博碩士論文 101256008 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorHao-Yu Yangen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 發光二極體(Light Emitting Diode,LED)為固態冷光源,是繼白熾燈、螢光燈和高壓鈉燈後的第四代照明新光源。因其節能環保、發光效率高、響應速度快、體積小、重量輕、壽命長等優點而被普遍應用在照明和背光顯示領域。量子點發光二極體(Quantum Dots Light-Emitting Diode,QDLED)是一種將量子點封裝於發光二極體(LED)的新型發光器件,其中量子點作為一種新型的光轉換材料,具有光譜可調、半波寬較窄、量子產率高等優點,可以使量子點發光二極體獲得高顯指、高飽和性、廣色域的出光,成為近年來在照明和背光顯示領域研究和應用的熱潮。本研究貢獻如下: (1)介紹了量子點螢光粉的原理及其較傳統LED的優勢,歸納量子點螢光粉及其封裝的研究現狀,也說明了材料及封裝領域的關鍵挑戰,並探討如何提高性能和匹配最佳封裝結構。 (2)量子點螢光粉封裝結構優化。對量子點螢光粉的五種封裝結構:空氣間隙型、矽膠透鏡型、矽膠填充型、玻璃間隔型與防硫塗層型進行了實際封裝和比較;以低溫度、高熱穩定性及高可靠性為目標,得到了最佳封裝結構為玻璃間隔型封裝,其相較於傳統的矽膠填充型封裝,光效表現相當一致,在300mA電流點亮下,玻璃間隔型最高溫度為27.9℃,矽膠填充型最高溫度為29.9℃,對於量子點螢光膜片的溫升比矽膠填充型低40.8%,在高溫高濕及高溫老化實驗中亮度維持率分別優於矽膠填充型5.6%和3.5%,特別是在防硫能力上亮度維持率優於矽膠填充型41.4%。 在本實驗中找到了溫度最低及可靠度最佳的封裝結構,並透過熱量計算驗證得到了一致性的結果,為量子點螢光粉提供了可行的封裝思路。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract LED (Lighting Emitting Diode) is a kind of solid cold light source, which is the fourth generation lighting source after filament lamp, fluorescent lamp and high pressure sodium lamp. It has been widely applied in lighting and backlight field due to its advantages, such as energy conservation and environmental protection, high LE, fast response, small volume, light weight, and long life span, etc. QDLED (Quantum Dots Light-Emitting Diode) is a new luminescent device that packages quantum dots in LED, in which quantum dot is a new light conversion material, featuring adjustable spectrum, narrow half-wave width, and high quantum yield, etc. It can enable QDLED to show lights of high color rendering index, high saturation and wide color gamut, becoming an upsurge in research and application in the lighting and backlight field in recent years. The contents of this paper are as follows: (1) The principle of the quantum dot phosphors and the advantages of the relatively traditional LED were introduced, the research status of the quantum dot phosphors and their packaging were summarized, the key challenges in the material and packaging field were stated and the ways to improve the performance and find the most matching packaging structure were explored. (2) Optimization of the packaging structure of the quantum dot phosphors. Five packaging structures: air gap type, silicon lens type, silicon filling type, glass gap type and sulfur resistance coating type were packaged and compared. Aiming at obtaining a packaging structure with lowest temperature and highest thermal stability and reliability, we found that the glass gap type was the most matching one. Compared with the traditional silicon filling type packaging, the light efficiency of the glass gap type was fairly consistent. When the glass gap type was lit at the current of 300mA, its highest temperature was 27.9℃, while it’s 29.9℃ for the silicon filling type. It was 40.8% lower than the silicon filling type in the temperature rise of the quantum dot fluorescent diaphragm. Its luminance maintenance rate was 5.6% and 3.5% higher than the silicon filling type in the wet high temperature operating life (WHTOL) and the high temperature operating life (HTOL) experiments respectively, and 41.4% higher especially in terms of the sulfur resistance. In this experiment, a packaging structure with the lowest temperature and highest reliability was obtained, and it was consistent with the verification results of the heat calculation. It provides a feasible packaging thought for the quantum dot phosphor.en_US
DC.titleThe study on the packaging method and reliability improvement of Quantum Dot phosphoren_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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