博碩士論文 101187005 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorYuan-Yen Huangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究乃執行兩項不同期程的樂高機器人學習之行動研究,研究者在同時擔任樂高機器人教學者執行課程活動的學習時,並同時藉由問卷調查、參與式觀察、學習評量等資料來源,掌握不同學習場域下,樂高創客新手們所建構出來的情境知識、所形塑的互動實踐歷程,藉以提出108課綱科技領域的機器人學習課程活動規劃、鷹架引導上的討論與建議。   研究一的研究對象為桃園市中壢區A國小的168名四年級、五年級的創客,在為期七周的樂高機器人NXT課程活動後,進行自編的「機器人運算思維問卷」施測。經過探索性因素分析後,共萃取出四項機器人運算思維構念:機器人設計與規劃、機器人學習的挫折感、機器人問題解決與模組化、機器人合作學習。並以單因子多變量變異數分析來檢驗性別、性別分組於四項機器人運算思維構念上的表現差異。研究二的研究對象為桃園市八德區B國中的20名七年級的體育班學生,在為期兩週的機器人課程活動中,以研究者針對108課綱科技領域的核心素養所自行發展的樂高機器人EV3課程與探究式教材作為研究工具,讓創客們於兩階段的學習活動中,最後於小組內共同完成其機器人的產品設計。 研究最後針對創客新手們於個人機器人運算思維、科技小組共創之素養導向學習,提出課程設計、學習脈絡上的探討。並針對創客小組於科技共同協作的活動中,如何促進其組內的同儕討論與互動,將提出課程活動設計、教學引導、鷹架工具的使用建議。   本研究貢獻為開發機器人運算思維量表之學習評量工具,並試圖針對108課綱科技領域的核心素養,發展素養導向的機器人課程活動設計以及機器人探究教材。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study conducted two different periods of the action research for Lego Mindstorm learning activities. In order to propose the guidelines of the curriculum design and the scaffolding strategies for Technology domain of 108 Outline, The researcher in this study, also as an robotics instructor, collected some data to realize the Lego makers’ situated knowledge and learning practice via questionnaire, participant observation and the evaluation. The participants of the study 1 were 168 4th and 5th elementary school Lego makers from Chunli city. The makers involved in accembling, programming and problem solving during the 7 weeks of Lego Mindstorm-NXT courses. On the last day of the robotics learning, they filled out the questionnaire, Computational Thinking Scale of Robotics, which was adapted from the factor structure of Computational Thinking Scale. After EFA process, 4 factors, Robotics design, Robotics learning frustration, Problem solving and modeling, and Robotics collaboration, were extracted in Computational Thinking Scale of Robotics. According to MONOVA, the study found that gender and grouping strategy would have some effect on the robotics computational thinking. The participants of the study 2 were 20 7th junior high school Lego makers of sports expertise from Bade city. According to the curriculum guidances of 108 Outline in Technology domain, the courses of Lego Mindstorm EV3 and the inquiry learning materials were developed as the research tools for the two weeks learning. After the two sessions of the robotics inquiry learning, the makers from each group finished their own Lego designs. The paper discussed the management of the learning context for Robotics Computational Thinking as a novice maker in Lego robotics learning. Besides, the paper also proposed some suggestion of how to improve peer learning in the group technological collaboration. The contribution of the paper is focused on developing the learning inventory, Computational Thinking Scale of Robotics, and the curriculum design of Competency Orientation as well as the inquiry materials for the robotics learning accroding to Technology domain of 108 Outline.en_US
DC.subjectrobotics learningen_US
DC.subjectcollaborative practiceen_US
DC.subjectsituated learningen_US
DC.subjectcomputational thinking of roboticsen_US
DC.subjectcompetency orientation of curriculum designen_US
DC.subjectrobotics inquiry learning materialsen_US
DC.titleThe Collaborative Practice and Situated Knowledge of Robotics Learning Activities: As an example of Lego Mindstorm Activityen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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