博碩士論文 100522017 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYu Tung Laien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractInquiry-based learning has been developed for years. Many countries have even managed inquiry-based learning into the K-12 learning category. However, this type of learning method does not provide an efficient and effective way to record. Therefore, this paper proposes the idea of using location-based augmented reality that allows students to immerse themself in the process of inquiry learning by using handheld system to record observation of objects in real time. With the handheld devices, it provides a platform for learners to talk and discuss with each other, which further enhance the learner’s level of knowledge. Inquiry-based learning process consists of five steps: asking questions, trying to answer questions, stimulating creative concepts, forming people discussing, and generating final conclusions based on the discussions to develop a more in depth question that starts a new problem cycle. In order to understand online knowledge sharing behavior of learners using the location-based augmented reality, we will use analytical models IAM to explore multiplayer interactive behavior of knowledge discussion, which also helps to understand the difference in location-based augmented reality on students’ depth of knowledge level. The selected targets are 57 fourth year students in a northern elementary school. Among them, 28 are placed into the experimental group, and 29 to the control group, learning respectively in classroom and outdoor. The teacher would first do observation guidance during the process, then allow learners to observe aquatic plants, asking questions to each other and mutual answer questions, and do a complete oral observations question reports. This result shows that location-based augmented reality combines outdoor inquiry-based learning can improve the level of knowledge sharing, achieving high-level thinking, and cognition from such learning activities. The experimental group in the analysis and conclusions levels is higher than the control group. Moreover, the control group off-topic number is much higher than the experimental group. We suggest that future inquiry teaching mode can be used location-based augmented reality so that learners have a deeper knowledge sharing and discussion.en_US
DC.subjectlocation-based ARen_US
DC.titleExploring the behavioral patterns of an online knowledge-sharing discussion activity by location-based AR for an inquiry-based learning course in primary schoolen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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