博碩士論文 100622004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShao-Chen Hsuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract利用鑽井資料建構臺北盆地第三紀之地層與構造 許劭禎 摘 要 臺北盆地的地質研究從日據時代發展至今,已有近百年歷史,一般認為臺北盆地是由後造山作用所形成的構造陷落盆地,而山腳斷層亦為盆地內最主要的活動斷層。過去,由於技術限制及鑽井數量不足,故臺北地區的地質圖幅對於盆地地下地質並未多加描述;然而,隨著都會區快速發展,多項重大建設於盆地內進行,深入瞭解盆地的地下地質相形更加重要。近20年來,盆地內鑽鑿了許多深入第三紀基盤的井孔,同時提供相當良好的岩芯資料,使我們得以一窺臺北盆地的地下地質。本研究嘗試收集並統整這些鑽井資料,完成新的臺北盆地第三紀基盤地質圖。 由鑽井資料來看,臺北盆地受到西緣山腳斷層所控制,大致呈現西深東淺的基盤面貌。本研究分析52口鑽井岩芯資料,其中40口深入第三紀基盤,統整基盤深度、岩性特徵及判斷各井基盤地層。將井下的第三紀基盤與地面地質資料、地球物理探勘成果相互校正後,得到臺北盆地第三紀基盤的等深線圖;本研究所建構之基盤等深圖其盆地西緣的基盤等深線(關渡、五股地區)呈現兩個圈合,擁有各自的沉降中心。最後將基盤等深圖作為底圖,並加入各井第三紀基盤傾角資料與判釋後地層,參考盆地周圍第三紀岩層位態,製作出臺北盆地的基盤地質圖。 藉由本研究可比以往更瞭解臺北盆地的地下地質特徵,如: 地下構造、基盤深度、地層分佈等。期在未來於盆地內再進行重大工程時,本研究之結果能提供一全面性的參考依據,包括山腳斷層斷裂行為的可能解釋,並對臺北地區地質災害之預防和分析上有實質的幫助。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractConstructing the Tertiary Strata and Structures in Taipei Basin Based on Drilling Data Hsu, Shao-Chen ABSTRACT The geological survey in Taipei Basin has been developed for more than a hundred years from the Japanese colonial period. It is widely accepted that the Taipei Basin is formed as a half-graben tectonic basin by post-orogenic process, and its westernmost geological structure, the Shanchiao Fault, is considered to be a major active fault in the Taipei metropolitan. The subsurface geology of Taipei Basin was insufficient due to the drilling technical limitation and scant amount of boreholes in the past. There were many drillings for major engineering constructions in Taipei in the latest 20 years. These boreholes obtained massive cores that allow us to study the subsurface features of the Taipei Basin. This study attempts to integrate the drilling data, and construct a Tertiary geological map of Taipei Basin. According to the drilling data in Taipei Basin, the Tertiary basement depth roughly becomes deeper from east to west, which is likely controlled by Shanchiao Fault. In my study, we use 52 sets of drilling data as control points along with the information of Tertiary strata surrounding around the basin, to construct the basement depth contour in the Taipei Basin. We, further, present the subsurface geological features, and discuss the distribution of the Tertiary strata in the Taipei Basin. Finally, using the Tertiary basement dip data, depth contour and stratigraphic interpretation, the basement geological map of Taipei Basin is constructed. The understanding of the subsurface geological features in the Taipei Basin, such as the subsurface geological setting basement depth formation distribution and so on, has been significantly improved after this study. The result of the study can provide comprehensive information of the Tertiary basement of Taipei Basin for designs of future major civil constructions and analyses of hazard mitigation.en_US
DC.subjectTaipei Basinen_US
DC.subjectShanchiao Faulten_US
DC.subjectTertiary basementen_US
DC.subjectdrilling dataen_US
DC.subjectbasement depth contouren_US
DC.subjectgeological map of basementen_US
DC.titleConstructing the Tertiary Strata and Structures in Taipei Basin Based on Drilling Dataen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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