博碩士論文 101155002 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorGuei-yin Yuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract銀江李氏三兄弟李尚灘、李錫丹、李錫金於嘉慶四年(1799)唐山過臺灣,在新竹落腳。李氏三兄弟始則傭工為業,繼則販鬻貨物,往來彰鹿。經歷七年的奮鬥,積累資金,嘉慶十一年(1806)於塹城米市街開創「陵茂」商號,自此李氏三兄弟在塹城立足。 關於李氏三兄弟的創業資金,新竹鄭家後人在《新竹鄭利源號典藏古文書》中有提及關於鴉片的小故事,認為一筆意外財是李錫金的創業資金來源,以及認定是李錫金一人獨自創業等說法。根據《銀江李氏家乘》及李氏三兄弟鬮分書內容所述,李氏三兄弟是以刻苦經營所積攢的資金開創「陵茂」號,三兄弟共同創業,非是意外致富,亦非李錫金一人獨自創業。 赤手空拳創業的三兄弟,在竹塹城崛起後,栽培第二代子嗣進取科舉功名,道光二十三年(1943),李錫丹長子李聯芬中舉人,將李家推上竹塹城社會領導階級。李氏家族身分轉變後,積極參與社會行政事務及社會公益事務,發展各種人際網絡。在商業方面,李家也跨出初期經商階段,兼墾殖土地;新竹東南山區之金廣福墾隘,李家亦是閩籍捐資戶之一,另外也收購大量小租戶土地。李家在塹城建立豐沛的人際網絡,與官府、士紳、商人家族皆保持人際往來,社會參與積極,志書不乏載李氏家族之捐款金額。光緒初年,李家透過十二位生員的士紳家族保結,及官府網絡的支持,為李錫金請得「李錫金孝子坊」。 李氏家族的婚姻網絡涵蓋面向,亦是官府、士紳、豪農等家族,塹城上層士紳家族不乏李家之姻親好友。自嘉慶年間至光緒二十一年(1895)臺灣割日,李家在臺經歷九十六年,共有五十八位家族成員之婚姻網絡;姻親締結家族有官宦家族二起,士紳家族三十二起,豪農家族十六起等。與單一家族締結婚姻次數最多,是北門鄭家,有十起聯姻。其他士紳有西門林恆茂家族有二起婚姻締結,及塹城其他紳商家族皆有精彩的婚姻締結。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe Lee’s three brothers from Silver River, Xi-Jin Lee, and ,from Tangshan to Taiwan in Jiaqing four years of Qing Dynasty (1799), then settled in Hsinchu. Lee′s three brothers began as workers for the industry, following the trafficking vend goods, between Changhua and Lukang . Struggle through seven years for accumulated funds, in Jiaqing eleven years of Qing Dynasty (1806) in ChuQian city to create a "Ling Mao" business brand; since that time, the Lee′s three brothers survived in ChuQian city. Lee′s three brothers on venture capital, Hsinchu Cheng family descendants in "Hsinchu Cheng-lee-Yuan business brand ancient documents collection" mentioned in the story about the little opium that an accident is Xi-Jin Lee Choi venture funding, and identified as Xi-Jin Lee one person alone venture and other statements. According to "Silver River Lee home by" lots and Lee′s three brothers divided the content of the book, Lee’s three brothers was a hard business to accumulate funds in "Ling Mao" brand. Lee’s three brothers joint venture together, was not from something unexpected wealth and Xi-Jin Lee ′s alone business. Lee′s three brothers unarmed entrepreneurship, family business developed after the second generation heirs aggressive imperial fame, Daoguang 23 years of Qing Dynasty (1943), Xi-dan Lee (? -1836), the eldest son of Lian-fen Lee in the Imperial Examination Juren, the city community leaders by Lian-fen Lee pushed to become in ChuQian city. After Lee family status change, and actively participate in social administrative affairs and social welfare, they developed various social networking. On the business side, Lee also taken the initial business phase, began to do business, then reclamation of land reclamation Jin-Guang-fu narrow mountainous area southeast of Hsinchu, and Lee’s became one of Fujian donated household. There were also a large number of small tenants of land acquisition. In ChuQian city, Lee family had set up abundant people networks between rulers, gentry and merchant families. They maintained interpersonal contacts, active social participation and chronicles, many of them carrying amount of the donation of the Lee family. In the beginning of Guangxu period of Qing Dynasty, Lee family through the twelve mandarin scholar gentry family security statement and official networks requested for " Xi-Jin Lee Filial son Square" to Xi-Jin Lee from imperial court. Lee family marriage network covers oriented, including officials and gentry, esquire family and ChuQian city upper gentry family, they were all Lee′s marriage friends. From Jiaqing period to Guangxu 21 years (1895) of Qing Dynasty, Lee family had come to Taiwan for 96 years, a total of 58 members of the family of the marriage networks; with two courtiers family, 32 cases of gentry family, esquire family had 16, and the most was with single-family marriage-- with Zheng family of North Gate had ten marriages and with gentry was Lin Hengmao family of West Gate had two marriages, and also with another gentry merchants families of ChuQian city had numerous marriages. en_US
DC.titleThe Rise of Xi-Jin Lee Family in Hsinchu and its Social Relations (1799-1895)en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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