博碩士論文 100450037 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu-ko Wangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract中國社會經濟自2005年起持續發展至今,企業面臨嚴峻考驗,從缺工潮到最低工資在政府政策調整下走高,中國的勞動市場優勢已不如以往。台灣以往因勞力密集產業,出走台灣,不外乎是希望藉由中國勞力密集,降低成本來對抗國際的各種競爭壓力。中國政府大力發展城鄉計畫,中西部政策大力開發的影響,讓原本長三角充足的勞工市場日見緊縮,台資企業面對不只是勞工成本的增加問題,更嚴重的問題是勞力密集的台資企業,要如何提升勞工對工作的熱忱,從價值觀、思想以及動機上的研究。 因此本論文研究以大陸地區緯創資通昆山廠區筆記型電腦生產基地—緯新資通(昆山)廠為個案研究對象,除了相關文獻的探討外,個案公司本身在人力資源方面的改善因應對策,例如:提高薪資結構、住宿環境條件、伙食改善等來吸引應聘人員外,收集2011年至2012年之間生產管理績效數據,比較個案公司導入省人化及自動化方案前後之效益,如何透過導入自動機械手鎖付螺絲及流水線作業由滑板線改皮帶線、生產製程由BTO模式增加CTO 模式及未來計劃導入機器人等方案來推行省人化與自動化的績效成果,如何透過這些省人化及自動化導入的方案來減少對勞動力的依賴,相對地也減少企業對薪資福利不斷提高所造成人力成本提高的衝擊,最後透過個案公司筆記型電腦輕薄設計方面的省人化與自動化之成功經驗及實施成效,除了可以複製推廣到大陸其它廠區(重慶&成都)外,也可以針對大陸地區筆記型代工的台資企業提供這些省人化及自動化的解決方案,促進產業技術升級,減緩缺工問題並提升其經營的競爭力。 個案公司基於勞工對價值觀、思想的根本變化背景下,利用行為科學理論的框架,研究如何讓勞工保持對工作的熱情,有效降低勞工離職曠工率,進而構建管理機制。個案公司作為典型的科技類勞力密集台資企業,對勞工的離職曠工研究,激勵方案建構,具有較強的借鏡意義,對於從事勞工管理的研究人員和工作人員也有一定的參考價值。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractChinese social and economic sustainable development since 2005 to now, enterprises are facing severe challenges to strike from the lack of government policies to adjust the minimum wage under the rise, China’s labor market Advantage has been better than ever. Taiwan in the past because of a labor-intensive industry, leaving Taiwan, is nothing more than hope by Chinese labor-intensive, lower costs to fight a variety of international competitive pressures. Chinese government to develop urban and rural planning, policy and vigorously develop the central and western influence, so that the original Yangtze River Delta has become increasingly tight labor market, adequate and Taiwan-funded enterprises are facing not only the question of an increase in labor costs, a more serious problem is the labor-intensive units owned enterprises, how to enhance the work of labor enthusiasm, from values, ideas, and motivation of the study. Therefore, this study takes the mainland Wistron Kunshan plant notebook computer production base - MEAN InfoComm (Kunshan) plant as a case study, in addition to the relevant literature study, the case company itself in the human resources to improve the response strategies such as: increased salary structure, conditions of accommodation, food and other improvements to attract candidates, the collection from 2011 to 2012 between production management performance data, comparing the case into the provincial People and automation solutions before and after the effectiveness of how through import automated robotic pay the screw lock and pipeline operations by a skateboard line to change the belt line, the production process by the BTO mode increases CTO model and future plans into robot programs to implement the provincial People and automation of performance outcomes, and how through these provinces people and automation to import programs to reduce dependence on labor, but also reducing relative to continuously improve wages and benefits increased labor costs resulting from the impact, and finally through the case notebook slim design and automation of the provincial People’s successful experience and effectiveness of implementation, In addition to the mainland can be copied to promote other plant (Chongqing & Chengdu), you can also notebook OEM for the mainland of Taiwan-funded enterprises to provide people of these provinces and automation solutions, technology and promote industrial upgrading and enhance mitigate the problem of lack of work their business competitiveness. Case workers based on the values of the company, a fundamental change in the context of thinking, the use of behavioral science theory framework to study how to make labor to maintain enthusiasm for work, effectively reducing absenteeism and labor turnover rates, and thus build management mechanisms. Case Tech Company as a typical labor-intensive Taiwan-funded enterprises, research on labor turnover absenteeism, incentive programs constructed, with a strong sense learn, for researchers engaged in labor administration and staff also have a certain reference value.en_US
DC.subjectshortage of migrant workersen_US
DC.subjectthe provincial peopleen_US
DC.subjectproduction performance indicatorsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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