博碩士論文 100458001 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChing-yuan Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract聯發科技近幾年在全球IC設計公司排名均列入前十大,在台灣也始終站穩龍頭寶座,其過去在光儲存晶片市場的市佔率一直維持全球第一,在Bur-ray DVD、功能性手機、數位電視晶片等市場,也是運用整合性的商業模式,以後進者之姿切入市場,並在很短的時間內即躍升至市場的領先地位。然而,聯發科在近兩年智慧型手機興起的關鍵時刻,營收與獲利卻呈現大幅衰退的局面。   本研究主要目的在於探討聯發科技過去成功的商業模式,找到蘊含其中的關鍵成功因素,再針對其處於劣勢的商業模式,提出建議修改方向以提高競爭力,重建成長動能。本研究以鄭漢鐔(2013)所提出的「8十國家模式」、「8十商業模式」以及「8十財會模式」為主要的分析架構。首先以「8十國家模式」分析聯發科過去十年間所處的外在環境的變化及其所帶來的「機會」與「威脅」;其次,以「8十商業模式」分析聯發科過去十年成長歷程中的商業模式沿革所建立的「優勢」與「劣勢」,再以「8十財會模式」分析各時期之經營績效與財務狀況。最後,本研究就聯發科未來應如何改變其商業模式提出建議。   本研究主要結論如下:   1.依據「8十國家模式」分析,本研究發現近年來中國政府大力扶植IC設計產業,影響台灣IC設計公司甚鉅;兩岸經貿開放後,台灣IC企業必需提供更多元的人才延攬策略方能留住人才。   2.依據「8十商業模式」分析,本研究發現聯發科在各產品發展階段,因應不同外在環境變化,轉變其所採行的商業模式。在初期聯發科成功運用time to market的架構迅速調整其產品發展時程,讓客戶可以縮短產品的生產時程迅速量產;然而近來內部團隊在產品開發上出現意見分歧,致使產品開發時程受到嚴重影響。所幸協同合作的問題在近期已經步入正軌。   3.本研究以「8十財會模式」分析聯發科過去不同時期之經營績效與財務狀況,結果發現聯發科初期之營收及獲利,均呈現穩定成長態勢。惟2011及2012上半年間受到Smartphone產品線轉換不順利的影響,營收及獲利均大不如前。   4.本研究就聯發科未來應如何改變其商業模式提出以下建議: (1)就設計公司治理體制與策略方針構面:公司應設計完善公司治理機制,迅 速回應顧客需求。 (2)就確立公司使命與承諾構面:公司應了解目標顧客之市場環境。 (3)就建立公司管理團隊與行政組織能力構面:公司應人才培訓與留任傳承。 (4)就整合公司可用資源與槓桿結構構面:公司應加強公司內部資源整合,尤 其是研發團隊的整合。 (5)就聚焦顧客價值訴求與公司價值構面:公司應主張永遠比客戶早一步思 考;了解終端使用者的需求。 (6)就拓展事業版圖與強化風險管理構面:公司應調整客戶群,擴大市場版 圖。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith applications of its integrative business model, MediaTek Inc., a latecomer of IC design service for Smartphone, Blu-ray DVD, and digital TV chipset, has soon become a leading role in these fields. Also, the company now captures top market share in optical storage IC industry and has entered top 10 IC design company rankings around the world. However, given all these promising prospects, Mediatek’s annual net income and net profit margin for the past two years plunged significantly, instead. Enterprises need a solid and sound business model if they want to pursue a sustainable growth. Through the analyses of Mediatek case, we are able to identify elements to its success and flaws of its recent policies in the related business fields, and aim to render some useful ideas for rebuilding Mediatek’s competition capacity in the future. This study uses the 8+nation model, the 8+business model, and the 8+Finance and Accounting model proposed by Hann-Tarn Jeng (2013) to analyze the environmental changes and derive the “Opportunities and Threats” faced by Mediatek during the past ten years; to examine the business model of Mediatek and derive its “Strengths and Weaknesses”, and to demonstrate the firm’s operating performances and financial conditions in different periods with quantifiable data. The results of this study are as follows. 1.Base on the 8+ nation model analysis, this study finds that the Chinese government put much effort to support the nation’s IC Industry development. After deregulation of the cross-straight trading and investment, Taiwanese IC firms have to initiate more competitive recruiting policies to keep the talents to stay in the home country. 2.Using the framework of 8+Business Model, this study describes the evolution of MediaTek’s business model in various stages of product development. In the initial stage, MediaTek successfully used the “time to market” architecture to quickly adjust its product development process, so that customers can shorten the production schedule and reach mass production rapidly. However, in the later stage, there existed disagreements among the R&D teams, which delayed the product development. The firm has solved the collaboration problems recently. 3.Base on 8+Finance and Accounting model, we analyzed different periods of the operating performance and financial condition of MediaTek. The results showed that the early stage of MediaTek saw its revenues and profits a strong growth momentum. However, during the period of the 2011 and the first half of 2012, the revenues and profits have deteriorated due to the failure of converting Smartphone product lines. 4.Finally, this study provides some suggestions concerning how MediaTek should change its business model in the future: (1)In the aspect of “Design corporate governance system and strategic directions”, the firm should design corporate governance mechanisms to respond customer demands quickly. (2)In the aspect of “Establish the company’s mission and commitment”, the firm should understand the market environment of their target customers. (3)In the aspect of “Build up management team and administrative organizational skills”, the firm should focus on employees training and skills enhancement and inheritance. (4)In the aspect of “Integrating available resources and leverage the company structure”, the firm should strengthen internal resource integration, particularly, the integration of R&D teams. (5)In the aspect of “Focus on customer value propositions and the value of the company”, the firm should always think one step ahead than the customers and understand the end users’ needs. (6)In the aspect of “Expand business territory and strengthen risk management”, the firm should adjust the customer base, and expand market presence.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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