博碩士論文 101155022 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorWei-fan Kuoen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract當漢人自清領時期往新竹地區移墾以來,鳳山溪和頭前溪就成為新竹地區農田水利的主要灌溉水源。不論是清領、日治或是戰後,新竹地區灌溉埤圳及民生用水的水源多來自於這幾條河川,在尚未進入工商業社會的時代,可說是新竹地區農業發展之母,堪稱新竹地區經濟命脈。 新竹的水利建設在清領時期移民的拓墾與修築水圳下,建立了基礎。日治時期,臺灣總督府一方面修補舊有埤圳及實施現代化工程來促進農業發展,另一方面對全臺水利事業進行整併作業,此時對臺灣農田水利事業影響最大的就是官方力量介入。 戰後,臺灣回歸中華民國,政府延續日治時期對水利組織的介入,新竹的水利組織經歷水利協會、水利委員會,最後定名為新竹農田水利會。隨著組織的轉變,政府對新竹農田水利會的掌控與介入也越深。透過對新竹農田水利會的人事與財務研究,可以發現員工人數持續下降且高齡化,政黨和地方力量在人事上扮演重要角色;財務上早期雖然慘澹經營,但隨著水利設施的健全與有效管理水源,配合適度的財務規劃與轉型,終始營運趨向穩定。 經過日治時期新竹水利灌溉穩定,稻作產量大幅提升,雖經二戰破壞,然到中華民國政府接收臺灣後,致力於圳道的修復養護、興建水庫、圳道工程和加強用水管理,即使新竹水田面積持續減少,稻作單位面積產量卻能透過灌溉水源的增加和耕作技術的改善而持續提升,可見新竹農田水利會對農業的貢獻,同時也能再度確認農會與農田水利會關係之密切。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWhen the Chinese immigrants reclaimed toward Hsinchu area during the period of Qing rule, Fongshan River and Toucian River became the major sources of irrigation water in that area. Whether in the period of Qing rule, the Japanese colonial period, or the postwar period, the water of the irrigation canals and of the livelihood in Hsinchu area mostly came from these rivers. Before Taiwan transformed into a commercial and industrial society, these rivers were the mothers of the agricultural development in Hsinchu and the economic lifelines of the area. The irrigation infrastructure in Hsinchu area was established with the reclamation and building of the irrigation canals by the Chinese immigrants within the period of Qing rule. During the Japanese colonial period, Taiwan Governor-General Office repaired the existing canals and implemented modern civil engineering projects to promote agricultural development. Meanwhile, it merged the irrigation organizations in Taiwan islandwide. Government involvement was the most important influence on the irrigation business in Taiwan at the time. When Taiwan was returned to the Republic of China after World War II, the government continued to be involved in the irrigation organizations. Hsinchu Irrigation Organization was transformed from an institution to a council, and was eventually entitled “Hsinchu Irrigation Association” (hereinafter referred to as HIA). Government control and involvement in HIA increased with the transformation. Through the analysis of HIA personnel and financial data, this research finds that the number of its employees has been constantly declining and the statistics indicate the aging tendency of its employees. It also shows that political parties and the local influence play important roles in HIA personnel. Although HIA went through difficult financial situation in the early stage, with the solidness of the irrigation infrastructure, the effective management of water sources and proper financial planning as well as organization transformation, the operation of HIA has tended to stabilize. The irrigation in Hsinchu area was stable during the Japanese colonial period while the amount of rice production sharply increased. The irrigation facilities were damaged during World War II. When the government of the Republic of China took over Taiwan, it aimed at the repairs and maintenance of the irrigation canals, building dams and implementing canal engineering projects, and enhancing water consumption management. As a result, despite the fact that the rice paddies were constantly shrinking, with the increase of irrigation water sources and the improvement of the farming techniques, the yield of rice per unit area rose steadily. It is clear that HIA has significant contributions to the agriculture in Hsinchu area, and, on the other hand, Hshinchu farmers’ associations and HIA are closely related. en_US
DC.subjectHsinchu Irrigation Associationen_US
DC.subjectlocal societyen_US
DC.subjectthe period of Qing ruleen_US
DC.subjectthe Japanese colonial perioden_US
DC.subjectthe postwar perioden_US
DC.subjectHsinchu Science Parken_US
DC.titleHsinchu Irrigation Association and the Local Society(1945-1982)en_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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