博碩士論文 100787001 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYen-Jung Chenen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來社會企業(簡稱社企)雖然受到學術界與實務界的重視,但以社會鑲嵌觀點探討者可謂鳳毛鱗爪,此正是本論文的主要研究途徑。從客家研究角度而言,客庄社會企業所顯現的族群鑲嵌性應較其他一般社企更為深入,本研究問題乃設定為:客庄社會企業與其他一般社企在本質上有何不同?是否更能凸顯客家社會之特質?客庄社會企業之類型與經營狀況為何?客庄社企中,客家文化如何鑲嵌於客家社企網絡中,從而形塑客家經濟發展的重要策略?台灣客家社企的經濟發展策略,到底跟一般社會企業的經濟發展有何不同?本研究之理論基礎方面,主要是探討社會企業、社會鑲嵌和族群認同之間的關聯性為何?又族群認同是否扮演關鍵性的角色? 本研究採多元研究方法,包括文獻分析法、分析層級程序法、社會網絡分析法、問卷調查法和深度訪談法。分別運用分析層級程序問卷、社會網絡問卷、社會企業與社會鑲嵌關係問卷和深度訪談題綱進行「社會企業與社會鑲嵌:台灣客家社會經濟發展的策略研究」。受訪者囊括產、官、學、媒和非營利組織相關利害關係人共計110位(關係問卷施測對象110位、深度訪談受訪對象57位),其中前者包括:產(社企):94位、官4位、學3位、媒1位、非營利組織8位;而後者則包括:社會企業20家(計42人次)、政府單位3處(計4人次)、學者專家5位、專業媒體人士1位、非營組織5位。 本研究發現:首先客家社會企業係指具有客家元素,並與客庄充份進行在地連結的社企;其次,客家社會企業通常係混合型的組織型態、嵌入式社會企業,且包含:工作整合或積極性就業促進型、地方社區發展型、服務提供與產品銷售型、公益創投的獨立企業型,以及社會合作社。另外,在社會企業的運作面向亦兼具:傳統非營利導向、轉換傾斜導向、過渡的組織導向和傳統的企業導向;第三,台灣客家社會確實存在鑲嵌的情況,而其中又以結構鑲嵌和政治鑲嵌最為顯著;第四,社會企業、社會鑲嵌和族群認同之間高度相關,且族群認同扮演極關鍵性的角色;最後,台灣客家社會企業的經濟發展策略應以「發揚在地特色」和「當地居民的需求為依歸」。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, social enterprises (referred to as social enterprises) have received the attention of academic circles and practical circles. However, the discussion of social embeddedness perspectives can be described is still very few. This is the main research approach of this thesis. From the perspective of Hakka research, the embeddedness of the ethnic groups in Hakka village’s social enterprises should be deeper than other general social enterprises. The research question is set to: What is the difference between a Hakka village’s social enterprises and other general social enterprises? Is it better to highlight the qualities of Hakka society? What is the type and operation status of the Hakka village’s enterprises? In the Hakka village’s enterprises, how does the Hakka culture be embedded in the Hakka social enterprises’s network, thus shaping the important strategy of Hakka economic development? What is the difference between the economic development strategy of Taiwanese Hakka social enterprises and the economic development of general social enterprises? The theoretical basis of this research is mainly to explore the correlation between social enterprises, social embeddedness and ethnic identity. Does ethnic group identity play a key role? This research adopts multiple research methods, including literature analysis, analytic hierarchy procedure, social network analysis, questionnaire survey and in-depth interview. Using the analysis hierarchy procedure questionnaire, social network questionnaire, social enterprise and social embeddedness relationship questionnaire and in-depth interview title to conduct "Social enterprises and social embeddedness: a strategic study of Taiwan Hakka′s social and economic development". Respondents included 110 persons industry (social enterprises), officials, academics, media and non-profit organizations. (110 for the relationship questionnaire and 57 for the in-depth interview) .The former includes: 94 for social enterprises, 4 for official, 3 for academics experts, 1 for media person, and 8 for non-profit organizations; The latter includes: 20 social enterprises (42 people), 3 government units (4 people), 5 academic experts, 1 professional media person, and 5 non-profit organizations. The study found: First of all, Hakka social enterprise refers to a social enterprise that has Hakka elements and is fully connected with the Hakka village. Secondly, Hakka social enterprises are usually mixed organizational types and embedded social enterprises. It also includes: work integration or active employment promotion, local community development, service provision and product sales, venture entrepreneurship, and social cooperatives. In addition, the operational orientation of social enterprises also has the following: traditional non-profit orientation, transformational orientation, transitional organizational orientation and traditional corporate orientation. Third, Taiwan’s Hakka society does have embeddedness, and structural embeddedness and political embeddedness are most prominent. Fourth, social enterprises, social embeddedness, and ethnic identity are highly correlated, and ethnic identity plays a critical role. Finally, the economic development strategy of Taiwan′s Hakka social enterprises should be based on "promoting local characteristics" and "the needs of local residents."en_US
DC.subjectsocial enterpriseen_US
DC.subjectsocial embeddednessen_US
DC.subjectTaiwan Hakka societyen_US
DC.subjecteconomic development strategyen_US
DC.subjectanalytical hierarchy procedureen_US
DC.titleSocial enterprises and social embeddedness: a strategic study of Taiwan Hakka′s social and economic developmenten_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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