博碩士論文 100450014 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShih-chun Tengen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract經濟部中小企業處《2012中小企業白皮書》資料顯示,2011年台灣中小企業家數為127萬9,784家,創下近年來最高紀錄,占全體企業家數97.63%;2011年中小企業的就業人數833萬7千人,占全國就業人數77.85%,足見中小企業是台灣經濟成長的動力,也是增加國民就業及提高國民所得的要角(經濟部中小企業處,2012)。 台灣中小企業從70年代開始,以價格便宜、快速、生產彈性佳的特質聞名,吸引世界知名大廠到台尋找合作生產廠商。然而,中小企業的資源遠不如大企業充足,創業者大多是由黑手變成頭家,企業的經營也缺乏規劃及管理,究竟中小企業持續成長的憑藉是甚麼?而且,隨著時間的演進,中小企業又是如何成長為有規模、有制度的企業? 本研究選擇中小規模電子連接器K公司為研究對象,以「資源基礎觀點」理論為基礎,結合企業經營策略與企業生命周期理論,探討個案公司在不同的企業生命周期階段之策略型態與決策過程,目的在瞭解中小企業在發展過程中策略型態及決策過程的演變。 本研究發現: 一、 個案公司企業生命周期的三個階段,皆屬不同策略類型的特色,而且隨著市場與產品的擴張、生產技術以及管理技術的進步,企業的策略型態會隨之轉變,非固定一種策略型態,而演進的過程是由防禦者策略(Defender),轉變成分析者策略型態(Analyzer),進而發展成前瞻者策略型態(Prospector)。 二、 個案公司的決策過程,在企業生命周期的三個階段皆屬不同類型,其草創期的決策是以領導者的直覺行動;於行動後累積資源,成為成長擴張期的決策基礎;成熟期則以企業願景為決策主軸。 依據研究結果,企業的策略型態會隨著企業生命周期不同的階段改變,而非固定不變。本研究建議企業經營者或管理者必須瞭解企業所處的生命周期階段的資源具備狀態,適時調整及修正「市場與產品」、「生產技術」以及「管理技術」三個構面的策略,使採行的策略適合在該生命周期階段發展。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe data from “2012 SMEs’ White Paper” revealed that in year of 2011, there were more than 1.2 million small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in Taiwan, and this number also hit a record high, accounting for 97.63% of all the businesses in Taiwan. Likewise, the number of people employed by such businesses in 2011 was 8.33 million and 7 thousands, representing 77.85% of the national employment. These numbers show that SMEs are the driving force of economies in Taiwan, and also the major players for increasing national employment and national domestic product. Since the 1970s, Taiwan’s SMEs have been well-known for their advantages of competitive prices, faster delivery and services, and production flexibility. These competitive advantages also attract world-renowned manufacturers coming to Taiwan for seeking collaborations with Taiwan’s enterprises. However, SMEs have limited resources compared with large enterprises. Many of the SMEs’ entrepreneurs started their businesses from scratch and their business operations often lack planning and management. Under these awkward situations, how do these SMEs grow? How do they succeed? As time evolving, what strategy patterns will help SMEs growing into a large scale? The case, Company K, studied in this research is a Taiwan-funded enterprise which produces electronic connectors. This research adopts a case study approach along with the “resource-based view” as the theoretical basis. The research explores how Company K did business decisions at different stages through strategy mapping. This research provides managerial implications based on the evolving business model of the case company. Research findings and conclusions are as follows: (1) Company K went through three stages of business lifecycle and adopted different strategic business model at each stage. The strategies are continuously regulated and adjusted to comply with the market expansion, technology evolution and management’s striving for improvement. The strategy evolution was from defender strategy, transformed into analyzer strategy, and then developed into prospector strategy. (2) There have been three stages of decision-making process in Company K. Action-initiation and execution was the most urgent focus in the funding period while resource accumulation was the business decision that pursued further scale-up during the expansion period. The visionary approach is currently centered as the core as the company has entered the maturity stage. This research suggests that enterprises’ strategy models are not immutable and frozen since businesses are always changing during different lifecycles. Business leaders have to understand the status of their business resources. Timely adjustments and improvements on market and product strategies, manufacturing technologies, and management competencies are essentially and critically required for the future success of any business.en_US
DC.subjectElectronic connectoren_US
DC.subjectSmall and medium-sized enterprisesen_US
DC.subjectBusiness lifecycleen_US
DC.subjectResource-based viewen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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