博碩士論文 100450027 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorTeng-hsiung Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣機電工程產業之發跡可追溯於清朝末葉時期台灣首任巡府劉銘傳為始,歷經日據時期之水庫、發電所等民生電力,建設鑿遠至今猶見多處蹤跡,及至台灣光復政府遷台後積極推動十大建設,帶動了台灣經濟工業起飛,電力系統建設之萌芽為其必要之項,於焉帶動了國內機電工程產業發展,促使國內相關機電法規隨之跟進且趨於成熟。   然 國內機電工程產業在民間企業發展仍延續於日據時代之技術工藝傳承,同業成員大多為白手起家,小規模創業發展單打獨鬥、閉門造車已為常規,較無財團或大型企業之組織結構,¬¬¬¬而忽略了綜結團隊之效,導致同業上下游間各據山頭只圖溫飽而已,其因當為國內法規相互牽制而使然。   本論文係乃藉由個案企業以機電工程公司為核心,往上整合工程初期設計、規劃之電機技師事務所,往下鞏固客戶長期維護之機電顧問公司,經由此三項行業整合達成對客戶服務一貫化之綜效。而整合之優點應為本業所周知,但於國內卻又鮮少本業如此發展,個案企業於整合期間必有遭遇多項瓶頸,組織結構調整後又產生了管理問題須加以克服,因此個案企業之經營需如何訂定方針以強化競爭力,從中找出其可具仿傚的成功關鍵因素,做為其他類似企業從事整合轉型的參考,以降低失敗的可能性,是為本論文所希望探討與驗證的重點。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAn investigation on the overall advantages and strategic development of electrical engineering industries with Taiwanese companies as a case study. Electrical engineering industries in Taiwan can be traced back to the late Qing dynasty era during the stewardship of Taiwan’s first provincial governor Ming-chuan Liu. Remnants of old electrical infrastructure built during the Japanese Occupation Era such as hydroelectric dams and generators can still be seen in many places in Taiwan. After the restoration of Taiwan to the Republic of China (ROC) government and the subsequent relocation of the ROC to the island, the ROC administration extensively pursued large scale construction projects (formally named the Ten Major Construction Projects) that triggered the Taiwanese Economic Miracle. The establishment of an electrical infrastructure was one of the leading priorities, and it had initiated the development of electrical engineering industry in Taiwan as well as subsequent advancements in electrical policies and laws in Taiwan. However, civilian owned electrical industries had basically adopted skills and techniques acquired during the Japanese Occupation Era and built their businesses up from nothing. The conventional model of business model would be numerous small-scale businesses operating alone with isolated technological development and a lack in corporate or large scale organizational frameworks. As a result, integrative teamwork is often neglected as companies occupying different stages in the development flow of the same product seek only to better themselves. This is further compounded by local law and policies that encourage such behavior. This thesis shall focus primarily on electrical engineering industries in Taiwan as well as electrical engineering design firms that carry out design and planning and end-line engineering consultant companies that help consolidate long-term maintenance of customer products. Together, these three sectors would provide an overall customer service scheme. The advantages of business integration are well-known, but few companies have experimented with this development scheme. Our cases had met with many bottlenecks during integration and must overcome numerous managerial issues that emerged after corporate restructuring. Therefore, the focuses of this thesis are to investigate and validate the means by which corporate management formulate guidelines to improve their competitiveness, and to identify reproducible critical elements for success from these guidelines. These elements would provide useful references for other industrial sectors seeking integrative transformation, and reduce failure risks for such undertakings.en_US
DC.subjectElectrical engineering industryen_US
DC.subjectintegrated developmenten_US
DC.subjectadvantages and strategyen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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