博碩士論文 100450029 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYung-chi Wenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來台灣與中國交往密切,在日益頻繁的開放交流過程中,銀行業比起其他產業是較晚的,因為銀行業是現代社會的基石,涉及範圍廣,關係到國家與經濟的發展與穩定,尤其牽涉到兩岸時,問題會變得更加複雜,每個階段都有特殊的辦法與限制,目前的限制與辦法為何?是我們必須去關心與了解的。如今兩岸銀行業已開放至可相互設點與參股投資,本國銀行要如何採取最適的策略以掌握商機、規避風險,是本文所要探究的重點。 本研究主要以SCP (Structure-Conduct-Performance, SCP) 為分析之架構,藉由豐富的實務經驗分享、深度訪談,為本國銀行業提供相對應的經營策略,再依提出的經營策略衡量和推想可能的結果與發展。並輔以SWOT分析模型說明本國銀行西進中國之策略。本文主要研究結果以三個面向分別闡述如下。 首先,本國銀行業在西進中國前,應先整併以擴大自身規模及維持優良的風險控管能力,強化體質後,再尋求與中資銀行進行參股合作。此外,在銀行間的併購議題方面,不管是何種整併法,都要回歸公司治理精神,雖然公股行庫經營績效、資產品質不如民營銀行,但基於台灣特有的民情及國情,本研究支持公股行庫繼續存在,以安定民心,穩定經濟發展。 其次,台灣銀行業者有豐富的輔助企業發展經驗,也累積了充足的消費金融及財富管理經驗,又有良好的風控能力,這些都是本國銀行西進中國發展時最好的利基。面對人民幣業務開放後的資金潮,發展人民幣授信及投資理財業務,也是國銀可掌握的。然而,本國銀行進入中國市場的時間已晚於外資銀行、規模又遠不及中資銀行,且在中國經濟增長減緩、逾放比升高、影子銀行失控等背景下,終會侵蝕銀行根基,中國的銀行獲利曾經好到不好意思公布,但這盛況很難回去了,所以本國銀行西進時建立防火牆是必須的,以期能在追求商機的同時保有風險的警覺性。 再者,兩岸銀行間相互設點或參股比例,表面數字都對等,但考量兩者間資產規模及市場差距大,隱含著對本國銀行的不公與挑戰。中國銀行業來台設立分行或參股本國銀行,所覬覦的不會是台灣遠小於中國的市場,而是要台資企業的商業資訊,以及參股本國銀行後的控制與影響力才是重點,因此,本研究認為在未來談判參股價格時,本國銀行業應堅持讓中國的銀行以溢價貼水的方式參股,以維護股東與本國銀行業應有之利益。 最後,在同樣的時空環境下,本文探討個案公司-上海銀行,如何運用其深具兩岸特色的性質創造嶄新的商業模式,開創台灣銀行業的藍海。本研究認為此商業模式或可作為本國銀行業未來西進中國之參考。此外,未來上海銀行在面臨原來的獲利模式可能受同業模仿、領導人接班、國內據點不足和高階經理人退休潮下,這些是本文認為個案公司未來應審慎面對的問題。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractDuring recent years, the mutual open and communication process between Taiwan and China have become more and more robust. However, the development process for banking business, when comparing to all other industries, is relatively slow. As banking industry serves as the foundation of a modern society and hence firmly links to a country’s economy development and stability, it is not surprised that more complicated issues would be involved when it comes to the relationship between Taiwan and China. The China authority has set different regulations and limitations in different time, and in this research we will focus on those currently in effect. As so far Taiwan and China have agreed on mutually setting branches and share-investment, another important issue that will be discussed is the optimal strategy that a Taiwan bank could adopt in order to promote business but at the same time mitigate risk. By using SCP (Structure-Conduct-Performance) as the main concept of analysis, and supporting by abundant experience sharing and interview, not only have we concluded some strategies for local banking industry, but also possible outcomes and developments resulted by those strategies. SWOT is also used to analyze local banks’ strategies when going west to China. The research focuses on three main issues as below. First of all, local banks, before going west to seek business opportunity in China, should expand their scale by merger and acquisition while at the same time keep the superiority in risk control. Only after strengthening its own assets and properties can a bank then pursue the share investment chance with Chinese banks. When it comes to the merger and acquisition issue among banks, regardless of various laws and regulations that may be adopted, the concept of corporate governance should be fundamental. Considering special tradition and culture in Taiwan and in order to stabilize people’s confidence and the economy, the research holds the view to support government-authorities-owned-banks’ continue operation, although they are inferior in over-all performance and asset quality than private banks, Second, since local banks’ competent advantages lie in their long and abundant experiences in corporate development, consumer financing, and wealth management, with all of the above supported by remarkable ability in risk control, business opportunities coming after the permission of RMB-dominant trading such as loan credit and wealth management are anticipated to be prosperous. However, local banks stand at an inferior point in relatively late entry time comparing to foreign banks, far less capital scale than Chinese banks, gradually slowing economy growth rate, increasing NPL rate, and control-losing shadow banks—all the factors might eventually erode the industry’s profitability. Banking industry in China was once so profitable that most were not willing to disclose the real gain but those good old times are not coming back any more. Therefore, in order to set an alarm in risk control, establishing a firewall is necessary for any local bank when going west to pursue business opportunity in China. Furthermore, although the mutual permission agreement between Taiwan and China in setting branch and share investment percentage seems to be equal in figures, the real fact under that is actually unfair and could be quite some challenge for local banks when considering the two sovereigns’ asset and market scale. No matter setting branch or share-investing in local banks, Chinese banks’ real ambition is to acquire Taiwan enterprises’ information and controllability over local banks rather than penetrating Taiwan market, which is in scale significantly smaller than that in China. The research therefore asserts that when negotiating for share investment, a local bank should insist a premium price to protect both the bank itself and the shareholders’ right. At last but not least, the research takes Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank (SCSB) as a case study example to discuss how a local bank, in given time and environment, fully explores its obvious advantages in both Taiwan and China to create a whole new business model and thus finds “blue sea” among banks in Taiwan. Such business model could be a useful reference for local banks when considering going west to China. Finally, the research also places focus on various challenges that SCSB could face and should deal with prudence in the future, such as the imitation of other banks in profit-gaining model, leader-to-be apprentices, insufficient domestic branch, and the foreseeable retirement of high-end managers.en_US
DC.subjectBanking industry analysisen_US
DC.subjectgoing west to Chinaen_US
DC.subjectbank mergeren_US
DC.subjectShanghai Commercial &en_US
DC.subject Savings Bank (SCSB)en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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