能,明文化監察人會及外部監察人的相關法令,並重新架構外部董事以及功能性委員會的適用。蓋日本與我國有文化上的近似,且公司治理的企業實況也有幾分相似,雙制度的併行亦早於我國,故日本的改革及修正對我國而言極具參考價值。 本文首先將論述國內制度之現有缺陷,其調整方向為何,進一步討論在雙制度並行的情形下,應如何重新架構,方始公司治理的架構化繁為簡,並能提升整體效能,進而促進經濟發展。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe issue of corporation governance has been a heated discussion, especially after successive outbreaks of the cheating cases in financial circles. Since the relation between public and finance is getting closer, it is important to make some changes. In order to strengthen corporation governance and to be in line with the international conventions, Taiwan transplanted Independent Directors system into the Securities and Exchange Act in 2006 in the hope of solving the problem that previous adopted Supervisors system could not solve. But there still have some problems with the Independent Directors system, such as the cost of practices is not affordable for some enterprises, the qualified persons are insufficient; the previous Supervisors system lacks independence and efficiency. Except for amending the current laws to correct defects, we should refer to foreign laws and bring up some constructive advices to enhance our country’s corporation governance and promote economic development as a whole. The U.S. corporation governance adopts one-tier system which cannot introduce another supervise system to provide impartial and objective advice. Also there are many companies controlled by managers instead of directors, the employment of independent directors can decrease the cost of agency, which brought by the controlling managers, and the functional committees can provide complete plans on important issues, such as auditing, remuneration and nomination. These help improving the corporate governance of large companies. Japan used to adopt Supervisors system for their corporation governance, however, during the U.S. military occupation, Japan transplanted the Independent Directors system into their corporation governance in order to attract foreign investment. However, Japanese companies prefer Supervisors system to Independent Directors system. Therefore, Japanese government decided to strengthen the Supervisors system by stipulating supervisor’s council and outside supervisors in her Company Act and restructuring the independent directors and functional committees. Japanese corporation governance is similar to ours, her transplant of Independent Directors system is earlier than us, makes Japan corporation governance valuable for us to refer to. This article first examined the defects of the present legal system of corporation governance in our country, then described the US and Japan corporation governance regulations in their company Acts. The author suggested the coexistence of Independent Directors system and Supervisors system is necessary for efficient corporation governance only if we can amend our company regulations to allocate their functions and roles properly.en_US
DC.subjectCorporation Governanceen_US
DC.subjectSupervisors systemen_US
DC.subjectIndependent Directors systemen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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