博碩士論文 100450068 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorRow-lan Uongen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract中國大陸自從1970年代後期實施改革開放政策,30多年以來, 已從早期的 ‘世界工廠’逐漸轉變為 ‘世界市場’, 在跨越21世紀之後更成為世界菁英人才競爭的 ‘世界職場’。 2010年度由中國大陸統計局舉辦的第六次全國人口普查發現,居住在中國境內的港澳台與外籍人士已達到102萬人。 其中以商務和就業為目的的人數比例就佔了超過四成。 來自世界各國,包括港澳台地區的外籍人士進入中國大陸生活、就業,首先面臨的便是因文化差異所帶來的挑戰。 本研究旨在探討具備華人背景,在接受西方文化洗禮後來到中國大陸工作的跨文化領導者,在經過當今中國大陸的職場環境的調適後所發展出的跨文化領導風格。 他們在剛進入中國大陸時面對了哪些文化衝擊, 以及經過調試之後發展出了何種風格用以中國大陸的經商及公司治理。 本研究對象選定現居住中國大陸,具備華人(台灣或中國大陸)家庭背景,於成長階段移居西方國家(英國或是美國)求學與就業,再因發展機會來到中國大陸擔任公司高階主管的六位領導者。 運用深入訪談的方式進行對各領導者進行分析、研究,探討從西方文化進入中國大陸職場所需做的調適,並從訪談內容中歸納跨文化領導者的風格。 本研究之發現如下: 1. 跨文化領導者從西方文化中取得以下特質深刻影響到現今的領導風格:注重雙向溝通、平衡工作與生活、公私分明,就事論事、以及擁有開放的心態。 2. 跨文化領導者初面對中國大陸職場環境感受到了以下文化衝擊,並做出以下調適:根據員工的成熟度調整自身的領導模式、思考順序由‘法、理、情’轉變成‘情、理、法’、學會使用‘給面子’、‘給臺階下’等方式來輔導員工。 3. 跨文化領導者的心態如下:保持高度彈性、注重終身學習、正向思考、做自己,不模仿他人。 因此本研究對在中國大陸任職的跨文化領導者給出以下建議:當今中國大陸經濟變化迅速,勞動者的心態一直不斷在改變。 身為領導者,需要保持靈敏及彈性,隨時學習,並對自己的風格做出適當的調整。 同時,面對中國大陸製造業的未來,身為領導者需要更有前瞻性,想得更遠,才能帶領公司前往更美好的未來。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractSince the implementation of the open-door policy in the late 1970’s, China has transformed herself from a ‘world factory’ to a ‘world market’. After the 21st Century came, China has become a ‘world workplace’ where the smart and the talented from all over the world come to compete for work opportunities. According to the 2010 census held by the Chinese Bureau of Statistics, more than 40% out of the 1.2 million ex-pats living in China were for business and employment purposes. Challenges relating to cultural differences are faced by foreigners as they first enter China for living and employment. The goal of this research is to investigate and explore the leadership styles of Chinese/Taiwanese business leaders with western cultural influences who are currently living in China. What kinds of cultural shocks did they face, and how did they overcome the cultural differences and form new leadership styles as they learn to do business and run operations in their companies in China. The objects of this research are company leaders with Chinese/Taiwanese family background who moved to western countries (the US and England) during childhood. After receiving education and employment in western countries, they came to China for business opportunities and became top-level management in companies in China. In-depth interview method is used for investigating and analyzing these leaders for understanding their styles. The findings are as follows: 1. Cross-cultural leaders obtained the following characteristics from western cultures which affect their leadership styles: two-way communication; work-life balance; separation of work and personal; and having open minds. 2. When first entering Chinese workplace, adjustments made by cross-cultural leaders made the following adjustments are: adjusting leadership styles according to the level of maturity of employees; consideration of ‘relationships’ come before ‘rules and regulations’; the use of ‘face’ for coaching employees. 3. Common mindset of cross-cultural leaders are : being highly flexible; continuous learning; thinking positively, be oneself and not copy others. Therefore this research gives the following advises to cross-cultural leaders who are currently working in China: mentality of the labor force changes quickly in this fast-changing economic environment in modern China. A leader needs to be alert and flexible in order to adjust his/her leadership styles properly. In the mean time, a leader in the manufacturing industry needs to consider about the future for the industry in China.en_US
DC.subjectcross-cultural leadershipen_US
DC.subjecttransactional leadershipen_US
DC.subjecttransformational leadershipen_US
DC.subjectpaternalistic leadershipen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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