博碩士論文 100756025 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsueh-hsia Fanen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract隨著全球化快速的步調及公民社會的日益蓬勃,客家議題受到重視。本研究將客家、公民社會與社區大學作連結,主要是社區大學具有從社區出發向全民開放,以解放知識、關懷公共事務,建立民主參與的學習機構。策略是客家文化運作與社區民眾參與的關鍵,故本研究以建構策略為切入觀點。 本研究採單一個案質性研究,以苗栗縣社區大學公館學習中心為例,探討公民社會建構的策略。研究方法以文獻探討、參與觀察法與深度訪談法。依半結構式訪談題綱進行訪談,最後將訪談資料分析、詮釋及思考公民社會建構歷程、策略整理歸納出結論。 研究發現:(1)關注公共議題:苗栗社大公館學習中心志工校長務實採取各種策略,持續宣導凝聚公民意識,強調共同參與社區治理。(2)建構學習平台:苗栗社大公館學習中心以服務、公益、志願的型態經營,掌握公民社會兩大要素〔非營利組織經營〕、〔公共領域開拓〕加以推動。(3)形塑有聲客家:透過客家農耕精神,教導珍愛土地自然環境,從過去刻板印象中的隱形客家人,到現在擴及各族群為公民社會發聲的建構歷程,凸顯苗栗社大公館學習中心提升公民素質的獨特性。(4)強化公民社會:定期公民會議與出版社區報,苗栗社大公館學習中心作為公民社會的實踐場域,推動居民與社區互動成為夥伴關係。此全台第一份全程由社區公民打造的「隘寮下」社區報,甫榮獲文化部評比為最佳社區報。針對本研究結果提出具體建議,供後續研究之參考。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract Along with the rapid pace of globalization, and the vitality of civil society, the issues of “Hakka” have gradually been noticed. This study intends to connect the themes of Hakka with the subject of Civil Society and the Community University, so as to demonstrate the facts that Community University is the leading learning institution in constructing democratic involvement by liberating knowledge and concerning public affairs from the starting point of community education and its opening to the public. The key strategy is operated through series of Hakka culture activities and the participation of the people in the community. Therefore, in this study, the writer will focus on how to work it out through the said strategies. In this study, the researcher used a single case of qualitative research . For example, the case surveyed is in the Gung-Guan Learning Center of the Miao-Li Community University in Miao-Li County, Taiwan. To explore the strategies on how a civil society was built up, the study method will include: document investigation, participant observation and in-depth interview. According to the procedure of semi-structured interviews conducted interviews with subject outline, reports will conclude data analysis, interpretation of the strategies in building up the civil society, and summary of the progress in the end. The study found : Firstly, caring of the public issues: It is apparently that the volunteer school principal of the Miaoli Community University had successfully adopt various strategies in promoting the ideology of civil rights, sustaining advocacy on cohesion citizenship, emphasizing the common participation in community governance . Secondly, building a learning platform: The Learning Center was initially set up in the concepts of “serving people”, “concerning public welfare”, “voluntary for the community service”,etc.; promoted by the two key elements of civil society, which are: establishment of the non-profit organization(NGO), and pushing to open up the public domain. Thirdly, creating audio Hakka: Through the spirit of Hakka farming, to educate people to cherish our natural environment by acknowledge more about our land ;to highlight the learning center’s unique quality for her endeavor to voice for the invisible Hakka, which was stereotyped long before, and extend caring to all the other groups in Taiwan. Fourthly, Strengthening the civil society: To held the civil conference and publish the community press periodically. The learning center aimed to become a practice field as civil society, and to promote interaction between residents and communities to become partners . The result showed that the community newspaper —“Under the Stand of Safety Guarding Spot” has been appraised in a competition by the Ministry of Culture as “the No.1 Community Newspaper” in Taiwan, which is also the first press published by the whole district citizens in the community. In conclusion, the report points out concrete proposals for the results of this study ,and hoping to be referential for future research. en_US
DC.subjectCommunity Universityen_US
DC.subjectCivil Societyen_US
DC.title客家公民社會建構策略之研究-以苗栗 社大公館學習中心為例zh_TW
DC.titleThe Study on Building Up A Civil Society In Hakka Community anden_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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