博碩士論文 100721006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorJen-Hua Yehen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討新移民二代對於其父/母原生國文化與台灣社會主流文化之認同情形,分析其在成長歷程中,曾感受、覺察到的文化認同的可能型塑影響為何,以及這些文化認同在其投入、歸屬與統合的情況。本研究研究對象為十五位就讀桃園市觀音地區國中生,以參與觀察、半結構式訪談法為研究方法,訪談的大綱以「文化投入」、「文化歸屬」、「文化統合」三個方面為架構進行設計。依據訪談內容與筆者的參與觀察,研究結論如下: 一、在文化投入與文化歸屬方面,新移民二代普遍能夠了解並且認同新移民母國文化之重要性,不過由於環境的影響與缺乏契機的緣故,在學習動機是較為薄弱的。 二、文化統合呈現的樣態上,新移民二代在生活之中是台灣和新移民母國雙文化並行,然而在日常生活實踐上,兩者所佔的比例懸殊。 三、前往/回去新移民原生國的經驗偏向於觀光式的凝視,而非我群的感受。 四、先天之血緣、出生地及後天的生長環境、學習內涵等,皆會影響新移民二代對認同的傾向與選擇。 五、受訪者就讀國中的年齡與學生身分可能影響其自主的能動性,連帶影響對於 文化展現的行為與經驗。比如參與相關活動的頻率、前往/回去新移民原生國所顯現的次數等,都不一定能代表其主觀意願。 筆者依據上述結果及研究結果提出建議與省思,作為往後研究之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract The main purpose of this study is to investigate how the second generation of the new-immigrants identify themselves between the culture of father/mothers’ native countries and mainstream culture of Taiwan society. This research interviewed 15 junior-high-school respondents who lived in the Guanyin District, Taoyuan City by using the semi-structured interviews method. Aim to figure out what they feel and notice of their cultural self-identify, involvement, belonging and integration during their growing process. The outline of the interview is based on three aspects: "cultural involvement", "cultural belonging" and "cultural integration". According to the research and the researcher’s participation and observation, the conclusions are as follows: 1. In terms of "cultural involvement" and "cultural belonging", the new-immigrants’ second generations are generally able to understand and recognize the importance of their home country cultures. But due to lack of environmental and connection from their father/mothers’ native countries. They have insufficient motivation to learn about their cultural involvement and belonging. 2. In terms of "cultural integration", for the new-immigrants’ second generations, the culture of Taiwan and their home country are parallel exist in their daily lives, but it differs greatly between the practices of both culture in their daily activities. 3. For the new-immigrants’ second generations, their experiences of returning to their native country tend to be the touristic experience, rather than ingroup consciousness. 4. The innate blood, birthplace and acquired environment of growth, learning content, etc. These factors will affect the self-identity and nationality recognition of those new-immigrants’ second generations. 5. As the respondents are junior-high-school age students. They have a limited capacity on choosing their activities. For instance, the frequency of participation in the relevant activities and the number of times visiting/returning to father/mothers’ native country. This cannot represent their own willing. Thus, this can also affect their cultural display and experiences. Based upon the investigations and results, in this article, the researcher provides some recommendation and inspiration for the further researches.en_US
DC.subjectmmigrants’ second generationen_US
DC.subjectcultural identityen_US
DC.subjectcultural involvementen_US
DC.subjectcultural belongingen_US
DC.subjectcultural integrationen_US
DC.title新移民二代文化認同之相關分析── 以桃園市觀音區為例zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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