博碩士論文 100722003 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorMei-Huei Hsuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract第一章「緒論」,說明研究動機與目的、研究方法及文獻回顧 第二章「研究客家文字令的定義與創作手法」,文字令的創作手法一共有九種:增損法、離合法、借扣法、綜合法、替換法、會意法、增字法、缺字法、斷句法,其中以增損法創作的謎題最多。另將文字令逐條解題。 第三章「文字令的謎面的探討」,文字令謎面的句式有長短句及整齊句。押韻的方式有:押韻、不押韻、換韻、押韻不避諱同字。以押陽聲韻的ong韻最多。探討謎面所蘊含的意義,及比較客語、閩語、國語,相同謎底不同謎面之謎題有何不同及特別之處。 第四章「探討文字令輔助客語教學」,運用文字令做輔助教學,將文字令編製成五份謎題學習單,作前測及後測,探討教學成效。從測驗結果分析探討文字令的難易度,以利客語教學者,在選用文字令作為輔助教材教學時,能根據題目的難易度,選擇適合的輔助教材作教學,以提高學童的學習興致。 第五章「結論」,二十一世紀是多元文化學習的時代,但客家話卻因時代背景的演變,快速流失。故研究活潑生動的客家文字令,並將之運用於教學,以期增加兒童的學習動機,讓孩子認識母語的真、善、美,進而保存並發揚優美的客家語及傳統文化。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract Chapter 1 Introduction: Describe the research motivation, the research method and the overview of the past literatures. Chapter 2 Researches on the definition and creative approaches of the Hakka’s character: There are 9 kinds of creative approaches: The method of gain and loss, the separation method, the replacement method, the ideogrammic method and etc. There are more riddles made by the method of gain and loss. Chapter 3 The discussion of the riddles of the Hakka’s characters: The sentence structure of the riddles can be divided into two category: The same-length and the long-short sentences. The four kinds of rhythming structure: rhythming, non-rhythming, change the rhythm in the middle and same-words rhythming. As for the rhythm, the most rhythm used in the riddles is the “ong” rhythm. In addition, the meanings behind the riddles were researched. Also, I compared the difference between the puzzles of the Hakka, the Minnan and the Mandarin. Chapter 4 The discussion of the help to the Hakka teaching: I made the use of the Hakka’s characters in my teaching. Five puzzle learning sheet were made to do the pre-test and post-test for evaluating the teaching efficiency. The degree of difficulty was analyzed from the results of the tests. It is beneficial to Hakka’s teachers to choose the Hakka characters for teaching. Chapter 5 Conclusion: The 21st century is an era of multicultural learning. However, the language loss of the Hakka becomes serious due to the social change. Therefore, we should put much emphasis on investigating interesting Hakka characters. Also, we can make good use of Hakka’s characters in teaching in order to motivate the youngsters. Let the youngsters know the beauty of the mother tongue, and furthermore, conserve even carry forward the beauty of the Hakka language and the traditional culture.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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