博碩士論文 100457019 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShu-Chun Changen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract因應台灣藥業市場環境的快速變遷,企業無不以加強技術、行銷、策略等各方面能力來做為其競爭優勢,但這些能力易於被競爭對手所模仿。相對而言,優秀人才是不易被模仿的競爭優勢之一。在製藥產業中,除了關鍵的研發部門之外,更重要的成功要素在於負責組織銷售成長的業務相關部門。招募與甄選時所需考量的特質與條件;招募方式的效果與甄選工具的品質,對企業整體的人力資源具有相當深遠的影響。 本研究主要目的在於探討人格特質與藥廠業務人員實際工作績效之間的關聯性,並以實證探討採用的量表對藥廠業務人員而言是否為具有足夠信度的甄選工具;同時探討藥廠業務人員之人口統計變項與工作績效是否相關,並運用相關分析期能判斷出具潛力業務員的篩選條件,以找到合適的員工為個案藥廠公司創造較佳的工作績效,並為爾後人力資源管理上運用之參考依據。 本研究以藥廠業務人員作為研究樣本,研究方式分為兩個部份:其一,採就業情報(Career)之「職業適性診斷測驗(Career Personality Aptitude System)」,以國內個案藥廠業務人員為施測對象;其二,採譯自Goldberg (1999)所發展的五大人格特質量表及Spector (1988)修訂自Rotter(1966)內外控傾向的量表,以國內知名藥廠業務人員為對象發放問卷。經由兩種研究方式,以驗證是否能有效地預測藥廠業務人員工作績效。經信度分析、相關分析與迴歸分析等統計方法整理分析後,研究I發現「職業適性診斷測驗」與高績效業務人員的五項特質沒有相關性;而研究II發現五大人格特質皆與藥廠業務人員之工作績效有顯著正相關,且五大人格特質之「情緒穩定性」、「親和性」與「勤勉審慎性」對藥廠業務人員之工作績效有較佳的預測能力並有顯著的正向影響。 基於節省成本與甄選工具有效性上,建議個案公司可採用五大人格特質量表中的「情緒穩定性」、「親和性」及「勤勉審慎性」作為甄選工具;同時運用至相關的人力資源措施,以培育組織人才,維持企業競爭優勢。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractFacing Taiwan’s rapidly changing market environment, each company is trying to strengthen the technical, marketing strategy and other aspects of the ability to do its competitive advantage. However, these capabilities are easy to be imitated by competitors. In the other hand, the talent is not easily to be imitated. In the pharmaceutical industry, in addition to R & D, sales play the key factor for achieving organization success. Recruiting strategy and the quality of selection tools make a great impact on implementation of human resource strategies. The study aims to explore the relationship between personality traits and job performance of sales representatives in pharmaceutical industry as well as explore the population statistic variables and job performance. Use analysis to find the qualifications of potential sales that can perform high performance in the organization. In this study, the sales of pharmaceutical industry as the object of study, the research is divided into two parts. First, use the “Career Personality Aptitude System’; second, use the big five personality traits questionnaire translated from Goldberg (1999) and the Internal-external locus of control questionnaire modified from Rotter (1966). Through two kinds of research methods, the method I found that there is no correlation between personality traits and high performance sales; while method II found that there is positive correlation between the big five personality traits and high performance sales in terms of "Neuroticism," "Agreeableness" and "Conscientiousness". Based on cost savings and selection tools efficiency, we suggest it’s better to adopt the "Neuroticism," "Agreeableness" and "Conscientiousness" from big five personality traits questionnaire as the selection tools. Meanwhile, leverage related human resources strategies to develop organizational talents and sustain competitive advantage.en_US
DC.titleA study of the relationship between personality traits and job performance of sales representatives in Pharmaceutical industryen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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