博碩士論文 101226018 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorShih-hsun Hsuen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract照明技術的發展往往著重在發光效率、製造成本與色彩表現,忽略了照明的目的是為了人類的使用。在研究發現人眼非視覺系統後,逐漸了解照明影響生理的機制,而LED優異的色彩表現與反應速度,使智慧照明成為新的照明議題。除了靜態的情境切換之外,動態照明也是影響生理表現的因素。本研究以辦公環境為目標場域,評估LED動態調變色溫的照明情境,對使用者的影響與提升精神狀況成效,以期在照明使用增添附加價值。同時延續團隊既有的照明人因評估技術,加入眼動儀作為評估工具,以螢幕作業為工作媒介,建立新的照明人因評估流程與視覺疲勞評估指標。 實驗使用遙測式紅外線眼動儀與LED平板可調變色燈,以問卷方式進行主觀評估,作業績效、掃視速度、眨眼時間與閃光融合閥值等作為客觀指標,以統計軟體分析實驗結果。動態照明實驗以色溫2700K上升至5500K的動態情境,與靜態2700K情境比較。眼動評估實驗設定工作面照度750 lux與250 lux,以及色溫2700K、4100K、5500K,組合成六種照明情境。 研究結果顯示在40分鐘的情境體驗,依客觀的眨眼時間指標,使用者在動態情境的視覺疲勞程度較靜態低,且達統計顯著差異。在生理影響的主觀評量結果則未有顯著差異,顯示動態照明不會造成生理不適或注意力分散。眼動評估實驗顯示,在750 lux照度下視覺疲勞顯著低於250 lux,且此疲勞狀況可在22分鐘的評估時間內以眼動儀偵測。最後整合三次實驗結果,建立不同作業型態下之眨眼模型。 zh_TW
dc.description.abstractHuman eyes not only are visual organs, but also can adjust our circadian clock by receiving environmental lighting. By manipulating the correlated colour temperature (CCT) or the spectrum of lighting, the arousal level and physiological state of users may be altered. In recent years, many studies have focused on the intelligent lighting with LEDs, since LEDs can display diverse colours and have the easy variability of CCTs. What we are interested in is whether the time-varying characteristic in lighting an impact factor on the arousal level, visual fatigue and task performance. This study compares the effects of dynamic lighting to static lighting in an office environment in enhancing the arousal level and work performance. At the same time, we introduce an eye tracker into the visual evaluation procedure to utilize the eye movements as the objective visual fatigue indicators. A questionnaire is also adopted to assess the psychological and physiological impacts subjectively. LED tuneable panels are used to adjust the CCT and illuminance in the experiments. The dynamic lighting comprises continuous CCT modulations linearly from 2700K to 5500K and the static lighting is fixed at 2700K; both have the illuminance fixed at 650 lux. The lighting of the eye-tracking evaluation experiment sets the illuminance levels at 750 lux and 250 lux and the CCT levels at 2700K, 4100K and 5500K to construct six lighting conditions. The results show that dynamic lighting is better than the static one, but not all the indicators showed statistically significant difference. The visual fatigue in dynamic lighting is lower than the static one, and no discomfort or distraction are induced. In the eye-tracking evaluation experiment, higher illuminance yields lower visual fatigue and the visual fatigue difference of two illuminance levels can be distinguished by the new evaluation platform. The blink patterns of different tasks are built by combining the results of all experiments. en_US
DC.subjectdynamic lightingen_US
DC.subjecteye trackeren_US
DC.subjectvisual fatigueen_US
DC.subjectarousal levelen_US
DC.subjecteye movementen_US
DC.titleAssessments of dynamic lighting in the office environment and evaluations of visual fatigue by an eye trackeren_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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