博碩士論文 101154008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHorng-Youna Shiaoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract中文摘要 經濟動物集約化飼養是近年討論動物倫理的重要問題之一。本文主要引用辛格、雷根、沃倫等專家之理論,從動物道德地位、道德福利以及動物權的角度,反省與思考經濟動物集約化飼養的意義與問題。 辛格採取偏好效益主義立場,認為動物具有感受痛苦和享樂的能力,因此應該給予動物平等的道德考量。我們應站在公正的立場,對於類似的利益給予相同考量。辛格認為「物種主義」違反平等原則,經濟動物應從工廠化農場中解放,可以用素食的方式來抵制對動物的殘忍行徑。辛格認為目前對待經濟動物的種種集約化飼養行為是不道德的。但雷根對辛格的觀點表示質疑,其主要質疑則有:將個體視為容器,但辛格則提出提出「偏好效益主義」予以回應,認為偏好與生命主體不可分。其次,雷根批評效益主義與利益平等考量原則產生矛盾,辛格則回應以不是要求我們要給予動物與人類平等的對待,而是檢驗是否有將動物的的利益包含在平等考量之內。而雷根提出強義動物權的觀點,完全取消經濟動物的養殖,沃倫則認為是不具說服力,提出「弱動物權利」,主張運用多重判準的來解決動物的道德地位,沃倫認為辛格和雷根並沒有主張動物與人類所擁有的道德地位或道德權利是完全相同的,她根據動物的內在屬性和外在關係,根據多重判準的分析,主張動物的道德地位是有等級的。 本文從動物道德地位以及動物權的角度,反省與思考經濟動物集約化飼養的意義與問題。由於經濟動物數量相當龐大,要徹底改善經濟動物困境,可能在短時間內無法立即見效。但當越多人減少食肉次數,也有助降低對動物的不當利用,對於改善經濟動物集約化飼養的問題是有意義的行為。同時我們可以採取獎勵畜禽養殖業者改用符合動物福利的飼養方式,並且教育消費者抵制購買讓動物遭受痛苦的產品,改買符合動物福利的產品,那對改善經濟動物集約化飼養的目標在預期的未來應該可以實現的。 關鍵字:經濟動物、集約農場、偏好效益理論、弱動物權利理論、強動物權利理論。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstract英文摘要 The raising of economic animals in farm factories is one of the hot issues of animal ethics. This paper employs the theories of Peter Singer, Tom Regan, Mary Anne Warren and others, basically with the three important perspectives of animal moral status, moral welfare and animal right in the analysis of the ethical problems of the animal farm factory for our reflections. Singer takes the preference utilitarianism view and accepts that animals have sentience and interests. Hence, we should treat the interest s of animals equally and rejecting speciesism, liberate animals from such farm factories. He suggests that we may turn into vegetarian to give more pressure to such farm factories. Regan criticizes first Singer’s regarding animals as receptacles only though Singer responded with his preference utilitarianism to remedy the question saying that preference is closely related to the life of each animal. . Regan’ s second criticism lay upon the inconsistence between the principle of equal consideration of interest and utilitarianism, while Singer responds that the principle only asks for equal consideration not equal treatments for all. Regan proposes a strong animal right, which is strongly criticizes by Warren as unreasonable. Warren proposes a weak version of animal right and employs a multi-criteria theory in the estimation of the moral status of animals. Warren thinks that both Singer and Regan regard animal as holding the same moral status as human being, and according to the analysis with multi-criteria, Warren argues that animals have a hierarchy in values. In conclusion, after analysis and reflections of the situation and problems of farm factory animals, it is morally commanded that we have to reduce their sufferings. However it is impracticable to eliminate farm factories at once because the number is too enormous. However, when more and more people become vegans, this will give pressure to farm factories to improve their treatment of economic animals. Furthermore, we could encourage animal farm owners adopting better and humanistic feeding methods by buying or support. We are looking forward in the future that humanistic raising of economic animals will be realized. Keywords: economic animals, intensive farm, preference-benefit theory, weak animal rights theory, strong animal rights theory. en_US
DC.subjecteconomic animalsen_US
DC.subjectintensive farmen_US
DC.subjectpreference-benefit theoryen_US
DC.subjectweak animal rights theoryen_US
DC.subjectstrong animal rights theoryen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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