博碩士論文 100552018 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChin-yu Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著科技進步,自動化與資訊化的住宅,即智慧家庭(SH:Smart Home),已成未來發展的趨勢。智慧家庭閘道器(HG:Home Gateway)在其中扮演著核心與資訊中心的角色,大部分的服務與家電產品皆透過 HG 搭配網路進行智慧化的運作。父母管控功能(PAC:Parental Control)是 SH 中一項常見的概念服務,以父母為出發點幫助管控孩童不當的使用網路,然而此項服務的使用並未普及。 本研究在以 Linux 系統平台為基礎的 HG 設備上實作 PAC 的三個功能,並提供 SH 用戶中具父母身任的用戶使用。然後以科技接受模型(Technology Acceptance Model)為基礎,結合理性行為理論(Theory of Reasoned Action),另外加入信任感、知覺風險等變數以探討家長對 PAC 的知覺有用性、知覺易用性、信任感、主觀規範、知覺風險及使用態度對 PAC 使用意圖的影響關係。 在用戶實際體驗 PAC 之後,我們以問卷的方式進行資料蒐集,總計回收 36 份問卷,其中有效問卷為 32 份,有效回收率為 88%。最後利用皮爾森相關係數以及顯著性差異 p值進行資料分析,根據家長的觀點調查結果得出以下結論: 一、 知覺易用性認知程度正向影響知覺有用性認知程度,而且影響顯著。 二、 知覺有用性認知程度正向影響使用態度,而且影響顯著。 三、 知覺易用性認知程度正向影響使用態度,而且影響顯著。 四、 使用態度正向影響使用意圖,而且影響顯著。 五、 知覺風險負面影響使用態度。 六、 信任感正向影響主觀規範,而且影響顯著。 七、 主觀規範正向影響使用意圖,而且影響顯著。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith advances in technologies, the smart home(SH) has become a trend of our future living. The home gateway(HG) plays the center role in the smart home; most of the SH appliances are connected to Internet through the HG to provide services. Parental Control (PAC) is a conceptual service in the SH; it aims to help parents control their children on their behaviors of accessing Internet. However, PAC service is not widely used among SH users. In this study, we implement three PAC functions on top of a Linux-based HG, and provide some SH users who have already been parents with such functions in their HGs. We then use the technology acceptance model(TAM), combined with the theory of reasoned action(TRA), along with two extra factors, the sense of trust and the sense of perceived risk, to investigate the impact of the factors, such as the perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, subjective norms, sense of trust, and sense of perceived risks, on the intention to use PAC functions in the SH. Totally 36 pairs of parents participated the investigation; they experienced the use of the PAC function. We issued questionnaires to collect data about their experiences of using the PAC function and retrieved 32 effective questionnaires, which means the effective response rate is 88%. Finally, we use Pearson correlation coefficient and statistical significance p-value to analyze the data. We have the following conclusions. 1. The perceived ease of use has significant positive effects on the perceived usefulness. 2. The perceived usefulness has significant positive effects on the attitude toward using. 3. The perceived ease of use has significant positive effects on the attitude toward using. 4. The attitude toward using has significant positive effects on the intention to use. 5. The perceived risk has negative effects on the attitude toward using. 6. The sense of trust has significant positive effects on the subjective norm. 7. The subjective norm has significant positive effects on the intention to use.en_US
DC.titleA Study on the Intention to Use the Parental Control Function in Smart Homes Based on the Technology Acceptance Modelen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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