博碩士論文 101125006 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract明代崇禎皇帝思宗在位十七年,內閣閣臣計有五十人之多,有所謂「崇禎五十宰相」之稱,內閣閣臣更迭頻仍,皇帝對閣臣的重視與信賴程度,影響著內閣票擬與決策的落實。 天啟七年(1627)十一月底,思宗命廷推閣臣,仿古枚卜大典,拈出六位內閣大學士。崇禎元年(1628)十一月,思宗決定再舉辦一次會推閣臣的枚卜大典。在「東林人士」強力運作下,周延儒與溫體仁均未列入會推名單,引發了溫體仁藉錢謙益試場弊案,上疏彈劾錢謙益,致會推枚卜告終。隔年思宗任命周延儒入閣,崇禎三年(1630)六月溫體仁也獲入閣。 溫體仁初與周延儒兩人,在枚卜會推一事上,聯手攻訐錢謙益等「東林人士」,引發了永無止境的黨爭,崇禎三年(1630)九月首輔成基命致仕,周延儒接任,但後來卻受到溫體仁之傾軋,使之引退,溫體仁因而出任首輔。自崇禎三年(1630)六月入閣至十年(1637)六月罷歸,任閣臣七年,是崇禎年間在任最長的閣臣,一年後於家中病逝,崇禎贈為太傅,諡文忠。不過張廷玉所撰《明史》卻將溫體仁列入奸臣傳,對於溫體仁擔任內閣期間其朝政權責及作為以及與「東林人士」的爭鬥,則為本文探討的重點。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractOn the 17th year of the reign of Emperor Chongzhen (Temple name: Ming Sizong) of the Ming Dynasty, there were as many as 50 members in the cabinet, they are the so-called "Chongzhen 50 prime ministers", the cabinet ministers went through constant replacements, the extent to which the Emperor values and relies on the cabinet ministers, influenced how the cabinet votes and make decision. At the end of November of the 7th year of Tianqi (1627), Sizong asked the court to nominate cabinet members, followed the “Mei Pu” ceremony as ancient times, and picked six cabinet scholars. On the first year of Chongzhen (1628), Si Zong decided to hold another “Mei Pu” ceremony to name cabinet members. Under the strong operations of the "Donglin People", Zhou Yanru (1593~1644) and Wen Tiren (1573~1638) were not included in the list, Wen Tiren thus took this opportunity and proposed an impeachment against Qian Qianyi (1582~1664) of fraud, this leads to the end of the “Mei Pu” ballot. The following year Sizong appointed Zhou Yanru to enter the cabinet. In June, the third year of Chongzhen, Wen Tiren was also admitted to the cabinet. During the “Mei Pu” ballot, Wen Tiren and Chu Yanru’s joint attack on Quan Quanyi and the “Donglin People” has initiated an ongoing party struggle. In September, the 3rd year of Chongzhen (1630), the prime minister Cheng Jiming retires, Zhou Yanru took over. However, Zhou was forced to retire after the strife of Wen Tiren. Wen served as the prime minister for 7 years in total, since June, the 3rd year of Chongzhen (1630) until June, the 10th year of Chongzhen (1637). He was the prime minister who has served the longest period of time. He died of illness at home one year after his retirement. Chongzhen named him the Grand Tutor and gave him a posthumous title “Wenzhong”. However, according to the “Ming History” written by Zhang Tingyu (1672~1755), Wen Tiren was listed in the Traitors Biography. The focus of this article will cover the political responsibilities and accomplishments of Wen Tiren, and his conflicts with the “Donglin People”.en_US
DC.subjectWen TiRenen_US
DC.subjectQian Qianyien_US
DC.subjectZhou Yanruen_US
DC.subjectDonglin peopleen_US
DC.titleThe Political Affairs during the Wen Tiren and Chongzhen Perioden_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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