博碩士論文 100451002 完整後設資料紀錄

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DC.creatorLien Hsiao Lingen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究以八項不同種類,於飯店的房間內不同區域的各項物品進行擺放調整,研究目的整理如下: 一、飯店房間內(臥室、起居室、浴室)各項擺放佈置,是否會對受測者的知覺價值與金錢價值的影響。 二、飯店房間內(臥室、起居室、浴室)各項擺放佈置,與受測者的人格特質交互作用,是否會干擾對受測者的知覺價值與金錢價值的影響。 三、飯店房間內(臥室、起居室、浴室)各項擺放佈置,與受測者的人口統計變數交互作用,是否會干擾對受測者的知覺價值與金錢價值的影響。   呈現主要研究結果如下:   一、飯店房間內起居室調整沙發樣式、壁貼樣式,在浴室內的景觀有無、浴缸樣式,對受測者的知覺價值會造成影響。飯店房間內的臥室擺放玩偶大小,在起居室內調整沙發樣式、檯燈顏色,在浴室內的景觀有無,對受測者的金錢價值會造成影響。在飯店房間內的臥室床組顏色與畫作有無具有知覺價值上的影響,在飯店房間內的浴室景觀有無與浴缸樣式,自變數間進行交互作用則具有金錢價值上的影響。   二、與受測者的人格特質與飯店房間內(臥室,起居室,浴室)擺放不同物品進行交互作用,調整臥室內床組顏色在神經質、外向性、和善性的人格特質對受測者的知覺價值會造成影響。臥室內擺放玩偶大小在外向性、開放性的人格特質均對受測者的知覺價值會造成影響。調整起居室內的檯燈顏色在外向性、開放性的人格特質具知覺價值顯著效果。起居室內沙發樣式、壁貼樣式在神經質的人格特質具金錢價值顯著效果。調整浴室內的景觀有無在開放性的人格特質具知覺價值顯著效果。   三、與受測者的人口統計變數與飯店房間內(臥室,起居室,浴室)擺放不同物品進行交互作用,調整臥室內床組顏色對有多少兄弟姊妹、年齡分布均對受測者的知覺價值會造成影響,而年齡分布、教育程度具金錢價值顯著效果,調整畫作有無在婚姻狀況具知覺與金錢價值顯著效果。調整起居室內的沙發樣式在年齡分布、婚姻狀況具知覺價值顯著效果,在家排行、居住地具金錢價值顯著效果,而壁貼樣式在血型具知覺與金錢價值顯著效果。調整浴室內的浴缸樣式則有多少兄弟姊妹具知覺價值顯著效果。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractBy researching purpose as below, we made the adjustment with 8-category topics on room (e.g. bedroom, living room and bathroom) furnishings and display change. (1) Setting up different hotel furnishings and decoration, we analyze the effect under recipients’ perceived value and cost value. (2) By personality and different hotel furnishings/decoration change, we analyze the disturbing effect under recipients’ and cost value difference. (3) With personal background and different hotel furnishings/decoration change, we analyze the disturbing effect under recipients’ and cost value difference. Under questionnaire review, data collation and analysis, the major result shows as below: (1) By changing the sofa style in hotel living room, adjusting wall sticker decoration and bathroom view, and removing bathtub or not, we found recipient’s perceived value will be obviously affected. By changing the big or small toy in bedroom, adjusting the sofa style, table lamp color in living room and bathroom view, we found recipient’s cost value will be affected. We also found the recipient’s perceived value will be affected by bedcover color change, the painting removing or not. The view of bathroom and bathtub exist or stay simple, with independent variable reciprocal interaction, we found the disturbing effect under recipients’ and cost value difference. (2) Taking recipients’ personality and the hotel room (e.g. bedroom, living room and bathroom) furnishings change, we found their perceived value will be affected by adjusting bedroom bedcover on nervous constitution, extroversion, and kindness personality. Placing big or small toy, we found their perceived value will be affected by extroversion and openness characteristic. Adjusting the color of living room table lamp, we found their perceived value have significant deviation on extroversion and openness characteristic. Adjusting the sofa style and wall sticker in living room, we found their cost value will be affected by recipients’ nervous constitution. Making a good view in bathroom or not, we also found the great effect under recipients’ openness on perceived value difference. (3) Taking recipients’ personal background and Hotel room (e.g. bedroom, living room and bathroom) furnishings change, we found their customer- perceived value will be affected by how many brothers and sisters they have and age factor difference. Age located and education has a great effect on cost value difference. Adjusting painting has a big effect with marriage status on both cost and perceived value difference. Making the sofa style different in living room, we found their perceived value will be affected by age located and marriage status. The sibling rank, hometown could be affected by cost value. Making the wall sticker style different has affect recipients’ blood type on perceived value. Adjusting bathtub in bathroom will be effected by how many brothers and sisters they have, and we found a great effect on their perceived value. en_US
DC.subjectHotel room furnishingsen_US
DC.subjectPerceived Valueen_US
DC.title飯店房間內擺設對消費者知覺與金錢價值之影響 --- 以人格特質為干擾變數zh_TW
DC.titleA Case Study of How Customers Be Affected by Hotel Furnishing and Decoration Change on Perceived Value and Price Different Issue, As Personal Traits as an Intervening Variable.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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