博碩士論文 100451001 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYa-lin Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著資訊時代的變遷和科技的快速發展,全球各個企業在國際化及多角化的經營趨勢下,企業紛紛藉由企業e化和資訊化,希望藉此提高營運效益、降低企業各方面的成本支出並提升品質,更有效率的進行客製化生產模式以期能更具產業競爭力。因此企業如何利用企業資源規劃系統快速地將資訊分享和資訊整合成了企業成功的關鍵因素。參酌國內外相關學者的文獻中,討論導入ERP動機之關鍵成功因素者最多,結果發現企業為了因應全球化產業的競爭下導入ERP系統,在高成本及長期人力、物力投入後,並沒有達到預期的成果,企業對於導入ERP系統的實際成效滿意度偏低。使用者滿意度是衡量系統成功很重要的方式。本研究遂以資訊系統成功模式為基礎,探討員工對企業導入 ERP 模組在使用者滿意度與使用者意願間是否存在相互影響及反饋關係。並採個案分析進行深入訪談:其內容以使用者觀點,就使用者的觀點其所預期的績效及預期的付出是否會受使用者意願所影響。結果發現使用者對於ERP系統的使用介面、穩定度、回應時間及服務品質等越好,其能增加工作效率的認同度越高,使用者對於ERP系統架構邏輯的了解程度,除有助於使用者在工作上的執行,使用者對系統的滿意程度也將越高。當員工使用意願很強時,更能使新 ERP 系統之功能發揮到最大,故員工之使用意願將會影響ERP之導入效率,意即使用者意願越高其滿意度愈高。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the evolution of technology in information times, globalization and diversification has become a trend to businesses around the globe. E-business and information technology is expected not only to enhance business efficiency, lower expenditures and improve quality but also to equip companies with competitive advantage through customized production model. Therefore, it is critical to success to make use of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) to share and integrate information. Most of the relevant literature, both in Taiwan and abroad, focuses on the key factors in the success of ERP. However, it turns out satisfaction is low since companies do not get expected benefits after spending great costs, human and material resource. As user satisfaction is an important measurement of success, based on the Information System Success model proposed by DeLone & McLean (2003), this study attempts to discuss whether there is interaction and feedback between user satisfaction and usage willingness after ERP is introduced in enterprises. Case studies are conducted in the form of in-depth interviews with emphasis on the users’ point of view. That is, the analysis of cost and benefit relies on whether their expected performance would be affected by their willingness to use the ERP system. This study shows that users can work more efficiently when they perceive the user interface, stability, feedback time and quality of ERP to be better. Hence, if users can understand the ERP structure, it helps both execution and satisfaction. With higher willingness of usage, ERP can function in a better way. In summary, when introducing ERP, the success depends on the willingness of employees to use the system. They are usually more satisfied with higher willingness.en_US
DC.titleERP Implementation Promote Factors: The User Perspectiveen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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