博碩士論文 101126007 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYan-Ru Liuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract今日,不論是台北或北京的故宮博物院,所推出的出版品項目都十分豐富多元,種類囊括各式展覽圖錄、文物複製品以及各種文創商品等等。但或許很少人知道,早在故宮博物院因複雜的歷史因素分離成兩個故宮之前──即民國初年的北平故宮博物院,也曾有過一段出版的黃金年代。 基於此,本文主要討論故宮遷台之前的歷史發展與出版品的特殊意義。研究主軸有兩方面:(一)紫禁城轉變為博物院的歷史因素和過程。(二)北平故宮博物院的早期出版品之種類和編纂情況。並以創刊於1929年的《故宮週刊》作為主要討論的例子。選擇此刊的原因為,在眾多早期故宮的出版品項目中,《故宮週刊》是一份形制、內容十分特殊的定期刊物──類似畫報的編排形式和多元的刊載內容。 進一步,經過仔細分析《故宮週刊》的各個版面安排後,本文提供一個不同於前人綜觀、概略式──僅羅列初步的內容特色觀察、並將其對美術發展的意義提得很高之研究角度。本文在此提出《故宮週刊》在編輯、選件的作業上,實際仍處於剛起步的不成熟階段,並藉由深入觀察其形式(包括發行頻率、刊期、售價)和刊載的文物內容,以更具體的例證點出其十分積極於公開、普及清宮各類物件之嘗試。此外,《故宮週刊》也具備有其他早期故宮出版品所沒有的「機關報」特性:如收費低廉、發行頻率高且刊期長、以及內容著重發布故宮博物院的種種消息以求昭示公信等等。其中部分刊載內容也反映出中國內部政治運作之情況,如:封面頁的民國人物肖像、密謀復辟人士的原書札影印,由此宣揚國民政府在統治權和文化傳承角色的正當性。 除此之外,本文也嘗試回顧中國在清末民初之際,興發的一波以登載中國古美術、文物的圖版為主要內容的出版浪潮,試圖為《故宮週刊》找到一個歷史定位。從中可以了解故宮早期出版品的出現,並非獨立的出版現象,它實際上是呼應了清末民初重視古文物保存、和弘揚國粹的社會潮流。並可觀察到此時的各種新式照相複製技術,包括石印、銅版、珂羅版等,如何被廣泛運用在美術品、文物的複製上所形成的藝術普及現象。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractNowadays, both the Palace Museums in Taipei and Beijing provide a variety of publications, including exhibition catalogs, reproductions, and all kinds of cultural creative products. However, perhaps not many people know that in the early 20th century - before the Palace Museum spilt into two due to complicated political reasons – the Beiping Palace Museum also developed its own golden age of publications. Based on this, this thesis is about to investigate the history of the Palace Museum before it settled in Taiwan. There are two main focuses of the research: the history of how Forbidden City turned into a museum and the historical reasons behind it, and the other is the types and compilation of the early publications of the Beiping Palace Museum. In order to make better elaboration, the periodical Palace Museum Weekly is selected as the main investigation subject. The formation and the contents of the Palace Museum Weekly both are special and unique, which make it outstanding compared to other early publications of the Beiping Palace Museum. For example, its layout is similar to pictorial journal and the contents are diverse. Furthermore, after thoroughly analyzing each layouts of the Palace Museum Weekly, this thesis presents different perspectives from previous studies which only outline rough observations and always highlight the impacts of the Palace Museum Weekly to the art development. This thesis offers an opinion that the compilation of the Palace Museum Weekly was actually in an immature stage. Through a deep observation of formation, including releasing frequencies, dates and pricing, and the contents, this thesis provides more concrete examples to elaborate the effort of the Palace Museum Weekly’s committing to popularize the Qing imperial collection. Besides, the publication also serves as official newspapers, for example, cheaper price, highly frequency and longer term of the releasing, and the contents more focusing on the news of the agencies. Some of its contents, such as Minguo figures printed on the cover, and the photos of the letters wrote by people who led Manchu Restoration, also reflect the political states at that time. Therefore, the publication was also used as an approach to defend the legitimacy of the Nationalist government and its right to inherit the cultural heritage. Besides, this thesis also attempts to locate the historical status of the Palace Museum Weekly through reviewing the early 20th century China. There were a variety of publications which promoted Chinese art and historical relics. By this, we can understand that the existence of the early publications of the Beiping Palace Museum was not only an independent publication but actually also correlated with the social trends of advocating the preservation of antiquities or so called "national essence." Also, the readers are able to learn that there was the time when a variety of new types of photographic reproduction techniques, including lithography, copperplate printing and collotype printing were widely used in the reproduction of arts and antiquities.en_US
DC.subjectPalace Museum Weeklyen_US
DC.subjectart periodicalen_US
DC.subjectthe Palace Museumen_US
DC.subjectQing imperial collectionen_US
DC.subjectart popularizationen_US
DC.subjectearly 20th century Chinaen_US
DC.subjectofficial newspaperen_US
DC.titleA Study on the Palace Museum Weekly: Focusing on the Concept of the Popularization of Arts in the Early 20th Centuryen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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