博碩士論文 101124006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorChe-wei Yangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract近年來臺灣社會對於青年失業率、學用落差及產業人才失衡問題,紛紛開啟了藍領職業及師徒制探討。在產、官、學的高度關注下,以及媒體一系列藍領技職議題與國際經驗報導,為臺灣師徒制及職業人才訓練,帶來新的討論。 師徒制、師徒關係,這些經由傳統文化延續,早期社會約定俗成的概念,逐漸因研究而展現出多元的師徒功能。傳統師徒制流傳下來的特性,也因研究探討,開啟了與現代職業訓練及體面勞動的對話。許多研究證實,師徒制、師徒關係、師徒功能,皆會影響員工,組織社會化、組織公民行為,更有助於技職產業整體發展,提供良好的職能培訓制度,提升工作滿足感。文獻研究中有諸多成功師徒功能的實證結果,但師徒制與商業倫理之關係,仍未被關注探討。缺少商業倫理的師徒制,將是一套未經由商業倫理反思的人才培訓制度。若師徒制運用於違法的、不符合倫理價值的群體之中,將會帶來對社會產生惡性循環,不道德的組織社會化以及組織公民行為。而在成功的師徒制實證研究中,亦未能關注到,因師徒制而拒絕參與技職行業,或因師徒制而離開企業的研究數據。 在現今,師徒制雖已被產、官、學、媒體,多方的探討且推崇,但臺灣社會仍舊面臨著產業人才失衡、青年失業率、技職人才斷層等問題。顯現出,諸多研究成果,證實擁有高度成效及功能性的師徒制,仍未解決臺灣社會現下的產業人才危機。筆者認為,應進行師徒制倫理探究,藉由商業倫理理論,涉利者理論進行更全面性的分析影響因素,進一步由整合社會契約建構出符合倫理的師徒規範,來回應臺灣社會與師徒制人才培訓之間的爭議,以促進師徒制能切實的應用於臺灣社會,回應臺灣產業所面臨的問題,並對產業發展產生實質的助益。 本文藉由臺灣師徒文獻整理師徒研究發展及議題,再探討國外師徒制度的發展及經驗,並找尋優異之處,進而實務反思臺灣三種不同的師徒模型,最後結合理論與實務,以涉利者理論分析文獻及實務經驗整合的師徒相關倫理議題,並由整合社會契約分析人類倫理價值依據,最後建構出十四條師徒制商業倫理規範。依據這十四條商業倫理規範,除了可回應現有的師徒制爭議,依循這十四條師徒規範,將是創造良好師徒效能的開始。 關鍵字:師徒制、師徒關係、師徒功能、涉利者理論、整合社會契約、體面勞動。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractFacing issues such as youth unemployment rate, disparity between knowledge-learned and skills-needed, as well as industry talent imbalance in recent years, Taiwanese society has gradually initiated discussions upon mentoring system and blue-collar occupations. Close attention from industry, government, education groups, with series of reports about blue-collar subjects and international experience, brings new discussions on Taiwanese mentoring system and professional talents training. Mentoring system, mentoring relationship; from traditional cultural continuation, early society idea of conventions and agreements, developed into multivariate mentoring functions through studying. Because of studying, features of traditional mentoring handed down from before also started conversation between modern occupational training and decent work. Numerous of studies proves, mentoring system, mentoring relationship, and mentoring function affects employees. What’s more, organizational socialization, organizational citizenship behavior also benefit whole development of technical and vocational industry, provide well professional training system, increase working satisfaction. There are plenty successful results of mentoring system in the literature. But, there still lacks of discussion upon relation of business Ethics and mentoring. Mentoring system, without discussing its business Ethics, will be a talents training system lacking moral thinking and ethical studying. If mentoring is used in illegal, unethical parties, it will bring unethical organizational socialization and organizational citizenship behavior, vicious circles upon the society. However; in successful mentoring examples studying, it failed to look into the data of those who deny to take part in technical and vocational system due to mentoring, or those leaves their company for mentoring. As of today, even though mentoring system is respected and discussed on multi-aspects by industry, government, media, and education groups. However, Taiwan still faces issues such as industry talent imbalance, youth unemployment, and professional talents gap. Showing that despite numerous studying results proved that even with highly effective and functioning mentoring system, it still cannot solve the present crisis of industrial talents in Taiwanese society. The author believes, there should be ethical studying of mentoring; by commercial ethic theory and stakeholder theory approaches so as to gain a more comprehensive effect analysis. Furthermore, to respond the ethical disputes between Taiwanese society and mentoring system by constructing an ethical mentoring norm through integrating social contract in order to ensure mentoring system can apply on Taiwanese society practically. And to response issues faced by Taiwanese industries, generating a substantial benefit for industrial development. This paper summarizes development of mentoring system study and issues from Taiwanese mentoring related documents; discussing foreign mentoring system experiences and development, sorting out the advances; and to further reflect practically on three different kinds of mentoring patterns in Taiwan. Then combine theory and practice, data and practical experience integration of mentoring related issues analyzed by stakeholder theory. In the end, with human ethical value bases analyzed through integrating social contract, constructing fourteen rules of mentoring business ethical regulations. Based on these fourteen regulations, existing mentoring ethical issues will be answered. Following these regulations, there will be an initialization of creating a better mentoring efficiency. Keywords: Mentoring System (Apprenticeship), Mentoring Relationship, Mentoring Function, Stakeholder Theory, Integrating social contract Theory, Decent Work.en_US
DC.subjectMentoring System (Apprenticeship)en_US
DC.subjectMentoring Relationshipen_US
DC.subjectMentoring Functionen_US
DC.subjectStakeholder Theoryen_US
DC.subjectIntegrating social contract Theoryen_US
DC.subjectDecent Worken_US
DC.titleBusiness Ethics of the Mentoring System in Taiwan.en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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