博碩士論文 101121002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorZhuo-Pin Chengen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract關羽(?-219),生前為三國時期著名武將,東漢建安二十四年(219)戰死於荊州當陽。歿後於民間屢顯靈蹟,信奉者漸多,遂有專祀。其信仰發源於唐末,經宋、元發展,於明、清鼎盛於民間,文士崇信者亦不在少數,遂有編纂事輯、專書現象的產生。編纂關羽事輯,今可考者,始於元末明初胡琦《新編關王事蹟》。 明清兩代,各類關公事輯雜然紛呈,見於書目者不下四十餘種。清初以前關羽事輯,多以胡氏所撰《事蹟》為藍本增補修訂。直至康熙年間,解州太守王朱旦假造關帝文物,開啟一連串清代學者對於關羽家世的探討與辨證。清高宗乾隆年間,經史考證學風蔚興,一時名家輩出。然考據諸書,多以經史為要,對於民間信仰的議題,當時學者罕作為研究主題。 清代學者周廣業有感於當世編輯關帝事輯者,多雜入稗談野史,信偽迷真而不自知。為還原關羽生前史實,並正其信仰源流,乃與表弟崔應榴合輯《關帝事蹟徵信編》,彙整前人之說並闡己見,其書鋪排展衍無不經考據而來,實為關帝信仰?究之大觀。廣業以考證、校?聞名當世,然家境貧寒,身後寂寥,著述多亡佚,以致現今學者罕知其人事蹟。本文擬以周廣業、崔應榴《關帝事蹟徵信編》為?究主題,除對周廣業、崔應榴學行進行?究外,亦盼藉此爬梳關帝信仰源流,並以史實考證與文獻辨偽的方式,分析明清以來關帝事蹟訛變的相關問題,作較深入的探索。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractGuan Yu (?-219) is a well-known warrior in the Three Kingdoms period. He died in a war in Jing Province in the 24th year of Jian An, Eastern Han Dynasty (206-220). After his death, Guan Yu’s apparitions have been seen by many and he was worshipped by his followers. Numerous temples and shrines were built dedicated exclusively to him. He was firstly deified at the end of the Tang Dynasty and then the worship became popular throughout Sung and Yuan dynasties. His disciples reached the most prosperity during the Ming and Qing dynasties, among which many were scholars and published a large number of publications related to Guan Yu. The compilation of Guan Yu’s various anecdotes started from Hu Chi’s “The New Chronology of Emperor Guan Yu” at the end of the Yuan Dynasty. During Ming and Qing dynasties, Guan Yu’s stories can be found in various compilations and books. However, most of them were revised based on Hu’s book before the early Qing Dynastybook. Until the reign of Kangxi Emperor, the governor of Hai Province, Wang Chu-Dan, fabricated several relics of Guan Yu, which triggered people’s interests and led to a series of research and debates on Guan Yu’s life history. This has particularly become a hot issue during the reign of Qianlong Emperor, during which textology prevailed and many important scholars dedicated themselves to it. Their work, however, was based on documentations but rarely focused on folk beliefs. Zhou Guang-Ye, a Qing scholar, felt that his contemporaneous collections of Emperor Guan contained many factual errors. In order to correct them and to clarify some ambiguities, Zhou worked together with his cousin, Tsui Ying-Liu, on “The Emperor Guan’s History and Verification”, in which they thoroughly studied the materials they had and added their own comments to the annotations of previous scholars. Zhou Guang-Ye was an extraordinary textologist, but he lived in poverty and left no decedents. Most of his works were lost and little known to scholars today. This paper focuses on “ The Emperor Guan’s History and Verification” by researching on both Zhou Guang-Ye and Tsui Ying-Liu’s works. Based on this, I also expect to trace the origin of Emperor Guan Yus deity, with aims to determine the truth of previous annotations as well as to investigate into the different versionss of Guan Yu’s stories. en_US
DC.subjectZhou, Guang-Yeen_US
DC.subjectTsui Ying-Liuen_US
DC.subjectThe Emperor Guan’s History and Verificationen_US
DC.subjectQianjia Shoolen_US
DC.titleAn Investifation on the Book “The Biographic Sketch and Related Research of Emperor Guan Yu” by Zhou GuangYe and Tsui Ying-Liu.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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