博碩士論文 100756004 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorLiao Chin-Meien_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究探討1930 年代梅州客家人遠渡重洋移民印尼的際遇,以及印尼排華 後再次移民的歷史。全文以梅州客家人遷移至印尼發展的過程為主軸,紀錄客屬 華僑華人在印尼奮鬥的過程,其中包括印尼華僑華人會館及相關社團組織所發揮 之功能,以及印尼排華事件對客屬華僑華人的影響,迫使他們集體分批遷徙的歷 程。 研究範圍從原鄉廣東為起點,論述梅州客家人到印尼謀生,遭逢排華再回歸 台灣與大陸;時空背景跨越荷印殖民時期、日本佔領時期到印尼獨立建國;訪談 對象遍及梅州鄉親、印尼歸僑、及印尼在籍僑民。研究目的包括︰(一)梅州客 家人移民至印尼後,當地華僑華人會館及相關社團組織如何協助這些鄉親在異域 安身立命。(二)印尼排華期間印尼執政者及原住民對華僑華人的迫害,導致許 多華人游離失所,選擇避居他鄉。本文探討在族群政治下這群客家人的處境,以 及印尼排華後再次移民的情形。 印華衝突與仇視有其時代的脈絡可循,本研究試圖自歷史的源流解構,以宏 觀的方式探討華印的關係,以及印尼客屬華僑華人社會所呈現的問題。除了查閱 文獻資料歸納梳理外,並訪談排華期間曾身歷其境的相關人物,以口述歷史彌補 史料不足的部份,以探究史實的真相。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis research investigates the immigration of Meizhou Hakkas to Indonesia in the 1930’s. It also touches the history of anti-Chinese riots in Indonesia and how the riots forced the ethnic Chinese to relocate. The author focuses his study mainly on the immigration process of how the Hakkas moved from Meizhou, Guangdong, China to Indonesia, what kind of struggle they experienced in Indonesia, what roles and functions the Overseas Chinese Associations and related community organizations in Indonesia played to assist Meizhou Hakka immigrants, and how the anti-Chinese riots in Indonesia impacted the Hakka Overseas Chinese and forced them to relocate collectively in batches. In this research, the author has firstly traced back to Meizhou in Guangdong, the hometown of Hakkas. He has then explored how they moved to Indonesia to make a living, how badly they were hit by anti-Chinese riots, and how they were forced to move back to Taiwan or mainland China. The timelines of this research range from the Dutch colonial period to the Japanese occupation period to the Indonesian independence as a country. Interviewed are many people, including the folks living in Meizhou, overseas Chinese returning from Indonesia, and Chinese Indonesians. Purposes of this research are to understand (1) how the local overseas Chinese Association and related community organizations helped the Meizhou Hakkasto settle down after they had immigrated to Indonesia and (2) how the Indonesian government and native Indonesians persecuted overseas Chinese during the anti-Chinese riots and forced many of them to flee into exile. Conflict and hatred between Chinese Indonesians and native Indonesians have long been recorded in history. This research attempts to explain the situations from the historical origins, to explore the relationships between Chinese Indonesians and native Indonesians in a macroscopic way, and to understand the problems existing in the communities of Chinese Indonesians. In addition to literature reviews, the author has also interviewed a few people who have experienced the anti-Chinese riots in person. It is hoped that oral history can make up for the gaps in history and help explore the truth of the facts.en_US
DC.subjectMeizhou Hakkasen_US
DC.subjectAnti-Chinese riots in Indonesiaen_US
DC.subjectHakka Overseas Chineseen_US
DC.title1930 年代梅州客家人移民海外歷史印記 -以印尼客屬華僑華人際遇為例zh_TW
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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