博碩士論文 101350606 完整後設資料紀錄

DC 欄位 語言
DC.creatorRyan Mathias Cadleen_US
DC.descriptionNational Central Universityen_US
dc.description.abstract能源相關產業在加勒比海諸島扮演了越來越重要的角色。能源消耗與GDP決定了一個地區的經濟成長。這份研究以多元線性迴歸( Multiple Linear Regression )呈現了影響加勒比海島12個國家在2000-2010年能源消耗的因素。以世界銀行所定義的薪資基礎,這些國家被分成三個類別,高所得國家,中所得國家,與低所得國家。而能源密集度與電價、人口,GDP電力密集度與電價,電力密集度與人口、GDP,這些要素間的關係也以排列相關係數( Spearmans Rank Correlation)來分析。 遞迴分析( regression analysis ) 顯示出在高所得的國家電價與GDP會影響電力消耗,而電力密集度則是深受電價與人口影響。在中所得國家電價影響了電力消耗,而電價與人口則會影響電力密集度。在高所得的國家電價與GDP/capita 影響了整體的能源消耗,能源密集度則深受電價與人口影響。而且,從中所得國家顯示的結果來看,電價影響了整體的能源消耗,而能源密集度則深受電價與人口影響。低所得國家未被討論的原因是因為得出的結果並不良好。 排列相關係數( Spearman’s Rank Correlation )也顯示出電價與電力密集度、能源密集度間是負相關。而電力密集度、能源密集度則是和人口與GDP間都有正相關。可見能源的價格對於能源/電力密集度的水平有著深遠的影響。這結果顯示出能源保存的政策確實有必要被實施以改善能源效率。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe role of energy sector in the Caribbean is becoming increasingly important. Energy consumption and GDP are vital components determining economic growth in the region. Energy intensity levels are relatively high; consequently, this research sought to carry out Multiple Linear Regression in twelve Caribbean countries from 2000-2010 to determine what factors affect energy consumption. Based on income levels defined by World Bank, the countries are divided into three categories, high income, middle income and low income. Also the relationship between energy intensity and electricity price, energy intensity and population, energy intensity and GDP electricity intensity and electricity price, electricity intensity and population, electricity intensity and GDP was analyze using Spearman’s Rank Correlation. Regression analysis showed that in high income countries electricity price and GDP affects electricity consumption and electricity intensity are influenced by electricity price and population. Middle income countries results showed that electricity price affects electricity consumption and electricity intensity in this income group is affected by electricity price and population. Results showed that electricity price and GDP/capita affects total primary energy consumption and energy intensity is affected by electricity price and population in high income countries. Furthermore, results from middle income countries showed that electricity price influences total primary energy consumption and energy intensity is affected by electricity price and population. Results for low income countries was not discussed due to a small degree of freedom; consequently, producing undesirable outcomes. Results obtained from the Spearman’s rank correlation showed that electricity price have a negative relationship with electricity intensity and energy intensity. Also electricity intensity and energy intensity exhibited positive correlation with both population and GDP. Energy price shows to have a profound impact on energy/electricity intensity levels. The results indicates that energy conservation policies need to be implemented in these countries to improve energy efficiency.en_US
DC.subjectEnergy Intensityen_US
DC.subjectEnergy Consumptionen_US
DC.subjectEnergy Efficiencyen_US
DC.subjectElectricity Priceen_US
DC.titleAn Analysis of Energy Efficiency. A Case Study of Caribbean Countriesen_US
DC.publisherNational Central Universityen_US

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