博碩士論文 101121009 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHsiao-Chiang Wangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本文探討臺灣當代古典詩人張夢機(1941-2010)詩晚期風格。由「晚期風格」(Late Style)理論獲得啟發,同時重視作者視域觀點與詩歌文本所鑲嵌的文化脈絡,以「史傳研究法」探悉創作全貌,深入考察張夢機晚期風格的成因與特色、詩法文字與主體精神展現,進一步思考抒情傳統所體現的「晚期風格」。 首先爬梳張夢機生平與風格形成的過程,勾勒其晚期風格的輪廓,後分別就主體性格、詩法形式、詩人心境三面向,層遞描繪出詩人豐厚的晚期風格全貌。「英雄已去,詩人歸來─詩人主體之顯豁」探悉張夢機在「瓦解─重建」的過程中,破蛹而出強?而鮮的明主體性格;「從心所欲而不踰矩──晚期詩藝的展現」討論其捐棄鏤花織法後,在詩藝上的破與立;「閒適換悲涼──晚期詩境與心境」則是觀察主體與命運妥協後尋求生命安頓之處,「卜居過十載,閒適換悲涼」兩句詩道盡了流離世代與個人生命的悲哀。 張夢機晚期之作中表現出晚期風格矛盾性,又同時有文化底蘊的調和,圓諧智慧與矛盾衝突並置,真實地表露詩人心境的跌宕轉折,貫徹其中的是「忠於自己」的態度,正因以情為其主、任性而發,因而顯得更加誠摯。英國名詩人彌爾頓曾說:「誰想做一個詩人,必須自己是一首真正的詩。」張夢機晚期以豐沛的創作能量與生命熱度,深刻體現了生意盎然的詩人風采與詩之精神。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractZhang Meng-Ji(1941-2010) is a contemporary classical poet in Taiwan from the late twenty to early twenty-first century. This study inspired by the Late Style Theory is to explore Zhang’s poems during his late lifetime period. We pay much attention not only to the viewpoint of Meng-Ji himself, but also to the cultural context that the poems based on. This study makes an in-depth investigation to the origin and characteristics of Zhang′s late poems style, including his poetic skills and subjective spirit, and does further study to the "Late Style" embodied in the Chinese lyrical tradition. In the beginning, the study reviews the lifetime achievements of Zhang Meng-Ji and the process of his personal work style which formed and shaped the outline of his late style. Then we probe gradually and thoroughly to picture the prosperous structure of this style from three aspects, including subjective characteristics, format of poem methodology and the poet’s inner world. Zhang’s works showed contradictory late style feature and harmonious cultural wisdom in his later poems. Those truly reflected the ups and downs of the poet′s feeling and carried out the attitude of "being loyal to himself". As a result, the emotional expression played a crucial role in his writing, and often lead his nature awareness to create, his poem became majorly earnest. British poet John Milton once said: "Who wants to be a poet, he himself must be a true poem." Zhang Meng-Ji reveals a great abundance of creative energy and the heat for life in his late poems, he profoundly conveys magnificent poetic style in the poet appearance and the soul of poetry. en_US
DC.subjectZhang Meng-Jien_US
DC.subjectLate Styleen_US
DC.subjectClassical poetry of Taiwanen_US
DC.titleThe Late Style of Zhang Meng-Ji′s Poemsen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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