博碩士論文 100453004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChun-ming Liuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract我國政府在行政院研考會四階段的電子化政府政策推動之下,整體電子化政府成績屢獲國際評比肯定,如:美國布朗大學公共政策中心進行的「全球e政府」調查報告,我國於2002、2004、2005年三度世界排名第1,2001、2006、2008年排名全球第2名,顯示我國資通訊科技的進步及政府對於提供電子化服務的重視。 然而在國家政策整體推動下,地方政府的電子化治理的成熟度是否相較於其他國家的大城市也同樣具有領先的地位,值得深入探討。本研究採用Holzer團隊的「全球百大市政府網站調查」電子化政府評鑑方法,針對我國最具代表性的直轄市-臺北市政府,進行電子化政府成熟度評鑑,並與亞洲區代表性的大城市東京、首爾、上海、香港、新加坡市政府進行分析比較,以了解臺北市政府電子化治理的成熟度,並針對臺北市政府資訊局進行人員訪談,以探究部分構面表現不佳的成因,作為後續建議的參考。 研究結果顯示:臺北市政府在亞洲區代表性的大城市中,電子化政府的成熟度排行第二,整體表現相當優異,尤其在安全與隱私及線上服務表現突出,趨近表現第一的首爾市政府;在網站內容與民眾參與部分則趨近亞洲區大城市的平均水準,但與表現第一的首爾市政府有段差距。值得注意的是,臺北市政府在網站可用度構面表現不佳,在亞洲區大城市排行最後,後續經與臺北市政府資訊局進行人員訪談後,發現網站可用度構面表現較差的成因,在於沒有遵守國家訂定的網站設計參考規範,以及內部跨單位協調不易,造成網站對外提供的資訊與服務模式不夠親民。 研究建議:臺北市政府網站設計參考研考會訂定之相關規範,採用與民眾貼近的服務推薦模式並以民眾需求為導向進行網站規劃,並增加網站內容發佈的廣度與管道,並建議採取開放的心態,利用網站平台進行政策討論與接受市民建議。最後,本研究提出結論與建議,供臺北市政府以及其他縣市政府及後續研究者參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractDriven by the four-phased e-government policies introduced by the Research, Development and Evaluation Committee of Executive Yuan, Taiwan’s practice of digital governance has been repeatedly acknowledged in international evaluations. One example is the Global E-governance Report conducted by Taubman Center for Public Policy of Brown University in the United States. Taiwan was ranked the first worldwide in 2002, 2004, and 2005 and the second in 2001, 2006, and 2008. The ranking reflects the advancement of Taiwan’s information and communication technology as well as the emphasis the government has put on digital services. Whether local digital governance in Taiwan, propelled by the national policy, also takes a leading role ahead of other countries’ municipalities is worth analysis. Based on the assessment method adopted in Holzer’s Digital Governance in Municipalities Worldwide, this research evaluates the maturity level of e-governance in Taipei, Taiwan’s most representative municipality, and compares it with other Asian municipalities including Tokyo, Seoul, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Recommendations for improvement are provided in areas where performance is below expectations following an interview with the Department of Information Management at Taipei City Government. The results show that Taipei is ranked the second among Asian municipalities regarding the maturity level of municipal e-governance. The overall performance is close to Seoul, the highest ranked city, especially in the categories of Security/Privacy and Services. For Content and Citizen Participation, Taipei’s performance is at the average level like other Asian municipalities but behind Seoul in the first place. It should be noted that Taipei is the lowest ranked in the area of Usability. An interview with the Department of Information Management at Taipei City Government leads to a conclusion that the reason is because the municipal website is not designed according to national regulations. Given the difficulty in cross-department communications, the website that contains information and services is not user-friendly. The Taipei City Government website is recommended to be designed based on the regulations of the Research, Development and Evaluation Committee. By providing services to citizens in a service-oriented website, the Taipei City Government may expand the scope and access of the website information. The city government may also be able to exchange opinions with citizens about policies through the on-line platform. Overall, this research provides conclusions and recommendations for Taipei City Government, other city governments, and future studies.en_US
DC.subjectTaipei City Governmenten_US
DC.subjectmaturity level evaluationen_US
DC.title亞洲地區大城市電子化治理個案研究 - 以臺北市政府為例zh_TW
DC.titleMunicipal E-Governance in Asia – A Case Study of Taipei City Governmenten_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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